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As Tyler and Hayley continued to converse with each other about Hayley's baby's blood being able to turn werewolves into a hybrid, both Ophelia and Dwayne awoke with a gasp.

Tyler stood up from crouching next to Hayley and turned to the newly turned hybrids, "You're going to have to feed on her," Tyler informed them and Ophelia backed away from Ophelia, shaking her head

"What? No!" Hayley argued as Tyler picked up the knife he had previously placed on the table and walked over to Hayley. Hayley screamed out as Tyler cut a part of her neck.

"Do it." He told Dwayne sternly, which the newly turned hybrid obeyed. Dwayne crawled over to Hayley and bit into her neck while Ophelia stood there, not allowing herself to feed on her friend.

Thinking that he had enough, Ophelia growled as she grabbed Dwayne by the shoulders and threw his across the room, "Get away from her!"

After he fed, Dwayne fell to the floor in pain, "Feed!" Tyler yelled at Ophelia before he pushed Dwayne outside and left the shack to tend to him.

Hayley quickly turned to Ophelia, who was trying her hardest to not feed on her, "Ophelia, you need to feed. If you do that, we can get out of here. Please, just feed. I'm allowing you to." Hayley insisted and Ophelia nodded.

Instead of feeding on her neck, Ophelia grabbed Hayley wrist and bit into it with the wolf fangs that she still seemed to be able to use after feeding. Hayley shut her eyes as Ophelia continued to feed.

Ophelia felt liberated as she fed. It was better than the feeling she had when performing magic. Feeling as if she had had enough, Ophelia detached her fangs from Hayley's wrist and pulled away.

Hayley turned her head to notice a pile of broken chair legs. Quickly, she reached for it and grabbed it as Tyler walked in with Dwayne. Feeling the sudden pain, Ophelia screamed out, falling to the ground of the shack. Tyler heard this and walked in. Ophelia fell to her knees, her head shot up as her eyes glowed its werewolf color and veins began to appear under her eyes.

"It worked, didn't it?" Hayley asked shocked, "They're hybrids."

"If Klaus gets a hold of you, if he gets that kid? He wins." Tyler stated.

"Then help me hide the baby from him!" Hayley begged him. Tyler ignored her pleas as he walked over and picked the knife up off the floor, "Help me run!"

"He'll find you, he'll take your kid away, and he'll make more hybrid monsters." Tyler continued, "Slaves who do everything he says."

Hayley seemed terrified as he walked over to her, "Tyler, whatever you're thinking of doing, there has to be another way. You're not like this!"

When Tyler shook his head and continued to walk toward her, Hayley him in the gut with the broken chair leg. Tyler screamed in pain as he pulled the stake out, "That was stupid!" He growled out as he pulled the stake out of his stomach.

Tyler started to walk toward Hayley once more when Dwayne rushed in alongside Ophelia, who had disappeared to somewhere outside, "Get away from her!" Dwayne yelled out and Tyler turned to him, confused.

As continued to argue, Ophelia turned to Hayley, "It's the sire bond. Use it." Ophelia mouthed to her and Hayley nodded her head

Dwayne, he's gonna kill me! He's gonna kill Ophelia! And he's gonna kill you, too! He said that hybrids are too dangerous to live! You need to stop him!" Hayley begged him desperately.

"Shut up!" Tyler shouted at her as Dwayne came up behind Tyler and tossed him across the room. He landed on the floor, and when he got up, Dwayne ran to tackle him. Ophelia ran over to Hayley, picking up the knife that Tyler had dropped during the fight with Dwayne. She quickly used it to break Hayley's ties before she grabbed Hayley's hand and vamp sped out of the shack.

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