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AN: That is Ophelia's Necklace she always wears ^^^^^

The following day, Marcel, Thierry, Ophelia stood in the compound as Ophelia got her black dress fitted while Marcel got his suit fitted.

   While they did so, Thierry was busy looking down at his phone, "Damn, I do look good in a suit." Marcel grinned as
he looked at himself in the mirror.

"That you do." Ophelia replied with a smile on her face, which Marcel gladly returned.

  Thierry chuckled at the two until he eyes locked on the tv that showed Joshua and Tina, both presumed to be missing on the news, "My guy at the docks is gonna come forward as an eyewitness, say he saw those two drunkenly fall into the Mississippi. They'll be dredging for weeks. No one will come looking around here."

"That's good. Considering one is dead in a dumpster behind the county morgue and the other one is a vampire now." Marcel informed them with a smile, "Anything else?"

   The tailor ended up accidentally pricking her finger on a pin as she hemmed Marcel's pants, "Ow!"
She winced in pain.

"Allow me, darling." Marcel spoke up as he knelt down and reached for her hand before gently sucking the drop of blood off her finger.

Ophelia rolled her eyes and turned to Thierry, who looked a bit anxious, "Got something to say, Thierry?" Ophelia asked the vampire curiously.

"One thing," He nodded his head, "I sent four nightwalkers to look into a werewolf sighting in the Quarter after you went and I haven't heard from them since, only you." Thierry informed them and Ophelia sighed.

"That's the thing, I never ended up going to check it out," She lied to him, "Maybe I should have now that I think of it,"

  Marcel sighed out as he pulled away from feeding on the girl, "That makes ten dead nightwalkers in the last week." Marcel complained, "You think the werewolves are back in town trying to start some trouble?"

Thierry looked hesitant at first, but then finally, he spoke up, "Look, I know you guys are friends with Klaus, but the fact is, since the Originals showed up—" Before Thierry could continue his sentence, Klaus arrived and entered the room.

  "Oh, come now, Thierry," Klaus stated as he walked into the room, "You're not still upset about that little, toxic werewolf bite I gave you, are you? I thought we were at bygones."

  Thierry seemed annoyed as he turned to Marcel and Ophelia, "I see you've given him free rein of your compound now, too." He added In.

  "Yes. Well, seeing as my family and I lived here with Ophelia once ago, we even helped build the place, in fact—-" Before Klaus could finished his sentence, Ophelia cut him off.

  "All right. Come on. That's enough, boys," Ophelia interrupted them, clearly annoyed with their bickering, "The two of you know the drill. Thierry's our guy, he's inner circle. Klaus is my old-time friend, ex, and Marcel's sire. He's also a guest here in the French Quarter. We need to keep the price, all right? All right." She explained before she and Marcel turned to face Klaus, "Now, what is it you need, Klaus."

  Klaus sighed, clearly trying to make his sentence more dramatic, "I'm afraid my sister Rebekah is insisting I
demand Elijah's return. She's quite worked up about it." Klaus informed the group. 

  "I'll say." Marcel commented as he fixed his tie.

Thierry loudly scoffed at Klaus' information, clearly not okay with, "We're not gonna have three Originals walking around town, are we? Half our guys think the sister killed the nightwalkers." He explained to them and Ophelia was sure to glance at Klaus, wondering if he would ever fess up and tell that Ophelia was responsible for killing three of her own guys.

  "Is that an accusation?" Klaus asked angrily.

"Eh," Thierry shrugged, clearly not bothered by Klaus' threatening tone.

"Against an Original?" Klaus growled as he went to storm at Thierry, who looked to be ready for a confrontation.

Before it could get violent, Ophelia intervened by stepping in front of Thierry, placing her hand on Klaus' back. Klaus seemed to be still trying to get by, causing Ophelia to push the original hybrid back roughly, "Motus!" She shouted out, causing Klaus to go flying into into the wall, even making a dent as he did so.

Klaus groaned as he quickly got up from the ground, "This is the second time you've done this in the last twenty four hours, Ophelia—" Klaus began to argue, only to have Ophelia quickly turn to face her.

"Uh!" She spoke up, pressing two fingers together.

Marcel watched in shock as Klaus tried to open his mouth to speak, only to find he was unable to, "That's better." Ophelia smiled proudly as she turned to Thierry, "Thierry, what did we say about peace?" She reminded him before turning to face Klaus once more, "Come on. Walk with us." She told him as released her fingers, letting Klaus be able to talk once more.

Klaus smiled smugly at Thierry as Ophelia and Marcel steered him out of the room and onto the balcony overlooking the courtyard, "Your inner circle man lacks a sense of humor." Klaus told the two of them unamused.

  "He's a little overprotective, especially over Ophelia, but loyal to a fault, no doubt about that. We saved his life back in the '40s. Ophelia found him dying of a war wound outside a VA hospital, begged me to turn to him, so I did. No regrets about that now, that's for sure. He'd kill for us and even die for us." Marcel explained.

"Don't forget the part where that boy play the trumpet like you would not believe. I haven't heard someone play like that in this city since Louis Armstrong," Ophelia told him proudly, "Maybe Marcel and I will see if he can play a little tonight at the party. You're coming, right?" She asked him curiously.

  "How can I miss my chance to meet the city councilman as he accepts your gigantic charitable donation?" Klaus asked jokingly.

Marcel laughed, "Oh, he's a schmuck, but he lets us do our thing in exchange for certain community services, like keeping our fangs out of the locals." Marcel replied before pausing for a moment, clearly hesitating, "Listen, about your brother...I would love to help you out, but Thierry is right. Our guys are on edge. They see the Original family moving in, vampires dying? It makes them nervous. If we hand Elijah back now, it might give the wrong impression about who's really in charge here. You know what I mean?"

"I agree with Marcel on this one." Ophelia agreed with Marcel.

  Klaus was clearly angered by this response, but he maintained his poker face and played it cool, "You understand--I had to ask." Klaus smiled fakely.

AN: I can't wait to get to episode 7 in the book, I literally have sm planned.

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