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That night, Ophelia and Klaus entered the courtyard of the compound to find Marcel standing and waiting for them.

"Klaus. Ophelia." Marcel greeted the two.

"You've been avoiding my calls." Klaus informed him.

"Little pissed off lately. Especially since Ophelia ditched her status as Queen of the city." Marcel replied as he glanced over at Ophelia.

"Apologies for my behavior can come later," Klaus assured him before Ophelia spoke up.

Ophelia gestured over to Klaus, who stood beside her, "You have something of how. We want it back." She demanded.

Marcel pulled out the silver dagger and held it up , "Sorry, but I can't do that." He told her as he held out the dagger to his side.

Rebekah then entered the courtyard and took it from him. Klaus looked both unamused and suspicious while Ophelia wasn't at all surprised.

"What is this?" Klaus asked the vampires.

"Apologies for your behavior?" She scoffed, "You don't apologize, Nik. You just act. I've had enough. We have had enough."

Klaus smiled in amusement, "Look at you. Finally in possession of the one thing that can take you down. How does it feel?" He asked his sister.

"Great." Rebekah replied as Marcel whistled, and about a dozen or two vampires came out of the woodwork and filled the balconies.

Klaus laughed sarcastically, "So this is it? The evil bastard Klaus has gone too far, must be punished. And by his own sibling, nonetheless. How positively biblical." He commented before glancing over at Ophelia, "And since Ophelia here by the Bastard's side, why not take her down, too? And you, Marcel, is this-" Klaus pauses as he pointed at the vampires, "-Your idea of a hit? I taught you better than this paltry excuse for a take-down. Do you think you can subdue us with this!?"

"No. But I think I can with this." He told him as he whistled once again, and dozens more vampires appeared and filled the balconies.

Marcel, Rebekah, and his vampires crowded around Klaus and Opehlia, both of whom stood in the middle of the circle as Klaus spread his arms out, "Let's end this charade, shall we? Vampires of New Orleans! Do recall that I am an Original. A hybrid. And Ophelia, the tribrid. I cannot be killed. Neither of us can. Eternity is an awfully long time. How long, do you think, Marcel will stay in power without his sweet Ophelia by his side?" Klaus shouted out, "What if one of you lot were to release us, knowing we will be eternally in your debt?"

Ophelia smirked as Klaus turned to her, waiting her to speak, "Oh, I would pity those of you who dared to cross us. I can assure you, your ends would be fantastic." She added in.

Klaus continued on Ophelia's comment, "To borrow a trick from an old friend--" He reached out his hand, which held a large gold coin, "Whoever picks up this coin gets to live."

Klaus dropped the coin on the floor in front of him, "Now, which of you magnificent bastards wants to join us?" He asked the group of vampires.

"Anyone wants that coin, pledge allegiance to Klaus. Take it now," Marcel spoke up, not adding in Ophelia's name on purpose, "Go ahead. The choice is yours."

No one moved, except for Klaus, who was slightly astonished that no one picked up the coin. Marcel looked at him, proud of the loyalty his minions showed, even against Ophelia, "Take them." Marcel ordered.

Some of the vampires lunged for Klaus while others went for Ophelia, their former Queen, but both of which easily took the vampires out.

Ophelia was hesitant to take hers out so instead she sped over to them and snapped their necks. When Klaus stretched his arms wide on either side, two vampires wrapped Klaus' wrists in chains and binded him.

They did the same to Opehlia, all of the vampires looking triumphant for a moment.

Suddenly Ophelia's hybrid face came out, and she growled deeply before breaking through her bonds without it being difficult. She touched her necklace for a moment, chanting a quick spell before she screamed out, causing all the vampires around her to go flying across the courtyard.

Klaus smiled proudly at his before he got out of his chains also. Unlike Opehlia, he used his hybrid fangs to bite numerous vampires.

Rebekah was paralyzed by fear as she watched Klaus quickly gain the upper-hand with Ophelia by his side.

"Marcel! Come and finish this!" Klaus shouted out angrily.

Marcel desperately rushed toward Klaus and Ophelia, but Rebekah grabbed his arm and help him back, "No! Take the coin!" Rebekah insisted frantically.

"What?" Marcel asked her shocked.

"Klaus won't stop until everyone is dead, even if Ophelia snaps out of whatever trance she's in and tries to help you. Klaus will kill you, too. End this." Rebekah turned to see Klaus killing more of Marcel's mean, fear in her eyes, "Pick up the coin!

Marcel considered this for a long moment before lunging forward, "Enough!" He yelled out.

Suddenly, the room fell absolutely silent, and the fighting stopped. Marcel picked up the coin off the ground and held it up. Klaus walked over to Marcel with Ophelia, amused, "Well, well, well. The great Marcel, self-proclaimed king of New Orleans, bowing before me and his former Queen."

Marcel threw the coin at Klaus' feet, causing Ophelia to look up at him shocked., "There. I hereby pledge my allegiance to the two of you. You have the keys to my kingdom. It's yours."

Ophelia looked up at him and smirked, "Was it ever really yours?" She questioned, causing Klaus to smile gleefully.

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