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Later on that night, Ophelia sat at a table in a random bar inside the French Quarter. She held a phone to her ear, giving orders to one of her vampires about Klaus, "Listen to me, you find the hybrid and then you call me right away, understand? Marcel doesn't know how to handle him like I do. He'll just get himself killed if he tries anything." She explained to the vampire on the other end of the phone.

"Is that so, Ophelia?" A familiar voice spoke up, causing Ophelia to look up as she hung up the phone, "I hate to agree with you right now, but I think I actually might. You always did know how to control his wretched temper."

Ophelia's frowned curled into a large smirk when she saw the man was Elijah Mikaelson, "Elijah Mikaelson. I wondered when you would finally stop out of the shadows and say hello," She announced, causing many of her entourage of bodyguard vampires to stand up. Before they could do anything, Ophelia held her hand out as way to say 'back off', "It's all good, guys. I got this."

Elijah glanced around at all of the vampires who were ready to fight him just for Ophelia, "A group of vampires ready to fight for witch-werewolf hybrid. That's a bit of a surprise to me, considering you're apart of both species that they hate oh so much." Elijah commented as he walked over a took a seat across from Ophelia at her table.

"Well, that is because they I'm their queen. I would die for them if I had to. And I would choose them over both the witches and werewolves any day." She explained to the original vampire who nodded his head in agreement.

"Is that why I've heard you cover your crescent wolf birthmark with makeup and wear a lapis lazuli necklace around your neck that stops you from doing magic?" Elijah questioned, knowing it would tick her off, "Because they accept you for being you?"

Ophelia stayed quiet, staring down at the table. Finally, she looked up at him, a emotionless look on her face, "Something tells me the reason you came here was not to insult me on my way of lifestyle. Why are you really here?" She asked him annoyed.

"Well, Ophelia, I think it's time we had a little chat." Elijah informed her in a calm tone.

"Well, if you're going to talk, Elijah, you might as well just talk. I have quite a long list of things I'm to do tonight." She told the older male with attitude.

"Oh, my! You have changed quite a bit over the last century, haven't you?" Elijah remarked, causing Ophelia to roll her eyes.

"Me? I'd say it's you and Klaus who have changed a bit over the last century," Ophelia retorted, "You really think you can just come into my house and act like you own the place when you are the ones who left it in the place once upon a time."

"Well, we did own the place once, actually if we're getting technical, Ophelia. You, you were queen of the whole entire city and my family ruled beside you, more specifically Klaus, he ruled alongside you. We were all happy here as I recall. But we could never control those pesky witches of the French Quarter, even with you by our side." Elijah explained to the female, "How do you and Marcel do it?"

Ophelia sighed dramatically, leaning forward in her seat, "You see, your brother came to me asking that same exact thing, Elijah. And like I told him, it's me and Marcel's business, not yours. Everything in the French Quarter is our business. Klaus came into this town only a day ago being all nice in friendly with Marcel and I as if he were an old friend of ours. He looked down at us, me especially, like we were just some knock off version of what him and I used to be when we ruled the city together alongside you and the rest of your family. Then, when we were sick of it and tried to put him into place where his hybrid freak show ass belonged, he got pissy with us and bit on our guys."

"Well, I do apologize for Klaus' poor behavior. I see you're not as used to it now as you used to be." Elijah stated, "I assumed you and Marcel are aware that that pesky werewolf bite will him in a matter of days. But did you know that
Niklaus' blood can heal him?"

Ophelia's eyes lit up as she heard the man's words, "What?" She asked him shocked.

"Yes. Apparently, the blood of the original hybrid will cure a werewolf bite. Quite a handy little thing when one needs leverage in negotiation." Elijah informed her.

Ophelia raised a brow at the hybrid's choice of words, "And what kind of negations are we talking about exactly?" She asked Elijah curiously.

"Return the body of the witch Jane-Anne, allow her people to put her to rest." Elijah insisted, "You know how those witches get when they can't consecrate their loved ones, don't you?"

Ophelia sighed, remembering the time that she herself was begging Klaus and Elijah as a teenager to let her take the body of her own brother so she could consecrate him after he was killed.

"Why do you care about the witches anyway, huh?" She asked annoyed.

"Well, that's my business, now, isn't?" Elijah replied, giving her the same response she had given him when he asked questions just a few moments before.


Klaus walked down a deserted street and sat down on an empty bench. After a moment, Elijah suddenly arrived took a seat beside his younger half brother.

  Klaus didn't bother to look over at Elijah, he just kept staring directly in front of him, "Are you here to give me another pep talk on the joys of fatherhood?" He asked annoyed.

"I've said all I needed to say." Elijah replied in a calm tone, leaning back in his seat.

There was a silence between the two siblings as they just sat there, "I forgot how much I liked this town," Klaus stated, feeling nostalgic of the past, "Especially Ophelia. If I'd had known she was still alive, I would have came back much sooner."

"I didn't forget anything. Especially your time with her," Elijah told him
"All the centuries we've spent together, and yet I can count on one hand the number of times that our family has been truly happy. I hated leaving here."

"As did I." Klaus agreed with him sadly.

  "What is on your mind, brother?" Elijah asked, knowing there was something up with Klaus.

"For a thousand years, I lived in fear. Any time I settled anywhere, our father would hunt me down and...chase me off. He made me feel powerless, and I hated it. This town was my home once, and in my absence, Marcel has gotten everything that I ever wanted. Power, loyalty, family, Ophelia. I made him in my image and he has bettered me. He even took the girl I once loved and made her his queen. I want what he has. I want to be king. And I want Ophelia."

Elijah stayed quiet as he took in what his brother had said, "And what of Hayley and the baby?" Elijah asked curiously.

"Every king needs an heir." He answered, smiling slightly as he turned to look at Elijah, "Just like they need someone to share their kingdom with."

AN: Klaus is literally hell bent on taking back Ophelia.

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