eaves dropping // sp

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Pulling your bag tighter on your shoulder, you took a deep breath before walking through the doors of your new school; Southside High. Motorcycles and old vintage cars lined the parking lot. Groups of people in black denim jackets covered in studs whistled at you as you walked past them making you roll your eyes, "Disgusting." 

When you walked into the building you were greeted by security guards and metal detectors, "Seriously? What is this place?" you mumbled to yourself.

"This is Southside High, sweetheart." You heard a female voice say as you walked through the metal detectors. You saw a girl with pink hair who was rocking a leather jacket, "I'm Toni Topaz. I'm here to give you the grand tour of this spectacular place." she joking motioned behind her at the terribly done graffiti lining the lockers. 

You chuckled, "I'm y/n." You said as you grabbed your bag, "lead the way Topaz." Toni walked you all around school telling you what to avoid and what was cool. The toilets didn't flush, there wasn't any wifi, definitely do not touch the jingle jangle.

"Now the cafeteria. The Ghoulies sit over there, avoid them at all cost. They'll definitely try something with you since you're hot."

"A group of them whistled at me when i walked in this morning. Disgusting pigs was my first impression." You mentioned.

"You can sit with my friends and i. If the Ghoulies see you with us, they won't touch you. As long as one of us is around anyways. Come on, i'll introduce you to everyone." She linked her arm with yours and lead you towards the back of the cafeteria where people clad in black leather jackets with snakes stitched to the backs sat.

"Fangs this is y/n, the new girl. Y/n this is Fangs Fogarty." She introduced. You smiled politely saying hi and grabbing a seat next to Tonie.

"Where's Pea?" She asked pulling out her lunch.

"He had to run somewhere. He should be back after lunch though." The three of you talked, Fangs asking you questions about where you were from and why you moved here. You clicked instantly with Toni and Fangs.

After lunch, Toni and you discovered that you had all the same classes so she walked with you to your class. Neither of you were paying attention, too caught up in the conversation you were having as you walked through the halls. You bumped into someone making you drop your bag to the floor, "sorry!" you said grabbing your bag. The person you bumped into didn't say anything making you look up at them, "You okay, pal?" You said waving a hand in front of his face when you noticed he was staring. "I-um. yeah i'm fine. Totally fine." he stuttered out.

"Okay, weirdo." She said to the guy giving him a weird look. He must not act like this which would explain her confusion. "This is Sweet Pea. Sweet Pea, y/n." you gave Sweet Pea a smile, "Nice to meet you, Sweet Pea." You said. He smiled shyly and you noticed a little tint of pink appear on his cheeks, "Why're you acting so weird, Pea? My god. Where are your snarky comments and rude attitude?" Toni asked him.

"I'm not acting weird, you're acting weird." He turned and walked away before Toni said anything else.

After class Toni invited you to come hang out at the Wyrm with her. You were confused making her laugh and explain that it was a hangout spot for the Serpents. From what you gathered so far, the Serpents were all that bad so you agreed and she drove the two of you over. When you walked in took in your surroundings. Old men joking around, playing pool. Some slumped on the bar from being too drunk to do much else.

"There's Fangs and Sweet Pea." She said pointing over at one of the pool tables. Sweet Pea had just leaned down to line up his shot, "Hi guys! Look what i dragged in." She joked pointing at you. You laughed, making eye contact with Sweet Pea causing him to mess up his shot. He made the black ball in and, in turn, lost the game.

"Damn Sweets, you never lose. What the hell just happened?" Toni asked as you two walked over.

"Y/n happened." Fangs joked earning a death glare from Sweet Pea. Fangs put his hands up in surrender. The four of you guys joked around, playing pool all night. Sweet Pea would add onto the conversation but the second you said anything to or about him, he turned into a little school boy. He didn't know what to say to you. Only making a fool out of himself further. Toni and Fangs caught onto Sweet Pea's quietness whenever you spoke or how he stuttered when he did eventually say something. How he stood so awkwardly next to you. How he avoided your eyes when you looked at him and how he'd jump away whenever you accidentally brushed your arms against his.

That was the usual routine. You would hang out with Toni during school and the two of you would meet the boys at the Wyrm or by the river. You and Toni growing closer and closer as the weeks past. Your parents loved her, meaning she was more than welcome to come over whenever she felt like. You were actually heading to hers for your weekend sleepover. You noticed Sweet Pea's motorcycle outside her trailer. Thinking it was just him and Fangs there to hang out for a bit before leaving you and Toni to your girl things, you walked up to the door. You heard Sweet Pea's deep voice sounding like he was despair as he spoke. You pushed your ear against the door to get a better listen, "i don't know how to act around her, Toni. Jesus it's like i turn in to a 10 year old boy whenever she's around. Like i've never spoken to a girl in my life." you could picture him running his fingers through his hair and tugging at the roots slightly at his aggravation.

"She's one of the chillest girls i've ever met, Pea. Why do you get so weird around her?" Toni asked.

"Because i like her, okay! She's the definition of perfect-"

"You know eavesdropping is rude." a voice said behind you causing you to jump and cover your mouth so you didn't let out the small scream that was at the back of your throat. You turned around quick to see Fangs leaning against the railing of Toni's tiny porch.

"Fangs, you ass. You scared me. And i was eavesdropping." you defending. He gave you an amused look and crossed his arms, "so i didn't just catch you with your ear pressed against the door trying to hear whatever Toni and Sweet Pea were just talking about?"

"Okay you caught me. Do you know what girl Sweet Pea is talking about?" you asked as he walked up the stairs towards you.

"I have an idea." he said.

"Oh hey guys. When did you get here?" Sweet Pea asked standing up when Fangs opened the door and the two of you walked in. Toni didn't allow you to answer as she pushed Sweet Pea out of the way, "Hey, Fangs. Let's go get some snacks for movie night, yeah." She said giving Fangs a look making him realize that she purposefully wanted to leave you and Sweet Pea alone.

"Let's go. Be back in a few." He said waving to you and Sweet Pea. You sat down on the couch grabbing the remote for the tv and started flipping through channels. Sweet Pea stood awkwardly in the living room watching the tv as you did so.

"You can sit down, y'know. I don't bite." you smiled at him, "unless you're into that kind of thing." you winked. Where this sudden burst of confidence came from is beyond you but you were going with it and the wide eyed look of pure shock on Sweet Pea's face made you let out a laugh. He sat next to you leaving more than enough space between the two of you. You two sat in silence before you sat the remote down on the table in front of you and turned to face Sweet Pea. He kept his head forward, he side eyed you to find you staring at him.

"I-um, over heard part of your conversation with Toni before." you admitted. He gulped nervously, "what part?" he asked still not looking at you. Eyes focused on the shit tv channel you left it on.

"You admitted to liking someone. Tell me about her. What's she like?" you urged.

"Don't play stupid, Y/n. you know who i was talking about. I'm sure Fangs and Toni have told you everything i've said about you. Your eyes widened at his revelation. You didn't know it was you. You never thought it could be you. He turned his head to look at you when you didn't say anything and noticed your wide eyes and slightly opened mouth, "Shit. You didn't know i was talking about you, did you?" his own eyes widening. You shook your head, regaining your composure.

"It's okay if you don't feel the same. Totally fine actually. You don't choose who you like, it kind of just happens so it's fine. We can still be friends, i'd like to still be friends." he rambled on and on. Finally you had had enough and grabbed the back of his neck, pulling his face closer to yours and planting your lips against his, shutting him up. His eyes only got wider, sitting shocked before finally putting his hand in your hairs and melting into the kiss.

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