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 Once hearing about Father Kieran's untimely death, both Hayley and Ophelia decided to attend his wake. Ophelia soon spotted Klaus sitting alone and decided to sit with him. 

 Klaus continued to drink his glass of bourbon, looking down at the tiles on the table, not even realizing that Ophelia had sat down beside him, "Hey, earth to Klaus." She called out, causing Klaus to look up with wide eyes when he saw that it was her sitting with him.

"You're back from the bayou," He realized and Ophelia nodded, "There's something I need to confess--"

"Gee, Klaus. I've been back in the city five minutes and you already seek my opinion and assistance. Why am I not surprised?" She commented, only to frown when she saw how odd Klaus seemed to be acting, "Klaus, what's going on with you?"

"I've been having these dreams," Klaus informed Ophelia quietly, "About my dead father. No need for your witchy expertise, love. I've already got this one covered. My fears of fatherhood, of scarring my child, as my father scarred me are manifesting as nightmares. Before you say it, yes, I know. It's so horrifically cliche." He paused, giving Ophelia a hesitant look, "You also happened to be apart of these dreams. You tried to save me from my father, but then he killed you right in front of me."

 Ophelia decided to ignore the part of herself being included in Klaus' dream and instead talk about the fact that Klaus was talking about his unborn daughter, "Honestly, I'm just surprised to hear you acknowledge out loud that you're going to be a father," She commented, "Your baby mama and I have been living in the bayou for months. It's not exactly what to expect when you're expecting, Klaus."

 Klaus turned his head, only to lock eyes on Marcel, who was granted permission by the immortal hybrid to be allowed into the quarter for Kieran's funeral, "I know more about trials of fatherhood than you might think, Ophelia."

 Ophelia sighed, turning to see that Klaus was referring to Marcel, "And that worked out so well," She commented sarcastically, turning to look at Klaus.

"You're not one to talk, love," Klaus snapped at her, "Wasn't just three centuries ago when your husband fled with your two children? If I remember correctly, you didn't do anything to stop it."

 Angered, Ophelia slapped Klaus right across the face before she abruptly stood up, "You know damn well I tried to get them back. If it wasn't for you, I would have gotten them back." She growled at him before walking off.

 Ophelia soon spotted Hayley and walked over to her as Marcel grabs a bottle of scotch to make a toast to the entire party. Marcel clinked the class of scotch and his glass cup together to get everyone's attention. The band soon stopped, allowing Marcel to do his spell, "I know I haven't been around these parts lately. It's a testament to Father Kieran that we could come together and share a drink, and a story or two. Kieran rolled into town on a rusty old cruiser after his daddy died twenty-five years ago. And damn it, that guy could party!" Marcel and the rest of the audience laughed, "That was, of course, before he took his vows. But, even then, he was committed to the Quarter. He knew that this town needed him. And, we still do." Marcel smiled as he lifted his glass, "To Father K!"

 "To Father K." The rest of the party said in unison.

 Ophelia was walking past the kitchen she noticed Cami seemed to be trying her hardest to walk away from Francesca Correia, who seemed to be telling the blonde something she didn't like. Ophelia placed a fake smile on her face, knocking on the door, "Is there a problem here?" She asked curiously and Cami gave her a thankful look.

"Now that you're here, no, there isn't," Cami smiled before walking past Ophelia and back into the main room.

 Ophelia glanced over at Francesca, who seemed to give her a glare. The brunette sent her one back before heading back to the wake.

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