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In Jardin Grin Voodoo Shop, Katie's old spot, Ophelia searched frantically for the last two items on her list. As she did so, she couldn't help but wonder how Sophie Deveraux got her number in the first place. It was a random thought, but it was something important to her to think about. Even Hayley didn't have her number and Hayley was the closest person she had to a friend lately.

 Suddenly, the entrance door to the stop was opened and Ophelia quickly turned her head to see that it was Marcel coming in, "Isn't this Katie's shop?" He asked curiously and Ophelia rolled her eyes at him, averting all of her attention to finding the last herb on the list. Marcel closed the door behind him as he walked into the Voodoo shop, "Did she leave you the keys in her will? I didn't remember you guys ever being that good of friends, I'm pretty sure the two of you were enemies.  Oh, wait! Maybe today's just 'Help Yourself Tuesday'." He was quiet for a long moment as he watched Ophelia search for something frantically, "What are you even doing here?"

  Ophelia sighed in frustration, "Go away, Marcel. I don't have time for you." She told him with attitude, not answering his question.

 "Oh, really? Well, I actually would like to know how come you've been AWOL in this city for four whole days and then you just magically appear in a voodoo shop, looking for God knows what," Marcel explained and Ophelia became quiet.

"I got a better question: What are you doing here?" She retorted and Marcel just grinned.

"Just keeping my city safe from thieves and vandals, but it seems as though every time I turn around, I catch you or Original with their hand in the cookie jar." He replied and Ophelia couldn't help but laugh.

"You know, after spending almost a century as your girlfriend, Marcel, I can tell when you're lying..." Ophelia trailed off as she finally found what she was looking for, "Camphor! I finally found it."

  Ophelia turned around to find Marcel standing in front of her, blocking her way. Their faces were mere inches apart and Ophelia's mouth gaped open when realized this, "Come back to the compound. Please. I miss you." Marcel pleaded, "Let's work out everything that's gone wrong with us in the past month."

Ophelia let out a sigh, knowing she couldn't use this time to fix things with Marcel when Hayley could be dying, "I'm sorry, Marcel, but I can't right now. Tomorrow at noon?" She suggested and Marcel nodded.

"Sounds good." He replied and before he knew it, Ophelia had run out of the shop and went on her merry way.


  That night, in the back part of the Mikaelson mansion, Hayley was wrapped in a towel as she sat beside the swimming pool. Ophelia and Rebekah stood behind her, Ophelia checking the girl's temperature, while Elijah assisted Sophie in helping with the herbs. 

 He quickly shrugged off his jacket and rolled up his sleeves, "She's burning up we need to do this now." Elijah informed the group as he walked over to Hayley.

"Get here in the water!" Sophie insisted as Elijah slid himself into the water before he picked up Hayley and brought her in, too.

"I don't see how a midnight swim is supposed to help," Rebekah commented, clearly frustrated.

Ophelia sighed as she walked over to where Rebekah stood beside Sophie, "Hayley's temperature is sky high, and the pool water, with the help of the herbs Sophie told me to get, should cool us down." Ophelia explained and Sophie looked up at her, impressed.

Sophie walked over to the pool and got in, holding her cup of herbs. She walked over to where Elijah was holding Hayley up, "Drink this," She commanded and Hayley quickly listened, "You're gonna have to get her heart rate down."

"And how do you suggest I do that?" Elijah questioned confused.

"Hold her. It's a natural human remedy to slow heart rate and reduce blood pressure," Sophie informed them.

"This is never gonna work," Rebekah remarked from her spot standing next to Ophelia beside the pool.

Ophelia turned to Rebekah, giving her a glare, "If you keep talking like that, it won't." She retorted with attitude.

Elijah picked Hayley up bridal's style, "Davina will break that link. We just need time." Hayley clung to Elijah, gasping for breath.

 Soon after, they continued to stand in the pool, Hayley began to hyperventilate, "I can't breathe!" She gasped out.

"Okay, long deep breaths," Elijah told her calmly, "Hayley! Look at me. Long deep breaths, just focus on the sound of my voice." Hayley turned to look at Elijah as his voice became just above a whisper, "You'll be okay. You'll be okay."

   Suddenly, Hayley began to scream out in pain and thrashed in Elijah's hold.

   Sophie started to gasp and Ophelia knew then that the linking spell was beginning to lift. She smiled to herself, knowing that Davina had successfully completed the spell. 

 Sophie looked up at the sky, looking almost disappointed in Ophelia's opinion,  "I just felt it lift." She informed the group.

  Both Opehlia and Rebekah sighed in relief as Hayley starts to calm down, and Elijah looked stunned by it all. Hayley stood up on her own, but still leaned against Elijah, still weak from the spell. Sophie removed one of her earrings and pokes her palm with it. Hayley looked at her palm, and she and Elijah both looked relieved when she wasn't injured by it. Elijah held her hand as he and Hayley stared at each other for a long moment. Rebekah and Ophelia noticed their shared glances, so Elijah quickly let go and lead Hayley out of the pool, "Come on, let's go." Elijah told her.

  "Elijah..." Sophie begged, "As soon as your brother finds out that the link is broken, he'll kill Agnes. I know you don't owe me anything, but please, don't let him kill her." Once hearing this, Elijah zoomed out of the pool and pulled his phone out of his jacket on the table, "Elijah! She's our only access to the power we need to survive. Promise me that you'll stop him!"

Elijah ignored her and dialed a number on his phone before raising it to his ear, "It's me, where are you? Don't hurt her. I'll be there shortly," Elijah hung up the phone as he turned to Sophie, "I'll make you one last promise. I won't let my brother kill Agnes."

  Sophie nodded at him gratefully, and Elijah picked up his jacket and shoes and walks away. Sophie and Hayley turned to get out of the pool, but Hayley stopped Sophie at the steps, "I know you were just using me to save your people, but try it again, and I'll kill you."

  Ophelia smirked at Hayley's threat. She held out her hand for the werewolf girl to take, "Let's go." She told her and Hayley nodded, grabbing her hand as they walked back into the house. For the two girls, it felt like everything was going to be right from then on.

  Little did they know, the following day would change everything for them. Especially in Ophelia's case.

AN: I've been planning out episode 7 for this book almost since the start of this book and I'm finally there!!

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