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The following morning, Ophelia walked down the stairs of the compound and into the courtyard, where Marcel gave her a confused look, "What are you doing here?" He asked her confused, wondering what the girl was doing at the compound after their break up the night before.

"What do you mean, 'What am I doing here?' I live here." Ophelia replied in with a frown on her face.

Marcel slowly nodded his head in understanding, feeling a bit awkward at the moment, "Where did you end up sleeping?" Marcel questioned curiously.

"Kol's old room." She answered without hesitation, "We got any business to deal with today?"

Marcel was quiet for a moment, wondering what Ophelia was up to. Just yesterday she had said she was no longer his queen, now she was asking she could assist as if nothing had happened.


Later on that day, in Davina's room in the attic of St. Anne's Church, Marcel leaned over Elijah's coffin and stared down at him while Ophelia stood beside Davina as the young witch looked out the window, "This sucker's resilient. He's like a cockroach in a suit." Marcel paused as he stared at Elijah, who still happened to be daggered, "Doesn't matter. Time to give ol' Elijah back to Klaus, anyway."

Davina frowned, turning away from the window as she began to walk over to Marcel, "You asked me to figure out a way to kill the Originals. I'm not done!" Davina protested, "The silver dagger hurts them, but that's it."

Ophelia quickly glanced at Marcel as she let out a sigh, walking over to both him and Davina where they stood beside Elijah's coffin, "Davina, we've already been through this. Klaus saved Marcel's life the other night, we owe him one." Ophelia began to explain to her, "And since Klaus wants his brother back–-" Before she could finish her sentence, Davina cut her off.

Davina interrupted Ophelia, "Tonight's the annual Dauphine Street Music Festival. I wanna go. Please?" She asked both Marcel and Ophelia.

The whole point of you being up here is so you're never spotted out there," Marcel told the young girl, "You know who works smack in the middle of Dauphine Street? Sophie Deveraux. Pain-in-the-ass witch? And you know what the witches will do to you if they find you."

"But the two of you control the witches," Davina pouted, "Make her go away!" She begged them, but Marcel shook his head while Ophelia stayed quiet, and Davina groaned in annoyance, "Marcel, it's one night!" Davina pleaded with them.

"The answer's 'no', Davina," Marcel told her as he turned and walked toward the door to leave.

Before Marcel could get far, Davina spoke up, causing both him and Ophelia, who was still standing at the coffin, to turn to her, "I do anything you guys say, but sometimes I think the two of you forget what I'm capable of. Did you know I can make someone's blood boil? All I have to do is focus." Davina explained to them as she stared intently at Marcel. Ophelia turned to Marcel, watching in astonishment as he began to sweat crazily.

Marcel wiped his damp brow as Ophelia smiled, clearly impressed by her trick. Ophelia turned Davina, "I'm impressed, Davina. It takes a lot of power to make a person's blood boil like that," She complimented the girl as she noticed the pleading look Davina was giving, "You know what? Fine, you can go, but only under my terms."

Davina smiled brightly as she nodded her head, "Anything. I'll do anything." She replied

"So, the thing is you going out alone, can you? It's way too dangerous. But, Marcel is going to introduce you to a certain blonde friend of his that's going to be there. Alright? She's a really nice lady. You two are really gonna hit it off." Ophelia explained to her and Marcel raised a brow at her.

"And where will you be?" He questioned confused, "Shouldn't you go with her."

"Oh, I'll be around," Ophelia nodded, crossing her arms over her chest, "I have some business to deal with, but I'll be around, making sure nothing bad happens."


That night, Ophelia walked through the bayou, in search of Hayley, who had called her, asking her if she could come to keep her company at the bayou clinic. Ophelia knew right away for some odd reason that things probably weren't what everyone planned them to be. She had a feeling in her gut after hearing Agnes' name that the intentions of the witches weren't good ones.

The men who had raided the clinic that Hayley was at were still looking for her in the woods behind the clinic, and they passed her, not seeing that she was hiding behind a tree. She suddenly ran up to them and kicked the first man she encountered in the gut before knocking him to the ground.

Hayley jumped and kicked the second man down as well as she snapped his neck. A third man tried to attack her, but she grabbed a knife from his hands and cut his neck with it as she spun in the air. When a fourth lunged toward her, she grabbed his crossbow and knocked him to the ground. She then kicked him and beat him in the head with the butt of the crossbow.

As Hayley crouched into a defensive position on the ground, her eyes flashed werewolf-gold as she looked around for any more threats. A large, burly man suddenly descended upon her, but before Hayley can react, his neck was snapped from behind by Ophelia, who had just come to Hayley's rescue, "I have to say, you're quite impressive for a pregnant girl." Ophelia commented, a small smile appearing on her lips.

Hayley sighed in relief when she saw the girl, "How did you find me?" She asked as she stepped over the man's body.

"After I got your text, I ran all the way here. Your familiar scent helped me find you," Ophelia explained to her before glancing down at the bodies around them, "Who are they?" "Witches. Warlocks. Whatever." Hayley explained to her with a shrug.

From the corner of her eye, Opehlia noticed more men with flashlights in the distance heading toward them, "There're more of them. Run!" Ophelia shouted out as Hayley reluctantly listened to her warning, "If I had a dollar for every time I saved one of my descendants from the pesty French Quarter Witches!" Ophelia muttered to herself.

Ophelia was suddenly shot in the heart with two arrows, which neutralized her, causing her to fall to the ground. Hayley saw her go down and watched in horror, thinking that the girl was actually dead, "Ophelia!" She yelled out worriedly as she, too, was shot. The arrow stabbed into Hayley's shoulder, which seemed to be coated with something, causing her to pass out and fall to the ground, just as Ophelia did.

AN: I'm pretty sure I'm going to have Ophelia involved with Hayley more now instead Marcel and his vampires, seeing as they broke up and Hayley is actually a descendant of Ophelia (which will be explained later on)

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