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After being interrupted during their time together Marcel and Ophelia entered a garage alongside Klaus.

"The two of you take me to the nicest places." Klaus remarked sarcastically as they made their way over to the coroner's van.

Thierry and Diego opened the doors of a car to reveal two people, Tina and Josh, lying in the car, talking amongst themselves.

"Welcome to the land of the land of the living, kids," Ophelia greeted them brightly, only to notice what she had said, "Well, undead, but same thing. "I promise you, won't waste your time." Ophelia turned to Thierry, "I trust you filled them in?"

"To be honest, not much in the way of potential here." Thierry admitted, causing Ophelia to laugh.

"Yeah, well, we just lost six night-walkers," Marcel replied, causing Ophelia to glance over at Klaus, both of them knowing that it was Rebekah who killed them, "We got holes to fill. I'll keep this quick. That itch you feel? That's the need to feed coming on strong, a hunger for human blood. Drink it–you're a vampire. Don't–you die. Again. This time for good. Right here in a body bag." He explained before turning to Klaus, "Hey, what do you think, cute dorky girl or gay best friend?"

"Dealer's choice." Klaus replied with a smirked.

"Dealer's choice, okay." Marcel repeated after the hybrid, walking back over to the two teenagers as he showed them a coin, "Whoever picks up this coin gets to live forever. The other one dies."

Ophelia watched closely as Marcel placed the the coin down in between them, "Go!"

Josh looked to the Tina as she quickly  grabbed the coin without hesitation, causing Ophelia and Marcel to laugh, "Damn girl! I said, damn!" Marcel commented.

"How could you!?" Josh asked in disbelief, clearly shocked his friend would betray him like that.

"Get over it, Josh. It's not like I had a choice. You would've done the same thing, but you're such a little—" Before Tina could finish her sentence, Marcel killed Tina by breaking her neck.

"Let her die in cold storage. Got a thing about people who betray their own friends." Marcel explained as he glanced over at Klaus.


  Ophelia was walking through the French Quarter by herself after getting a call from Thierry that there was a wolf in the quarter. Marcel was bussiness trying to get the blonde bartender's attention by bringing her out on a date while Ophelia was stuck trying to figure out why a werewolf was in the Quarter.

  It was nighttime by then and Ophelia squinted her eyes to see that it was Hayley sitting on a bench. She watched as the werewolf put a few drops of elixirs inro into a cup that it was in her hand.

Ophelia frowned when the smell of wolfsbane filled her nostrils from spot in the shadows. She knew then, Hayley was trying to kill her baby.

Ophelia wanted nothing more than to stop the girl but she knew she couldn't. It was Hayley's choice whether or not she wanted to keep the baby, not hers.

  "Come on, Hayley," Hayley said to herself, "One upset stomach and all this stupid drama is ancient history."

  She lifted the cup toward her face, closing her eyes. She opened them back up and lowered the cup once again without drinking it. She let out a small sigh, only to hear a branch snap nearby soon after.

Once hearing this, she immediately stood up from her seat on the bench, looking around. She then turned to find a vampire right in front of her.

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