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Flashback; Jazz Club, 1919

A jazz band played at a local club while everyone was enjoying themselves. People danced, sang, laughed, mingled and most of all, drank.

At the bar, Elijah, Ophelia, and Klaus turned to witness the scene before them, "Well this is a first," Klaus spoke up with a smile on his face, "Werewolves, vampires, witches and dirty cops." He turned to glance at a group of cops toasting their glasses together and drinking to the occasion, "All happy as clams and drunk as stoats."

Klaus smiled as Elijah ordered three shots, "You gotta love this city," Ophelia commented, "Especially after living here for as long as we have."

"To a new era!" Elijah spoke up happily as he handed Klaus and Ophelia their shots, "Collaboration in the face of Prohibition."

"To my docks, their booze, and our theatres to hide it under," Ophelia commented, "You're welcome, boys."

The three of them happily toasted their glasses together and drank before Klaus turned to smirk at Ophelia, his arm wrapping around her waist as he pulled her closer to him, "Now, I shall have to think of a way to thank you personally, love, in a manner befitting a werewolf queen."

Ophelia smiled, striking Klaus' face affectionately, "I'll think you'll find a way, handsome."

Ophelia moved closer to Klaus, causing the male to lean forward. Just as their lips were about to touch, Ophelia moved back, walking past Klaus and heading into the crowd.

Klaus sighed in defeat before turning to Klaus, "Who would have thought it possible? The unification of New Orleans?" Elijah commented proudly.

Klaus playfully gripped Elijah's shoulders, "We did it, brother." He commented, referring to himself, his brother, and Ophelia.

Elijah placed his arm around his brother's shoulder and whirled him around to overlook the scene before him, both of their eyes locking on Ophelia, who was talking with a couple werewolves, "Oh, certainly, the three of us worked together, Niklaus. But this vision? This was all Ophelia. We managed this all because of her. The true leader of New Orleans."


"Shall I wake her up?" Ophelia asked Eve and Hayley while pointing to Celeste, who was still possessing Sabine's body and had her hands tied in front of her as she leaned back against a tree, unconscious.

Hayley and Eve nodded as they stood in front of her, their rifles aimed at her, while the rest of their clan, still stuck in wolf form, surrounded her. Ophelia sighed before lifting up her hand, "Surgere." She spoke up and Celeste woke up.

The female witch looked unamused as she woke up. Ophelia walked forward, ripping the duck tape from her mouth, "So what's this, payback? Look. I'm sorry I tricked the both of you. I wasn't after either of you."

"What, and we were just collateral damage?" Eve asked with attitude, "You almost burned her, Ophelia, and Jackson alive in that plantation fire."

Celeste struggled against the ropes to free herself as Hayley fired the gun. Hayley shot a warning shot near Celeste, "Careful, Sabine, or Celeste or whatever you like to call yourself. Sudden moves make me jumpy." Hayley growled as she cocked the gun again, "And homicidal."

"What, you're gonna kill me, honey?" Celeste asked Hayley amused.

"No. I know better," Hayley replied with a smile on her face, "See, I know all about you. I know that you like to off yourself and then jump into other people's bodies. Well, that's not gonna happen here. I know I can't kill you, but try hexing me, and my friend Eve here will kneecap you."

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