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Later on that day at the compound, Thierry sat on the stairs, playing his trumpet in the courtyard as various vampires mill around in preparation for the party.

Ophelia, Klaus, and Marcel stood nearby and watched as they talked with each other, "You're right, Ophelia. He's good." Klaus grinned as he turned to the girl who stood in between him and Marcel.

  "Right?" Marcel replied, "Music man, I call him. Ladies love him, but he's spoken for. He knocks around with this pretty little witch. Says he loves her, but I don't really know about that." He explained to him and Ophelia couldn't help but feel uneasy about Marcel sharing that information.

  "Your brightest soldier is fraternizing with your enemy, and the two of you don't even care?" Klaus asked, sounding a bit skeptical.

"Well, of course we care, Klaus," Ophelia argued with the hybrid, "But Thierry is a grown ass man. He makes his own choices, and we also get some good intel in the process."

  "Besides, he's not gonna do anything to jeopardize what we're doing here. I mean, check this out-—a vampire hosting a ritzy charity event? We have a community here. No one's gonna mess that up." Marcel added in to Ophelia's comment.

  "Still..." Klaus trialed off, which made Ophelia think that the male was up to something and that was why he kept talking about Thierry, "You don't want the witches to get too bold, given that a witch's tip about a werewolf in town led to the disappearance of your nightwalkers. I'm sure you've considered the possibility that it could've been a trap."

Ophelia frowned at this, wondering what he was up to now that he was trying to blame something that she did on Thierry and his witch girlfriend, Kate.

Marcel gave Klaus a look as if he seemed as though he never considered the thought, "Well, maybe I'll send a little message," Marcel told Klaus as he turned Thierry, "Thierry!" he called out loudly, "Take a team of nightwalkers to the Cauldron tonight, do a little rousting...Oh, and Thierry? Make it nasty."


That night, Rebekah and Klaus entered Marcel and Ophelia's charity event, arm in arm, taking in the dark, wild atmosphere.

Klaus was wearing a black suit with a black dress shirt and tie, and Rebekah was dressed in a matching black peplum cocktail dress and a hairpiece with black feathers and beads.

Acrobats performed, dancers handled exotic animals, and confetti fell glittering upon the party guests.

Klaus smiled as he took in the atmosphere around him, "Well, this certainly is a fitting backdrop for tonight's events, I must say." He commented as both himself and Rebekah spot Cami entering the party, wearing white angel's wings and a vintage white beaded dress.

Rebekah looked pleased by this, but Klaus' smile instantly fell when seeing the female, "What's she doing here?" Klaus asked his sister, clearly suspicious.

"What better way to distract Marcel than to put his very human new girl in a room chock full of vampires?" Rebekah replied, not seeming bothered by the fact she had added Cami into the mix.

Klaus seemed very unhappy with this decision on Rebekah's part as she crossed the courtyard to greet Cami. Klaus sighed before he followed behind her


Klaus was in the middle of talking to a random person when his eyes locked on Ophelia, who stood alone at the bar,
"Pardon me for a moment." He told the person before he walked over Ophelia to greet her as she stood by herself, drinking a glass of scotch.

"Ophelia." Klaus greeted the female hybrid, only to have the girl not even bother to look at him.

"What the hell do you want?" She asked him, gritting her teeth as if she was trying her hardest to keep calm.

Klaus smirked slightly when he noticed that Ophelia's eyes are locked on Marcel and Cami as the two danced, "I see you've noticed how close Cami and Marcel have gotten." He told her, "Look—"

Before Klaus could finish his sentence, Ophelia cut him off, "Klaus, you better stop talking about it before I really lose it on you." She growled at him lowly.

Klaus immediately looked up at her concerned to see that Ophelia was struggling to flick her eyes back its normal green instead of its fluorescent yellow. He decided to keep calm and not make a big deal, figuring that it would help her. Klaus smiled at her, "What? And leave you alone while you're looking the way you do? If I haven't told you already tonight, love, you look exquisite in that dress," He commented as he placed a hand on her lower back, leading her over to the dance floor.


As Ophelia danced with Klaus about ten feet away from where Marcel danced with Cami, Diego suddenly entered the courtyard and saw his king and Queen dancing with two other people, both of them with their faces nearly touching their dance partner's.

Diego looked anxious between the two until he decided to walk over to Ophelia first. He whispered some news in her ear, which both Klaus and Marcel, who was still dancing with Cami, heard.

"Excuse me," Ophelia whispered to Klaus before she unattached her arms from his neck and walked over to where Thierry stood. Ophelia glanced at Marcel, who was making his way over to the group also.

  As Marcel spotted Thierry, who took off his hat shamed, he seemed as if he could barely contain his anger at the sight of the younger vampire.

Once Marcel and Ophelia arrived in front of Theirry, Marcel grabbed him by the throat, pushing him away from the main party.

  "What the hell did you do?" Marcel asked angrily, gripping Thierry's throat tightly as he held him against the wall.

Ophelia and Diego turned their heads to see that Cami was watching them from below. Diego shared a glance with Ophelia before he decided to intervene in their confrontation, "Whoa, not here. No, not here." Diego warned him as he pushed Marcel off of Diego.

Marcel went to go forward once more, but Ophelia quickly stepped in front of Marcel, pressing her hands against his chest as she pushed him back, "He's right, Marcel. Here is definitely not the place to be doing this." Ophelia told him quietly.

  Marcel sighed deeply as he backed off, knowing that Ophelia was right.

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