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After Hayley and Ophelia waited hours for Jackson and Oliver to come back with the stones for the moonlight rings and they didn't, the two girls informed Elijah, who quickly called his brother while Hayley and Ophelia impatiently stood next to him, "Yes, brother, what is it?" Klaus questioned his brother as he answered the call.

"It appears our wolves have gone astray, brother," Elijah informed him and Hayley was quick to cut in. 

"They should have been back hours ago." Hayley interrupted before Elijah continued to speak to Klaus.

"We need to find them," Elijah added in.

"Well, that might be a bit tricky. You see, we've located their car on a back road in the middle of nowhere," Klaus informed him and Ophelia, who was listening in, became worried, "I suspect they've been shanghaied."

"And you didn't feel the need to share this information?" Elijah asked Klaus annoyed.

"It was my intention to present you with a problem only after I had found an appropriate solution," Klaus replied.

"Do enlighten us," Elijah suggested, sharing a glance with Ophelia.

"I'm closing in on it as we speak. The only person who would be bold enough to snatch my wolf allies is the one who has the most to lose."

Elijah sighed out, "Marcel."

"No, he'll kill them!" Ophelia nearly shouted, clearly alarmed.

"Genevieve assures me that Marcel has procured a cloaking spell. The only witch who will aid Marcel is Davina. I just need to get one last bit of leverage before I pay her a visit." Klaus explained before pausing, "And there it is."

With that, Klaus hung up and Ophelia immediately knew he meant Josh.


At the compound, Hayley was pacing around, worrying about their current problems. Genevieve had stayed behind to look after Hayley while Ophelia decided to do the same, not trusting Genevieve enough to leave her alone with Hayley, "Elijah should have called by now." Hayley told the two females worriedly.

"Worrying isn't going to help," Genevieve reminded Hayley as she walked closer to her, "You should sit down, try to keep calm."

Hayley frowned as she turned to the redhead, "What are you, now, magician slash zen-life-coach?" She questioned sarcastically.

"The treatment of pregnant women has advanced remarkably since I was a nurse, but even I know high blood pressure is bad for you, and your baby," Genevieve informed her and Hayley couldn't help but sigh as she finally sat down, "Especially now, since you're so close to term."

"I hate this," Ophelia spoke up as she walked closer to the group with a glass of bourbon in her hand. She gulped the whole drink down before slamming it down on the table, "I feel completely useless right. And I am far from useless." 

"Don't you get it?" Genevieve asked as she glanced between both girls, "You're the point of all this. Klaus and Elijah running all over town?" She sighed, "It's all for the two of you. I'm a bit envious."

"Great. Lucky me." Hayley sarcastically commented.

"Is there anything I can get you, Hayley?" Genevieve asked the pregnant werewolf.

Hayley smiled up at Genevieve, "How about a moonlight ring?" She proposed and Genevieve couldn't help but chuckle.

"The spell can't be performed until the full moon reaches its apex. And, of course, I need the stones, which will be here soon enough," Genevieve explained, "Have a little faith!"

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