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Afterwards, Marcel had pulled Thierry into a corner so they could discuss what just happened with Ophelia in private, "I want to hear your side of it. Right now." Marcel demanded, clearly furious about it all.

"Hey, Marcel, come on—" Thierry began to plead, only to be cut off by Ophelia.

"Nope, Thierry. Your version, now. Tell us. Go." Ophelia argued and Thierry became quiet for a long moment, figuring out what to say exactly.

"We were tossing the Cauldron. This guy, some nightwalker, he attacked Katie for no reason." Thierry explained to both Ophelia and Marcel.

Marcel stepped forward a bit a bit as he pointed at Thierry, "His name was Max. I turned him, and as far as reasons go, he doesn't need one. She was a witch. He was a vampire. Now? He's dead."

"I didn't mean for it to happen," Thierry replied, sounding extremely desperate with his plea.

Ophelia sighed, not wanting to be apart of the conversation. She knew she had to, which angered her most of all, "You broke our most important rule." Marcel sighed angrily as he glared at Thierry," Damn it, T. How long me, you, and Ophelia been friends? Seventy years? I turned you into something that would never die. Ophelia and I gave you a gift."

"And I have been loyal to the two of you all this time, and I still am. I'm still your friend, Marcel, Ophelia, I swear, that hasn't changed." Thierry promised him as Josh appeared next to Marcel and handed him the document.

Ophelia frowned as she saw this, wondering what it was that Josh had given him, "We found this at his girl's place." Josh informed him as Marcel opened the folded paper, revealing that it wS actually fancy parchment with the components of a complicated spell written out.

Marcel looked even angrier as he immediately recognized the spell, "Still our friend, huh?" Marcel asked angrily That's funny because it looks to me like that little witch of yours got her hands on a spell that Ophelia and I keep locked away."

"Marcel, I have never seen that," Thierry argued frantically.

"Shut up." Marcel shouted at angrily, "I see on your hand, you still have the daylight ring I gave you. So, what would you need with the recipe for making new ones? Unless maybe you and Katie were gonna go off and start a little kingdom of your own?"

Thierry seemed confused by it all, everyone seemed to not notice it but Ophelia, "Marcel, no!" Thierry argued with him.

"Here's a lesson in friendship-- friends don't lie to me, they don't break my rules, and they do not steal what is mine." Marcel, who realized he was losing his temper by the Look on Ophelia's, turned his back to Thierry to take a deep calming breath and stared at Ophelia for a moment, the person who always seemed to calm him down when he needed it. He sighed before he turned back to Thierry, his eyes filled with rage. He shook his head at Thierry, "Ohh... For the crime of murdering one of his own, I sentence Thierry Vanchure to one hundred years in the Garden."

Ophelia's eyes widened at Marcel's words. Her eyes began to well up with tears at the thought of one of her most trusted friends being locked away for something that didn't seem to make sense to her at all.

She stepped forward, wanting to argue, "Marcel, no, you can't—" she began to protest, only to be cut off by an angry Marcel.

"You have no part in this, Ophelia!" Marcel shouted at her, surprisingly causing the female to flinch at the tone he had never use with her ever before in the two centuries they had known each other, "You may be the queen of this city, but you have no say in this sentencing! Just get lost!"

Ophelia dug her nails into the palm of her skin as she tried to keep cool, "Sure, whatever you say, Marcel." Ophelia answered as blood dripped down from her hands and onto the ground. The vampires around her immediately smelt the fresh blood and looked down. She finally turned around and walked out.


Later on that night, Thierry stood chained to a wall in the garden, the underground room of the compound. Marcel and Ophelia stood across from him as Marcel stared at him furiously, "Just tell me this, Thierry, this witch girl really worth it?" Ophelia asked, breaking the silence between the three of them.

  "I loved her," Thierry confessed to her and Ophelia gave him a look of sympathy that Marcel didn't seem to share.

  Marcel vamp sped over to Thierry and drove an iron stake into his gut, causing him to groan in pain. Another man turns appeared and Marcel soon handed him a wooden mallet, "Seal him up...and let him rot." Marcel ordered as the man began to lay bricks over wet cement, clearly intending to build a wall to encase Thierry.

  Before following him out, Ophelia gave Thierry a sad look, "I'm so so sorry, Thierry." Ophelia apologized to him as she made her way out.

   Once walking into the courtyard, Ophelia began to hear her name being called by Marcel, "Ophelia? Ophelia!" Marcel called out to her, but Ophelia ignored him as she walked over to the exit.

Marcel vamp sped over to her and grabbed her the arm, whipping her around to face him, "I'm sorry, O. I didn't mean to snap on you earlier today like that." He apologized to her and Ophelia could clearly notice he wasn't actually sorry, he just wanted his girl back, "Can you forgive me?"

Ophelia scoffed, "I would like to remind you, Marcel." She began to tell him, venom laced in her tone as it always was when she saw angry, "You may be king of this city, but you should be smart to remember that that would have never happened if you didn't have me by your side. I've been Queen of this city longer than you've been alive. My father was regent of the New Orleans witches back when he was still alive and my mother was the Queen of the Crescents. I ditched both of my people for the first time for Klaus. My people were willing to take me back, but I chose you. You, Marcel. Both the werewolves and witches fear me. Without me, you would still be the prince, not King," She ranted to him angrily, "And guess what, Marcel? I'm done being your queen now. I'm done watching you take away people I care about because they're threats when you don't even know the full story. So let's see how long you last without me."

  Marcel watched in shock as Ophelia ran off, leaving him behind to think about she had said.


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