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At the Mikaelson compound, Marcel returned home in his military uniform to find a party being held at the compound, clearly orchestrated by Klaus and Ophelia. He soon spotted Rebekah sitting at a table with an unknown man, and started to walk toward her, "Aren't you gonna welcome me home?" He asked the blonde original as she looked up at him. 

"I wouldn't want you to think that I was happy to see you." Rebekah sarcastically replied.

 "How long you gonna hate me?" He asked her with a sigh.

 "You left me in a box for fifty-two years," Rebekah gave him a cold stare, "Twice that seems like a good start." She got up from her seat, turning to the two males waiting for her, "Come on, boys."

 Klaus and Ophelia, who had spotted Marcel, quickly made their way over to him, "There he is. Our war hero, triumphantly returned," Klaus hugged Marcel before pulling away.

 Marcel turned to Ophelia with a smile on his face before hugging her, "Oh, good to have you back, Marcellus," Ophelia greeted the boy, placing her hands on his shoulders after they were done hugging, "Welcome home."

 Meanwhile later, Klaus, Ophelia, and Marcel had joined Elijah at the bar for a drink, "Mmm." Marcel hummed as he downed his shot at the same time as Ophelia.

 "Haha!" Klaus laughed as he placed his hand on Marcel's shoulder, "The prodigal son has finally learned to hold his liquor. Last time you were home, Ophelia was able to best you at ease."

 "The Army'll do that to you,"  Marcel commented with a large grin on his face.

  "Well, it's good to have you back. Niklaus was beside himself in your absence what with Ophelia off at the sanatorium day and night." Elijah told him and a small smile appeared on Ophelia's lip.

 "Now that you are here, perhaps you could help settle an argument," Klaus stated, "You see, you've traded a war abroad for one here in the Quarter. Some rogue witch wants a piece of the city we built, and Elijah, for reasons beyond my comprehension, insists that negotiation is our best recourse. Ophelia also claims the middle, meaning we are at a predicament."

"Yes, that is so." Ophelia nodded her head in agreement.

 "On the topic of your failed comprehension, you neglect, as a soldier, Marcel has seen not only how small the world has become and how fast news can travel, but also the very horrors of war itself. Surely, Marcel would agree with me." Elijah explained, "The best way for us to defend our home is by exercising discretion."

   "So who's the witch you want to kill?" Marcel asked curiously.

    "His name is Papa Tunde. Klaus thinks that he is a fiend," Ophelia explained and could almost the smell the reek of guilt radiating off of Marcel at the mention of the witch's name.

 At the same time, both Ophelia and Elijah spotted Papa Tunde entering the compound with both of his twin sons at his side, "Well, Marcel shall be able to decide that for himself."  He commented and Marcel soon saw what the two were looking at.

"You invited him here." Marcel realized.

 "Of course, we did. We're not savages, are we?" Klaus replied to Marcel's comment as he placed down his drink.

  Klaus shared a glance with Ophelia, holding out his arm. She smiled slightly at him before they linked arms, making their way over to Papa Tunde side by side, "We thank you greatly for accepting our invitation, Papa Tunde," Ophelia greeted the male witch with a smile on her face, "And welcome,"  

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