a little help from a friend // sp **

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You sat in at a table in the back of the Wyrm with Toni, Cheryl, Jughead, Betty, Fangs, Sweet Pea, even Veronica and Archie. Everyone was having a good time and put all differences aside. All of you had decided to play never have i ever, whoever has done whatever someone says they haven't has to take a shot.

"Never have a i ever slept with a teacher." Veronica said immediately bumping her shoulder with Archie's as he took his shot. You noticed Fangs take a shot too.

"No way, Fangs. You too?" you asked shocked.

"Yeah the teachers at Southside High didn't give a shit. I needed a better grade and she gave it to me.... After i gave it to her of course." he smirked you laughed and shook your head at your friend.

"Okay, y/n. Your turn." Toni said.

"Umm, never have i ever...." you thought for a second to think of something good, "Never have i ever had an orgasm during sex." You watched as everyone took a shot, but you of course.

"Never? Not even once?" Cheryl asked making you shake your head no.

"Nope. Not ever." you shrugged your shoulders.

"Okay, we need to change that. Who wants to give y/n and orgasm? Any one? No takers?" Veronica said loudly looking around making the whole group laugh.

"What about you Sweet Pea?"

"What about me, Fogarty?" He gruffed.

"Why don't you rock y/n's world?" he said jokingly, but you didn't think that was a terrible idea.

"Yeah, why don't you rock my world, Pea?" you said turning your body towards him.

"You're not being serious, are you?" he asked.

"No, i am being serious. If anyone is going to give me my first orgasm, it might as well be my best friend." you said shrugging.

"Then let's go." he stood up, catching you by surprise.


"Yes, really. We going or what?" he said grabbing his keys out of his pocket. You nodded, shuffling out of your seat quickly waving by to everyone who seemed just as shocked as you. You shrugged your shoulders at Toni when she gave you a questioning look, following Sweet Pea out and to his bike. Climbing on behind him you wrapped your arms around his waist trying to calm the butterflies of excitement in your stomach a bit. Sweet Pea was hot, no doubt, and your best friend. But never in a millions years would you have believed you were about to sleep with him. But you're okay with it.

Sweet Pea pulled up to his trailer, kicking down the stand and turning off his bike. He let you climb off first before climbing off himself and walking into his trailer, holding the door open for you. Sweet Pea wasted no time as he walked up to you grabbing your face in his hands and connecting your lips. They moved in sync with each other, your hands grabbed his jacket that was unzipped pulling him closer. He pulled away slightly, allowing his tongue to trace your bottom lip before kissing you again. Your tongues danced together as you ran your hands up his stomach to his chest and under the shoulders of his jacket so he'd take it off. He didn't stop kissing you as he let go of your face to tug the sleeves of his jacket off, your hands had now moved to his neck, fingers tangled in his hair. Once he got the jacket off he threw it on the couch. He bent down a little to grab your thighs and lift you up so that your legs would wrap around his waist and he carried you to his room.

He carefully let you fall onto his bed, him crawling on top of you shortly after, tugging his shirt off and throwing it to the side. His lips met yours once again while you let your hands roam the soft, toned skin of his back and stomach. Sweet Pea pulled away from the kiss, telling you to sit up real quick so he could tug your shirt over your head, throwing it on the floor with his. He trailed kisses down your neck to your chest, reaching behind you to unclasp your bra and throwing it across the room somewhere. He paid close attention, leaving hickies on your breast making you let out a breathy moan before he continued his trail of kisses down your stomach to the waistband of your jeans. He nipped at your hip, surely leaving a mark there too as he unbuttoned your jeans and pulled the zipper down taking them off leaving you in just your underwear.

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