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Moments later, Klaus, Ophelia, and Marcel were alone in the pit after the drive-by shooting. The room was now empty and the furniture was disarranged. The burned skeleton of a nightwalker laid near them and both Ophelia and Marcel seemed enraged.

"Dammit, dammit, dammit!" Marcel shouted out furiously. He became so enraged that he flipped a table before angrily pointing at Klaus, "This is on you! Now that you're in charge, these are your guys laying dead. Your guys. If You're gonna run this city, they better mean something to you, otherwise, no one worth a damn is gonna follow you. No one! Not even Ophelia!"

  Marcel glared at Klaus, but instead of being angry at him, Klaus merely smiled as Marcel turned away from him, "I was beginning to worry about the two of you. I don't think I could've taken any more of this differential nonsense. I mean, clearly I underestimated the faction. That won't happen again. But, tell me--now that we've arrived to this point, now that they have come into our home, visited this upon our people... How would the two of you counsel me to respond?"

"Let's go kill them all," Marcel ordered.


Once Father Kieran arrived to the restaurant, he found the human faction holding a meeting without him, "Why wasn't I consulted on this?" He asked them.

"You've been gone for over eight months, Kieran. We got used to doing things on our own." The Mayor explained to him.

"This Klaus Mikaelson, I don't care who he is or what the rumors say. He needed to be taught a lesson. If we can keep Ophelia Rose, the most powerful being in this city under control, we can do the same to him." The Sheriff explained.

"You are gonna start a war!" Kierran shouted angrily.

"I'd like to see them try. Oh, and Kieran, this is the last time you call a meeting. Next time you wanna criticize our leadership, send a damn email." He commented and Kieran gave him a confused look.

"I thought you called this meeting..." Kieran told him, giving them a concerned look.

"The hell we did." The Sheriff stated.

Klaus and Ophelia entered the room and approached their table, "Actually, Ophelia and I called it. It appears we made a grave error during our earlier conference. My friend Marcel offered me wise counsel, and I failed to heed it." Klaus informed.

The Sheriff smirked, feeling as if he had won, "I'm glad to hear you've learned your lesson."

"Oh, not to worry. We won't be making that mistake a second time," Ophelia replied before she raised her voice to call out to the back room, "Marcel!"

Marcel vamp-sped over to the Sheriff and stabbed him in the neck. Marcel grinned, content, as the Sheriff bled and the rest of the restaurant patrons screamed.

Ophelia and Klaus approached him, both of them smiling, "Shall we?" Ophelia questioned, gesturing to the rest of the people.

"Ladies first." Marcel smiled at her and Ophelia quickly vamp sped over to the Mayor, biting into his neck.


After killing nearly everyone in the room, Klaus drank the last drops of blood from a dead woman. He was alone with Father Kieran while Marcel and Ophelia were occupied with their own victim on the floor out of sight. Around them, there were many dead bodies on the floor, the bodies of the former human faction.

Klaus looked over at Kieran, "There he is. Our lone survivor. Such a sad day for our city." He commented as he patted Father Kieran on the shoulder, "Some of its best and brightest killed in a tragic boating accident on the Mississippi. Rather nasty explosion, I heard," Klaus stared at Kieran directly in the eyes, "What am I going to do with you?"

Both Marcel and Ophelia quickly stood up and joined them anxiously, "Okay, hold up. Ophelia and I have known Kieran for a long time. He's smart and he's fair. I think he can do us more good alive than dead. Not to mention he's Cami's uncle." Marcel explained and Klaus began to look at him suspiciously, "Don't see you care about things much--it's kinda hard not to notice when you do."

"Very well. Use this reprieve to remake your human faction." Klaus decided and Kieran seemed overwhelmed.

"And how do you expect me to remake the Mayor?" Kieran questioned.

" Well, surely there's a deputy Mayor? Choose new leaders. Then we'll re-open negotiations." Klaus explained before he took his leave.


Upstairs at the compound, Davina was unpacking her things in her new bedroom when Ophelia came in to visit her to find her searching through her boxes for something.

"What are you looking for?" Ophelia asked her curiously.

"My violin," Davina replied, "It must be left in the attic."

Ophelia raised a brow at Davina, "So, just go get it."

"I can't. It's not safe for me out there, you know this." Davina argued.

"That's funny. Isn't it supposed to be the other way around?" Ophelia questioned and Davina seemed confused as to what she was getting at.

"Ophelia, the witches are after me. You already know all of this." Davina told her, causing Ophelia to sigh.

"Davina, this is what I wanted to tell you earlier. That crazy witch, Agnes? She's gone now. Elijah saw to it when he killed her." Ophelia explained to the younger witch.

Davina shook her head in disbelief, "But... Agnes was the last living Elder. If she's dead, then I'm safe. Marcel would've told me. You would've told me."

"Maybe that's because Marcel didn't wanna lose his secret weapon against the witches and I was too loyal to him to say anything?" Ophelia suggested, "It's different now. I'll do whatever the hell I want."

"You're lying," Davina argued, clearly suspicious of her.

"Why would I lie to you?" Ophelia asked her.

"Because you want something from me. Everyone does." Davina replied, causing Ophelia to sigh once more.

"Davina, I don't want anything from you. But if I did, I wouldn't lie to you to get what I want. I'd just ask you," Ophelia explained to her, "I guess that's the difference between Marcel and me."

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