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At the compound later on that night, Davina stood in front of Marcel, Klaus, and Elijah, "D, what happened? Why'd you run?" Marcel asked her concerned, "Talk to me. Hey, I can make it right."

"How, by threatening my friend?" Davina retorted angrily.

Klaus turned to Davina with a smirk on his face, "Actually, that was my idea. Apologies. I've been known to go too far to make a point, But I do always get results."

Davina chuckled at Klaus, "You pretend to be so confident, but I know the truth. You're afraid everyone can see what you really are: an animal." Davina began to cast a pain infliction spell that brought him to his knees, causing him to groan in pain. Marcel and Elijah began to walk forward to help him, but Davina used her magic to throw them backward, "A beast. Why don't you show us your real face?" Davina magically forced Klaus to partially transform into a werewolf before telekinetically snapping his neck. "That's enough of you."

"Davina, you don't have to do this," Elijah spoke up in a pleading tone as he tried to get up off the ground.

"You!" Davina growled as she walked over to Elijah, "You looked me in the eyes and lied to my face. Pretended you wanted to help me."

"Listen to me--" Elijah began to say nervously.

Davina cut Elijah off, "You call yourself the noble one, but you're a killer just like your brother. For 1,000 years, you've fed on innocent blood. Why don't you choke on it?" Davina began to cast a spell on Elijah that caused him to throw up all of the blood he had consumed before he fell unconscious. She then walked to Marcel, who looked frightened as he stood up from the ground, "And you! I trusted you. I loved you, but you were just using me to stay in power. You don't care about me. At least Ophelia was honest with me."

"You're wrong," Marcel argued.

"When you lost to Klaus, you handed me over like some trophy. Maybe I should boil you in bronze." Davina told him angrily.

"I care. Ophelia and I took you in like you were our own blood." Marcel replied in a pleading tone.

An invisible force snapped Marcel's neck and as he fell to the ground, Davina saw that it was Ophelia who had done it. The female tribrid walked over with Rebekah by her side, "Come on now, love. Don't tell me you were falling for that. Isn't it time for us girls to have a chat?" Rebekah told Davina as she looked around at the neutralized bodies of Klaus, Elijah, and Marcel, "Now, that is impressive. And well-deserved, in my opinion." After hearing her words, Davina looked at both her and Ophelia suspiciously, "Now, before you turn on the both of us, I have a surprise for you."

Davina turned her head to see Josh enter the courtyard, "Josh, what are you doing?" Davina asked in disbelief, "Get out of here."

Rebekah vamp sped over to Josh and grabbed Josh by the throat, "What are you doing?" Josh asked her confused.

While still gripping onto Josh's neck, Rebekah turned to Davina, "Now, if I were Klaus, I would rip Josh's head from his neck, feed it to a nightwalker, and that would be the end of your friend," Rebekah explained to Davina before letting go of Josh's neck, "But hurting people is such a boyish thing to do, like how Klaus compelled your fiddler on the roof. And, while I am many things, I'm certainly not my brother."

Ophelia let out a sigh as she walked over to stand under where Timothy sat, "It's okay, Timothy. You can come down. No one is gonna hurt you."

"He told me I couldn't climb down off this beam," Timothy told her, sounding fearful.

"Then don't climb, dumbass!" Ophelia shouted out as she looked up at him, "Am I the only smart one in the room? Jump."

Tim cautiously jumped down and Ophelia used her magic to stop him from falling to the ground. Ophelia stopped him in mid-air before he was slowly put down on the ground. Once he was down, Tim rushed over to Davina, who quickly hugged him, "Davina, how did you do all that? How did I even get here?" Tim asked, clearly confused.

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