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Ophelia and Marcel were standing in Davina's bedroom in the attic, where they were talking to her as she drew, "You're gonna love it at the compound, Davina. We already got the best room in the place picked out." Ophelia explained to her.

"I can't leave!" Davina complained, "Remember what happened last time?"

Both Marcel and Ophelia shared a glance before walking a bit closer to Davina, "We know about your deal with Elijah. We can't be lying to each other. Ophelia and I are trying to protect you. With the witches still looking to kill you for the Harvest, believe me, you're safest with us." Marcel explained to her.

Just then, Klaus arrived and decided to join them, "Plus, there's excellent light in the afternoon." Klaus commented as he noticed Davina's paintings, causing him to take a closer look at them, "I see you're an artist. Wonderful! I look forward to witnessing your many talents!"

Davina glared at Klaus for a moment before turning Ophelia and Marcel, "Was this his idea?" She questioned them, sounding angry.

"Davina, please," Klaus spoke up, causing Davina to turn her head to look at him, "I understand you're devoted to Marcel and Ophelia, but Marcel and Ophelia devoted to me. I assume you'll want what's best for all of us." He told her as he walked over to Marcel and Ophelia, "We have a meeting to attend downstairs.

Marcel nodded his head as Klaus left, "We'll get someone to pick up your things. We'll get you settled in right. Trust me."

After Marcel and Klaus began to walk down the stair, Ophelia stayed behind to talk to Davina alone, "There's something I need to tell Davina about the witches and it's very important. I have a meeting to attend with Klaus and Marcel right now, but after it's all done, I'll find you at the compound and explain it all to you, okay?" Ophelia explained to her and Davina nodded.

Before walking out of the attic, Ophelia turned to Davina once more, "I won't let anything happen to you, Davina. I promise. Even if it means taking down Klaus himself."


Downstairs, Father Kieran had gathered the human faction in the front rows of the church. He lifted his head and saw Ophelia, Klaus, and Marcel arrive and greeted them as he ushered them to the rest of the members, "Ophelia, Klaus, Marcel, thank you for coming. We are aware of the change in the leadership in your community, and we thought it was time to make the appropriate introductions."

The Mayor and the Sheriff stood up to introduce themselves, "We wanna be sure you understand how things work around here." The Mayor told him, clearly not knowing what he was getting himself into.

Klaus smiled in amusement, "Is that so?" He asked them.

The Mayor nodded confidently and Kieran was quick to speak up, "What the Mayor means is that we just want some insurance that this new development isn't going to endanger our city or its inhabitants." he told them anxiously.

The Sheriff turned to Ophelia, Klaus, and Marcel, "Look, you freaks do your thing, and we'll look the other way." He explained, causing Klaus to look at Ophelia incredulously, "As long as our pockets stay full, we won't have a problem."

"Just like in the past, eh?" Ophelia asked Klaus with a smile on her face.

"But that didn't end well, did it?" Klaus replied and Ophelia nodded her head.

Father Kieran became more anxious, hearing Klaus and Ophelia's side conversation. Fearing a violent confrontation, Kieran tried to backtrack, "More importantly, there are rules. No feeding on the locals. Don't bring any unwanted attention to the city. History has proven that we can co-exist peacefully. However, if you cross the line..." Kieran began to explain to Klaus, knowing Ophelia already knew the rules of the city.

"You answer to us." The Sheriff interrupted Kieran.

Klaus laughed loudly, "Okay... I'm sorry, let me get this straight--Ophelia and I are to play supplicant to this pompous ass and his ridiculous group of petty thieves?" He asked and both Ophelia and Marcel shared a worried look with each other.

Klaus sighed dramatically, shaking his head before walking toward the Sheriff and Mayor, "Here are my terms: You will take whatever scraps I see fit to leave you, and you will be grateful. If that doesn't suit you, I may decide you've outlived your usefulness."

The Sheriff looked angry as Klaus walked down the aisle to take his leave. Marcel and Ophelia shared yet another glance before following, annoyed at Klaus' lack of diplomacy.


Marcel and Ophelia sat at a table in the pit, waiting for Klaus to come back with some bourbon. Ophelia glanced around, noticing many of Marcel's nightwalkers feeding on humans.

Marcel made a weird face when he noticed veins appear under Ophelia's eyes as she stared down at the blood spilling down one of the girl's necks, "Go ahead and drink." He told her and Ophelia quickly turned to her.

"I'm fine," Ophelia told him sternly before noticing that Marcel clearly didn't believe her, "I'm just not used to being a vampire. I have a new appetite to go with my werewolf temper. I want to make sure to keep in control." She explained to Marcel, who nodded his head.

Just then, Klaus walked over with a bottle of bourbon in hand. He sat across from Marcel and Ophelia, placing down three glasses, "I think it was far more gracious than they deserved."

Both Ophelia and Marcel glared at Klaus, who began pouring them drinks. Klaus noticed this and sighed, "You're disappointed by my lack of diplomacy. You out of all people should need no reminder of the human capacity for cruelty. Both of you."

Marcel remained silent while Ophelia let out a sigh. Klaus' phone buzzed, and he rose from the chair to answer it, "Hello?" he answered and Ophelia quickly used her superhearing listen in on the phone call.

"Mr. Mikaelson. I just wanted to let you know that the faction's considered your terms. We've reached a decision." The Sheriff informed him.

"Have you?" Klaus asked curiously.

Suddenly, an explosion was heard from outside, and large amounts of automatic gunfire pierced through the walls and windows of the pit, scattering broken glass all over the bar room. Some daywalkers were hurt by the gunfire, and many of the nightwalkers went up in flames when they were hit by the sunlight. One of them screamed and Ophelia hurried to save one of the burning vampires from exposure, but she, Marcel, and Klaus were hit by machine gun shots. Marcel collapsed and fell to the floor in pain as Ophelia and Klaus quickly covered him with their body, both of them clearly furious.

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