always busy // sp

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You ran around your house gathering all of your sports gear, throwing them in their respectful bags. You gathered up all three nag - softball, football and your school bag - calling out to your mom that you'd be late tonight due to double practice after school.

You threw the bags in the backseat of your car and pulled out of your driveway heading to school before you were late yet again because you don't know how to keep your stuff organized and in your bag after practice, instead of throwing it all over your room and forgetting about it for the weekend.

At school, you grabbed your backpack, deciding to just leave your other bags in the car until after school. As you walked in, you scanned the hallway for Reggie - your best friend and also co-captain captain of the football team alongside you.

"Reg!" you called seeing him walking the opposite direction of you with Moose.

"Hey, y/n." he said smiling at you.

"So just a heads up, i'm going to be about 10 minutes late to practice tonight because of softball, but go ahead and start warm ups without me." you said as the two of you walked to class.

"As opposed to every other Monday?" he joked.

"Shut up, i just wanted to let you know. You'd most likely forget if i didn't remind you every monday." you said bumping your shoulder into his arm.
"Thank you for the heads up, y/n. I appreciate it." he rolled his eyes as he mocked a business like voice.

"You're so annoying." you rolled your eyes and entered the lounge, walking in front of him and sitting down on the couch next to Fangs who offered you some twizzlers. You happily took one, mumbling a quick thank you as you listened to your friend group converse.

"Toni, Fangs and i are grabbing some Pop's after school. You wanna join, y/n?" Sweet pea asked as he plopped down next to you.

"Unfortunately, i can't. Sorry, Pea. How about you and i do something tomorrow?" you offered trying to lessen the blow of being turned down.

"Sure!" he said giving you a small smile.

The bell ran signalling that it was time for first period and everyone in the lounge dispersed to their first class of the day. Reggie and Moose caught up to you and walked with you seeing as all three of you had the same first period.

"So why won't you just tell Sweet Pea you play sports so the poor guy doesn't mope around after being turned down by you?" Moose asked.

"Because i don't want him to not like me anymore."

"Why would he not like you anymore knowing you play sports?" Moose asked with furrowed eyebrows

"It's not just that i play sports - it's that i'm captain of the softball team and co-captain of the football team." you said making sure to emphasis football so the guys would get it.

"I say being on the football team makes you hotter but if he's going to stop liking you because you of that then date me instead." Reggie said wiggling his eyebrows at you making you laugh.

"I'll keep that in mind, Reg." you joked.

"No, but seriously. I don't think he'll care. I'm sure he's starting to think you don't like him." Reggie said motioning for you to walk through the door of your class first.

A week had past and you still hadn't told Sweet Pea. you were still slightly worried that he would stop liking you because you weren't "girlie" enough seeing as his ex-thing was with Josie McCoy. It was saturday and you had a softball game. The rest of the gang were at the mall hanging out, while you had to pass on the outing.

"Why does y/n never come with us to these group hangouts?" Sweet Pea asked growing curious as to why his crush never made it on saturdays.

"She's always busy on saturdays. No matter what season it is." Cheryl explained.

'Doing what though?" Fangs asked, also curious as to why the girl was never really around - except for at school of course. Reggie looked at Cheryl shaking his head to let her know that you didn't want him to know.

"She'll tell you. It's really not that big of a deal to be completely honest, but she worries a lot so she'll tell you when she wants you to know. I'm sure if you asked her, she'd explain it all." Reggie said, cutting off Cheryl who wasn't latching on to his hints. Sweet Pea nodded, taking his phone out and sending you a text asking if you wanted to grab some take out and watch movies at his place. Your response was an hour or so later, but you said yes and told him you'd meet him there after you ran home to shower and grab some clothes knowing you'd most likely stay the night.

You pulled up to Sweet Pea's trailer grabbing your bag out of the backseat before walking up to the door and knocking.

"I was beginning to think you weren't going to make it." he joked as he opened the door wide for you to walk in.

"Sorry, Pea." you said giving him a smile.

"No worries. What have you been doing all day anyway?" he asked.

"I had a game today." you said watching his face to gage his reaction.

"You play a sport?" he asked sitting on the couch next to you, handing you you fried rice.

"Two actually." you said still watching his face.

"Nice! So that's why you're always busy then?" he asked holding out the soy sauce for you. You took it as you let out a small yes.

"What sports?" he asked taking a huge bite of his lo-maine.

"Softball and football." you mumbled using your fork to stir around your fried rice.

"What was that?" he asked leaning his head closer to you so he could hear.

"Softball and football." you said slightly louder than before.

"You're on the football team?" he asked eyebrows raising in shock.

"Co-captain with Reggie, actually." you said with a shy smile on your face.

"No way! That's fucking awesome." he said smiling at you.

"Well, you took that better than i thought." you said taking a bite of rice.

"How'd you think i was going to react?" he asked confused.

"To be honest, i thought wouldn't like me anymore." you said.

"Bullshit. Ask anyone, i'm smitten. There's nothing you could do or say that would make me stop liking you."

"Even if i killed someone?" you jokingly asked.

"I'm in a gang, y/n. I'd help you get rid of the body." he said smiling at you. You laughed as you sat your bowl on the coffee table.

"So you're smitten, huh?"

"Beyond smitten." he said sitting his bowl down as well. You leaned in and placed your lips on his. He smiled into the kiss, grabbing your hips and pulling you so you were straddling his lap.

"You really don't care that i'm on the football team and the softball team?" you asked when you pulled away.

"Nope, that definitely makes you hotter." he answered.

"Reggie told me you'd say that." you laughed leaning into kiss him again.

Sweet Pea came to every practice and every game after that, making sure to not miss a thing unless it was absolutely necessary - aka serpent stuff he couldn't get out of. Reggie gave you i told you so's everyday after that as he told you from the start to just tell Sweet Pea and all of the heartbreak and moping could've been avoided.

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