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  That night, after talking with Klaus, Ophelia found herself going back to the compound, only to see that Marcel was heading out with his men. He ended up insisting that she cane along and that was what she ended up doing, even though she disagreed on what he was about to do.

Marcel placed his fingers together as he whistled out loudly, clearly trying to get the attention of the witches who were gathered near the dead body of Jane-Anne Deveraux.

  "Well, well, Well. what have we here?" Marcel asked as he made his way over to the witches alongside Ophelia, a large grin plastered on his face, as always, "I gotta tell you, Soph, this street corner is not proving the luckiest spot for your family tonight."

Diego, who stood a couple feet away from Ophelia, vamped out as he stepped forward, causing some of the witches to back up, "Not half an hour ago, we had to teach your sister a little lesson."

  With her cheers streaked with tears, Sophie got up from sitting beside her sister's dead body and turned to face Marcel and Ophelia,  "We're putting her body to rest, Marcel," She replied sadly before turning to look at Ophelia, "Ophelia, you, of all people should know that. You yourself used to be a New Orleans witch. How would you have felt if you couldn't consecrate your sister's body?" She questioned her and Ophelia was about to speak up until Marcel beat her to it.

  "Neither I nor Ophelia said you could move the body," Marcel spoke up suddenly as he began to walk around a bit, "Matter of fact, I left her here for a reason: send a message."

  He stopped for a moment, making sure everyone's attention was on him, "If anybody is thinking of joining some kind of rebellion, our rules state that witches can't practice magic in the Quarter and yet a little birdy informed us that Jane-Anne was cooking up something magically delicious."

  Marcel turned to Ophelia to see if he had missed something, "Klaus." She mouthed to him and Marcel quickly nodded, knowing without her he would have forgotten, "Oh, yeah. While we have you, quick Q&A. Our old friend. The hybrid, Klaus—he just happened to show up out of the blue asking for, of all people, Jane-Anne." he explained to the witches, "Any idea why?"

"I don't know," Sophie replied, "Witches don't get involved in vampire business."

"Mm, that would be pretty stupid, that's for sure," Marcel commented as he walked over to stand behind the witch, "Tell you what, go back to the restaurant, cook up some of that famous gumbo, and keep those tourists happy." He then turned to his vampire, "Take the body." He ordered and the vampires quickly obeyed without a word.

    "What?" Sophie asked, her eyes wide as she heard his words. Thierry walked forward, getting ready to to take the body, only to be stopped by Sophia. Thierry quickly got ahold of the witch, stopping her from interfering, "No! Stop! Stop! Marcel! Ophelia!" She shouted out, pleadingly.

"We're gonna hold on to your sister's body in case maybe you remember why Klaus is here." Marcel explained as he began to walk away alongside Ophelia, who seemed to not be happy in her involvement.

  "Ophelia, please. Her body won't be at peace. You have to help." Sophie pleaded with the hybrid, thinking she would help.

  Ophelia was quiet for a moment before speaking up, "Not my problem, Sophie. Maybe then you'll listen to us." Ophelia told the female as she, Marcel and the rest of the vampires began I walk away with Jane-Anne's body.

  Elijah was still standing on the balcony, watching the whole scene unfold. Ophelia, who sensed a presence near, stopped walking and turned around. She looked up at the balcony to see Elijah Mikaelson standing there. She smirked at him before turning back around to walk away.

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