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Upstairs in Davina's room, Ophelia was sitting with Davina on her bed when Marcel arrived with food for the young witch.

 Suddenly, Davina stood up and screamed at him, angrily, "Go away!" She screamed as telekinetically threw him against the bedroom wall.

  Ophelia watched the girl in amusement, "What did I tell you, Marcel?" She told him annoyed, "She doesn't want to see you."

  Marcel got up from the ground, "Come on. You got to be starving. You haven't eaten since--" He began to say but Davina quickly cut him off.

  "Since your best friend killed my best friend?" She replied with an attitude.

  "Davina, I'm sorry about what happened to this kid Tim." Marcel tried to apologize to her, but Davina clearly didn't believe him.

"I'm sorry you don't hate Klaus for what he did or want to make him pay." Davina retorted.

  "He'll pay for what he did one way or the other, but right now, I just want to make peace with you," Marcel replied.

  "Why? So we can be one big happy Frankenstein family?" Davina asked angrily as she used her magic to throw a vase at Marcel's head, causing him to quickly duck.

  "A little help here?" Marcel asked Ophelia as Davina continued to throw objects at Marcel.

"I think I'm good," Ophelia replied, causing Marcel to give her an annoyed look.

 Davina glared at Marcel before she suddenly began to have trouble breathing. Just then, Davina started to vomit up dirt all over her bed, causing Ophelia to frown.

 "That can't good," Ophelia muttered to herself as both she and Marcel began to panic.

 "Davina, Davina!" Marcel called out worried before he and Ophelia rushed to her side.

 Ophelia grabbed ahold of Davina's hair and kept it out of the girl's face as she continued to throw up dirt.

  Klaus, who had heard the commotion, entered the room to investigate, "What's with all the racket?" He questioned, only to stop in his tracks when he saw Davina still throwing up soil, "Bloody hell."

Suddenly, the house began to shake violently, as though it was an earthquake. 

  Concerned, Marcel and Klaus walked out onto the balcony overlooking the courtyard, where they found Rebekah looking around in confusion, "What the hell is going on?" Rebekah asked them.

  "Davina," Klaus replied nervously.


Rebekah, looking worried, rushed into Davina's bedroom to check on her. Ophelia sat beside Davina, who was lying weakly on her bed. Ophelia hadn't left Davina's side through it all, promising her that she wouldn't let anything bad happen to her. Everyone in the compound thought Ophelia would be able to fix Davina since she was just as powerful and very skilled and knowledgeable when it came to her power, but she had no clue when it came to this. She had a feeling it had to do with the Harvest, but she didn't want to admit that out loud, fearing that it would mean they had to sacrifice Davina.

 "Hey. What kind of game do you think you're playing?" Rebekah asked Davina quietly, "I said disrupt the household, not destroy the whole city."

  Davina shook her head, "I didn't do it. Not on purpose. I--I don't know what's wrong with me."

 Ophelia sighed, grabbing ahold of Davina's hand as she used her other hand to wipe Davina's tears, "I know, I know. It's okay, Davina. You're going to get through this. I won't let anything bad happen to you."

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