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  After driving Hayley home, Klaus could not stop thinking about how Hayley had told him how Ophelia saved her life and had taken two arrows in the heart for her. And even if she was immortal, none of them had seen come out of the woods. Hell, no one had seen her period.

   Klaus sighed, walking into the living room to find Rebekah sitting on the couch, looking at her computer, "I'm going to see if I can find Ophelia, make sure Hayley doesn't go anywhere." Klaus told his younger sister, who nodded as he exited the mansion.

  Klaus quickly dialed Marcel's number and soon after, the younger vampire had answered, "Marcel, have you spoken to Ophelia lately?" Klaus asked and could instantly hear the loud scoff that escaped Marcel's lips, "What is it?"

"I have no clue where Ophelia is, but if you do find her, why don't you tell her next time she promises to do something, make sure she actually does it," Marcel told him angrily before hanging up on Klaus.

  Klaus sighed, before placing his phone in his jacket pocket, heading in the direction of the bayou.


"Ophelia? Ophelia!" Klaus called out loudly as he walked through the bayou in search of Ophelia, the person who saved the mother of his child's life but hadn't been seen since doing so.

Klaus frowned when he came across a pile of bodies around him. Well, if you couldn't even call them that anymore. Each body was torn apart, different body parts ranging from inches to several yards away from their head.

  Klaus immediately knew this was inflicted by a wolf. Suddenly, he heard crackling of leaves on the ground. He turned his body around in the direction of where he heard the noise.

  His eyes widened in shock when he found Ophelia standing before him. She was naked, her hair frizzed and her body covered in both blood and dirt. As she walked over to him, she limped a bit, still healing from whatever wounds she had endured. He noticed how the only thing that remained on her body was her necklace. The necklace that she had spelled centuries before to remain on her neck no matter the circumstances unless she did the spell that removed it. It held all of the girl's magic, which was more magic than anyone could ever imagine. It held as much Davina Claire held as the fourth harvest witch, maybe even more.

  Klaus froze in his place, unable to move. Ophelia crossed her arms over her chest, trying to cover her breast, "Well..." Ophelia trailed off as her voice became louder, "Aren't you going to give me a coat or are just going to stare at me as if you hadn't seen me naked before, which you clearly have."

 Klaus couldn't help the wide grin that appeared on his face at Ophelia's words. He quickly took off his jacket before he walked over to Ophelia and placed the jacket on her shoulder.

"Thank you," She thanked him, sending him a small, sincere smile.

"Any time, love," Klaus replied as he placed a hand on her lower back, leading her toward his car, "Let me bring you back to my house, I'll have Rebekah lend you some of her clothes and you will also need a bath, you're covered in dirt and blood."


A few days had passed and Ophelia had spent more and more time with the Mikaelsons instead of with Marcel, ruling the city. Each of the Mikaelsons enjoyed having her back with them, more specifically Klaus. She had even convinced Davina to hand Elijah back to his family.

Rebekah, on the other hand, became angered with Ophelia constantly, just as she did ninety years ago when they were housemates.

Once again, Rebekah and Ophelia were arguing with each other in the downstairs living room when they heard Hayley, who was upstairs in her bedroom, yelp in pain. Both females shared a glance with each other before running to Hayley's aid, "What the hell was that?" Rebekah asked the female concerned.

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