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Soon enough, Klaus and Ophelia found each other in the French Quarter, both of which pulled open the doors to Saint Anne's Church to find Hayley held down by the three witches at the altar while Genevieve stood in front of her. Hayley screamed out, clearly in labor.

One of the men spotted Ophelia and Klaus and walked over to them. Klaus growled, ripping the man's head off. Both he and Ophelia were at the lowest they had been their entire lives, both of their strengths being diminished by the stones that the Guererra wolves had stolen.

Monique Deveraux moved away from Hayley and lifted her hand up, holding the palm of her hand out alongside the other witches in the church. They used their magic to lift up Ophelia and Klaus into the air, pinning them against a nearby wall. Ophelia growled out, trying to fight back. On a normal day, Ophelia would have been able to best the witches at ease, but she was just so weak from the stones. The stones were draining her of not just the power she had as a wolf and vampire, but also of her witch side, which happened to be more powerful than the majority of both dead and living New Orleans witches' magic put together.

Hayley panted for breath, looking up at both Klaus and Ophelia, who tried their hardest to fight back. She screamed out in agony, the baby clearly about to be born.

Genevieve picked up a silver knife before walking over to Hayley, "You should know, this brings me no joy," She told Hayley, glancing over at Klaus and Ophelia, who were still pinned to the wall above them, "I promise I'll make it quick." One of the witches placed a sheet over Hayley's thigh, ready to deliver the baby, "Let's begin, shall we?"

"No, no!" Hayley pleaded as she began to cry.

"I will bring hell to your doorstep!" Klaus threatened the witches loudly.

"One last push," Genevieve told Hayley, "The baby's almost here."

Ophelia decided to tune out Klaus' threats toward the witches and kept her eyes locked on Hayley. She cried, shaking her head, "No, no!" She screamed out.

"I can see the baby!" Monique informed the group.

"Okay. Now push," Genevieve instructed Hayley, who screamed in agony as she pushed, "Gently, gently." She warned her. Hayley fell back down on the altar as the baby finally arrived, "There."

Genevieve picked up the baby, who was covered in blood after being delivered. Hayley looked at the baby shocked, looking weak after giving birth. Monique held onto the umbilical cord, allowing Genvieve to use the knife to cut it.

For a brief moment, Ophelia turned to Klaus, whose eyes were wide as he saw his child for the first time. He had finally stopped screaming threats, too shocked by the delivery of his daughter.

Genevieve held the crying baby in her arms as she looked up at Klaus, "You have a beautiful baby daughter," She told him with a small smile on her face, "We must start the sacrifice as soon as the moon sets with the morning sky," She paused, turning to glance at Ophelia, "And then will come Ophelia's sacrifice."

"Please. Please, can I hold her?" Hayley pleaded, her voice sounding fragile and weak as she sat up.

Genevieve walked over to Hayley, the baby in her arms. She handed Hayley the baby, allowing her to hold her newborn daughter for the first time.

Hayley smiled at the baby before looking up at Klaus and Ophelia, her smile becoming even wider. Ophelia couldn't help but smile back at Hayley, only to watch as Monique grabbed Hayley by the hair, pulling her back before slitting her throat, "No!" Klaus roared out at the same time as Ophelia, both distraught while watching the girl be killed.

Ophelia watched as Hayley began to choke on her own blood before falling back onto the altar. Ophelia's eyes widened in realization as she glanced down at the baby, piecing it all together. Since the baby's blood had healed her numerous times while in Hayley's womb, it would mean the baby's blood would still be in Hayley's body for about twenty-four more hours. The baby's blood had already turned Ophelia and Dwayne into hybrids, that would mean it would do the same to Hayley.

Ophelia sighed in relief, a single tear falling down her cheek. Hayley's life would be spared, but she was afraid that she couldn't say the same about the baby. She knew she herself was going to be sacrificed, but she didn't care. All she knew is that she needed to protect the baby. There were two reasons for that; one being the baby was technically apart of her family and second, the sire bond she had with the baby since it was her blood that turned Ophelia.

Genevieve lifted the baby up before turning to Ophelia, allowing her to drop to the ground. Klaus tried to fight back but the witches ended up breaking his neck before walking over to Ophelia. They broke her neck before two of the witches lifted up Ophelia's temporarily dead body, bringing her along with them the cemetery.



  Ophelia groaned, waking up to find herself sitting against the altar in the cemetery. She glanced up, finding Monique and the other harvest girl along with Genevieve standing in front of a basket, where Klaus' laid in.

   She tried to get up, only to find herself trapped, unable to move. She looked down and saw that there were ropes drenched in vervain around her wrist and ankles. She watched helplessly as Genevieve held the baby up while the other witches chanted a spell.

They then placed the baby back down on the altar, Monique and Abigail standing on both sides of the altar while Genevieve stood in the center, holding a sacrificial knife over the baby.

"No!" She heard Hayley shout, causing her to turn her head to see Klaus, Hayley, and Elijah approaching them. Elijah picked up a vase and lopped it at Genevieve, causing the knife to drop to the ground.

While the witches were distracted, Ophelia used her magic to untie the ropes around her. Monique and Abigail held hands and channeled the ancestors, causing not only Klaus, Elijah, and Hayley to be thrown, but also Ophelia, who was thrown across the cemetery. She landed next to Klaus and was quick to stand up.

"You fools!" Monique spoke up in a loud, confident tone, "To come against us in our place of power, in our strongest hour. You don't face three. You face us all!"

Ophelia quickly stood up, getting back to her feet, "Well, it's a good thing that I'm here, isn't it?" She shouted, lifting her hand up. She held the palms of her hands outwards, using her magic against the ancestors.

While doing so, she turned to Hayley, "Go stop Genevieve. I'll hold them off," She ordered and Hayley quickly ran over to stop them.

Klaus went the other way, only to be cornered by Papa Tunde's sons. Ophelia say this from the corner of her eyes and quickly jerked one of her hands in that direction, "Fluctus inpulsa!" She shouted out and the two spirits immediately disappeared.

While still fighting off the ancestors, Ophelia telekinetically lifted up a metal stake from the gate and threw it in the direction of Abigail and Monique.

The metal stick flew through the air and through the spirits of the ancestors, into Abigail's chest. She and Monique's hands unlinked as she fell back and was trapped against the stone of one of the tombs, blood spilling from her mouth.

With a wave of her hand, Ophelia was able to make all of the ancestors disappear, only to reveal Monique about to stab the baby with the knife, "No!" Ophelia shouted out, about to save the baby.

She, Klaus, and Elijah were stopped by a ring of fire surrounding them while Genevieve performed a pain infliction spell on Hayley.

Just as Ophelia was going to use her magic to extinguish the fire, she watched as Monique was stabbed in the chest with the Devil's Star, a dark object she remembered Kol telling her he had made with the help of someone from Ophelia's father's side of the family.

The fire disappeared and numerous slashes appeared on Monique's body. Ophelia, Klaus, and Elijah turned their head to see that it was Marcel who had thrown the Devil's Star.

Monique began to cough up blood before she finally fell to the ground, dead. Marcel sped over to the baby, lifting her up off the altar. He turned to look at Klaus, just before speeding away. Before Ophelia could react, Klaus followed after Marcel but she knew for a fact Klaus wasn't going to kill Marcel.


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