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"Seriously, what the hell is going on? Who are all these people?" Hayley asked, looking around at all the people gathered in the bayou, "Why are they standing out here all weird and lurky?"

"They've come from all over. All the packs," Eve informed Hayley, who turned to Ophelia.

"Why?" Hayley asked confused, "To see Ophelia?"

Oliver exited the shack to talk with the three girls, "You're absolutely right, Hayley. These freaks, they came here to see Ophelia. For centuries, her mother was known to be the greatest Alpha these packs have ever seen. Maybe these people think she's gonna be our great werewolf savior. Our true Alpha."

"Great. No pressure or anything," Ophelia sighed, "I'm nothing like my mother."

"Didn't you kill your mother?" Hayley asked curiously and Ophelia turned to her with wide eyes.

"That was not my fault!" Ophelia shouted defensively, pointing a finger at Hayley, "I was aiming the arrow at my husband. How was I supposed to know it would hit her in the throat instead?" She paused, letting out a sigh, "I brought her back to life. She just never forgave me."


Later on that day, Elijah met with Ophelia, Jackson, Oliver, and Hayley on behalf of the Crescent wolves, "Your people are uniquely poised to set an example for the rest of the French Quarter. Which is why it's important for the wolves to attend." He explained to the group of four.

"Thanks, but no thanks?" Hayley answered for the werewolves, knowing Ophelia would already be going to the feast because of Davina, not for the faction, meaning Hayley would have to speak for the wolves for her.

Oliver sighed, "Let's hear the man out."

"The witches are the ones that cursed your pack. And they've been nothing but crap to me since I first came to town," Hayley explained before turning to Elijah, "No. We're not going."

"It's a new day in the Quarter, Hayley. I agree with Oliver. If we're gonna coexist, we have to play ball. We'll send a representative with a gift," Jackson told Hayley, who seemed upset that everyone was siding against her.

"And that representative would be me," Ophelia volunenteered, "Hayley will be my plus one though."

As Hayley walked away, Elijah following after, Ophelia watched Jackson and Oliver closely. Something was up between the two. Why would they be so quick to be okay with the witches. It hadn't even been a month since they were still stuck as wolves because of a witch.

Meanwhile later, Ophelia walked out on the porch to join Jackson and Oliver, who immediately stopped talking when she came outside, which made her suspicious, "What's going on here?" She asked them curiously

"Why don't you take the hint and mind your own business, Ophelia?" Oliver suggested with attitude.

Within the blink of an eye, Ophelia had grabbed him by the arm and spun him around. She placed his arm behind his back, pinning him up against the wall, face-first, causing him to groan, "This is my pack. That makes it my business." She told him in a low, threatening tone as she twisted him arm a bit.

"No need to get all riled up, Ophelia. It's not worth it," Jackson warned the girl, who turned to glance at him.

"I have tried to play nice with you, Oliver," She growled at him, "Since I haven't been able to get to the quarter in a few days, I've been stuck on a bunny diet, which doesn't suffice my appetite. And when I'm hungry for blood, I get angry easily, so unless you want me to snap your arm like a twig, I suggest that you tell me what the hell is going on with you and Klaus because you two have something planned with him, I'm not dumb."

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