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After the meeting with Francesca, Ophelia took Jackson upstairs to tend to his wounds. She dipped her fingers into the paste she had made using herbs before rubbing them onto the wounds on Jackson's arm, "This will help quicken the healing," She told him before placing wrapping the wound up.

She smiled, wiping her hands on a handkerchief when she was done, "There," She told him.

Jackson stood up from his seat and put his shirt back on, "Thank you." He thanked her with a smile on his face.

"Don't thank me, it was Elijah who vamped your ass to safety," Ophelia commented with a smile on her face.

"Yeah, well, he really seems to care about you." He replied and Ophelia couldn't help but quietly laugh.

"It's not like that, Jack. He did it for Hayley, not me. Even if there was a part of him that did it for me, it was because he considers me family. I'm the only person besides Marcel who lasted as part of the Mikaelson family without being their blood. But look at that ended up for Marcel. Me, on the other hand, have had my ups and downs with the Mikaelsons, but they're still my family no matter what happens." Ophelia explained with a smile on her face.

"If there's nothing going on between you and Elijah, I guess that leaves Klaus as the culprit who has your heart," Jackson told her and Ophelia couldn't help but smile slightly.

Ophelia tried her hardest not to blush, "That's... complicated." She replied quietly.

"I think that's the understatement of the year," Jackson commented, causing Ophelia to smile, "Look, I gotta go get back to the Bayou before the moon rises."

"Jackson, this will be the last time," She assured him, "After tonight, you'll never have to turn again. No more pain, no more hiding in the bayou. I promise."

"You know, Klaus isn't just doing this out of the kindness of his heart," Jackson told Ophelia, "He's doing it for you, Ophelia. You're the one who's going to change everything for us. I thank you for that."

With that, Jackson left Ophelia's room and soon after his departure, Klaus stood in the doorway, "I see you have a new suitor," He commented, causing Ophelia to sigh as she turned to him.

"What are you talking about, Klaus?" She asked him, sounding a bit annoyed.

"Jackson fancies you," Klaus told her and Ophelia shook her head, about to leave the room.

Before she could, Klaus grabbed her hand, causing Ophelia to turn to him, "Jackson risked his life to save his friend, just as you would. He's a good person."

"Yes, he is," Ophelia replied as she smiled slightly.

"Unlike me," Klaus suddenly said, causing Ophelia to frown in concern, "I still love you, Ophelia. It's taken me months to finally say it out loud and now, I finally have."

"Klaus, I--" Ophelia began to say, but Klaus cut her off.

"Please, Ophelia. Don't say it. You can't say it. Saying those words will make you want to stay and I can't let that happen. You need to be with the wolves. They're your family. Your real family." Klaus explained to her before cupping her face with his hands. He leaned forward, pressing his lips against Ophelia's.

Ophelia closed her eyes and began to kiss began back. After a moment, Klaus pulled away and as Ophelia opened her eyes, Klaus began to compel her, "Forget this ever happened. Live with the wolves and become their leader once again, just as you wish to. Never think for a second that being apart of the Mikaelson family ties you down."

With that, Klaus sped off to another part of the compound, leaving Ophelia there, not even realizing that she had just been compelled.

Later on, in another room, Genevieve had everything arranged in the dining room to start the moonlight ring spell. Soon enough, Klaus and Ophelia entered the room together, "I trust you're ready?" Klaus asked her concerned.

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