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  Ophelia awoke with a gasp to find herself in the trunk of an SUV alongside an unconscious Hayley with her wrists bound as it drove down the country roads of Louisiana.  She frowned in confusion, looking to see she had no clue whose car it was, "Hayley? Hayley!" Ophelia whispered shouted as she began to shake Hayley with her tied up hands.

  "Where are we?" Hayley asked worried and Ophelia shrugged as she glanced over at the trunk's window.

She placed her hand on her neck, trying to see if her necklace was there. She quietly gasped when she found it gone, "My necklace!" She muttered quietly.

Hayley noticed how worried Ophelia looked and decided to take matters upon herself.  She tried to kick out the back window to escape, but the driver suddenly stopped the car and got out to check the trunk. When he opened it, he tries to grab both of them, but both girls fought back by kicking at him.

   "Seriously?" He asked them, clearly annoyed, catching their feet before it could hit them.

  Ophelia frowned when the face Hayley made when she saw the man looked as if she knew him, "Tyler?" Hayley gasped.

   "You don't wanna fight me, Hayley. You know you can't beat a hybrid," He told her before turning to Ophelia, "You can't either, not without your magic."

   Tyler used zip-ties to bind their ankles so they couldn't run away, causing both girls to yell out, "Aah! Let me go, you hybrid piece of shit!" Ophelia screamed out as Tyler pulled Hayley and Ophelia out of the trunk and threw them both over his shoulders.

   As he walked down the road, his hybrid face came out as he angrily dragged the two females.


After arriving at one of the homes of the bayou, Tyler placed down Hayley and Ophelia on steps of the small house, both of them still tied up. Hayley glanced around, confused about where she was. Ophelia, on the other hand, knew exactly where she was.

"What is this place?" Hayley asked concerned as she continued to look around.

"The armpit of Louisiana," Tyler answered as he pulled out a knife out of his pocket.

Both Hayley and Ophelia backed away as much as they could when seeing the knife in his hand, "What the hell are you gonna do with that?" Ophelia asked with a concerned look on her face.

She knew she couldn't be killed with just a simple knife, but the same didn't go for Hayley. She was still mortal, no matter how much her baby saved her from harm.

"Depends on you, Ophelia," He replied, kneeling next to both girls as he cut the ties on their ankles.

"Hey, you attacked us, remember?" Hayley argued as she stood up from the ground alongside Ophelia, "You ambushed us in our backyard."

"It's not your backyard, Hayley," Tyler retorted with attitude as he pointed his knife at Ophelia, "It's not even hers. It's Klaus'. You're shacked up in a mansion with Klaus and Klaus' bitch, Ophelia, a long way from the girl I met in the Appalachians helping other werewolves."

"Tyler, I'm sorry, but a lot has happened since the last time I saw you." Hayley told him, trying to keep her calm.

"You mean that you're pregnant?" Tyler asked and Hayley seemed to be shocked that he knew, "A hybrid baby, yeah, I know all about it. I've been roaming around the Bayou, asking questions. Let me tell you what I learned!" Tyler walked over to to Ophelia and Hayley, pulling down the sweaters they both to reveal their matching birthmarks. Hayley seemed shocked to see Ophelia's, she had never noticed to before because it had always been covered with makeup up until recently, "This crescent birthmark means you come from a big-shot family, the same one that Ophelia came from until she ditched both them and the witches for the Mikaelson three hundred years ago. Some kind of royalty for the werewolves of this region. And right here..." Tyler trailed off as he gestured around him, "...this is all that's left of them."

  The three werewolves looked around to see more shacks and tents made of blankets. Ophelia looked down at the ground, ashamed to be apart of the reason it all had happened.

   Soon enough, Hayley had spotted a blonde girl standing nearby, watching them, "Hey!" Hayley called out loudly, only to startle the woman who soon ran away,  "Help us!"

  "They can't help you! They're in the woods, hiding because they were persecuted for decades by vampires with Ophelia, their former alpha, by their side." Tyler explained to her as another werewolf, Dwayne, appeared.

"Is that her?" he asked, pointing at Hayley.

Tyler sighed, "Yeah, Dwayne. Get her inside." He commented as he glanced over at Ophelia, "I'll get here."

  Hayley looked at them scared as Dwayne grabbed her, "Tyler? Tyler!" She yelled out.


Ophelia stood beside Tyler's truck as he got his bag, "What are you even up to? You know you can't kill Hayley, Klaus would find you and murder you."

Tyler rolled his eyes as he looked up at Ophelia, "You think I care about that? I don't care if I die." He argued with her.

"And if you looked up your facts, you would know that I'm immortal, I can't be killed," Ophelia told him as she began to walk in the direction of the bayou alongside Tyler.

Tyler knew he didn't have to hold onto Ophelia any longer. He knew she wouldn't make a run for it, especially when he still Hayley.

"Yeah, I get it. You're the immortal hybrid, just as Klaus is. But your different, you're part witch part werewolf while Klaus is part werewolf and part vampire." Tyler explained, "Tell me, do you think you would you stay immortal if you were turned into a vampire?" He asked her and Ophelia's eyes widened in shock.


  Hayley was alone in the shack, zip-tied to a fire stove, when Tyler walked in with Ophelia beside him, "Tyler, there's been a wolf watching me lately. Protecting me, like it instinctively knows that I'm part of its pack." Hayley began to explain, "You're a hybrid, you can turn into a wolf whenever you want... Was it you?"

  Tyler seemed confused by the question, "No, but you're right--only hybrids can control when they change. And I'm the only one left, besides Klaus," Tyler explained calmly, "Which is why we're all here."

  "Whatever you think you're doing, you know that whole Original family has made some sort of pact, or something, to keep me and the baby safe. And all of the Originals care deeply for Ophelia, they wouldn't let a single thing happen to us. So, if you hurt either of us, they'll kill you." Hayley told Tyler, who didn't seem to care.

"What makes you think I'm afraid to die?" Tyler asked her as Dwayne walked into the shack and joined the three of them, "You ready for this?" He said to Dwayne.

"Let's do it," Dwayne replied, nodding his head.

  Tyler dug into the bag he had gotten from his truck when he went back with Ophelia. He took out a large syringe from it, and Hayley's eyes widened in fear, "What are you doing?" Hayley asked Tyler, clearly scared for her life. Dwayne walked over and held Hayley down as Tyler crouched down in front of her, "Tyler, please. No! Tyler!" Hayley pleaded with him.

  "Klaus destroyed everything good in my life!" Tyler explained to her angrily, "So, I'm gonna take away the thing he wants most!"

  "No, please, Tyler, please," Hayley begged as she shook her head.

   Tyler jammed the syringe into Hayley's stomach and drew out a measure of her blood, Hayley screaming in pain as he did so. One he removed the syringe from her body, he turned to Dwayne and jammed into his neck, injecting him with half of it.  He then snapped his neck, Dwayne falling to the floor, temporarily dead.

  Tyler turned to Ophelia next, causing her to slowly back up, "You mean more to Klaus than anyone else besides his family. If I inject with this, you can die." He explained to her as he stuck the syringe into her neck.

  "No, please, don't hurt her. Please, Tyler. Tyler, don't!"  Hayley screamed out as Tyler snapped Ophelia's neck. Her eyes began to fill with tears as her friend's body hit the ground.

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