don't leave us // ff & sp

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You rushed into the Wyrm, fear and panic consumed your emotions. Finding your brother immediately, "where is he? What happened?" you asked grabbing his arm and turning him towards you harshly.

"He's at the hospital. We were trying to get him out of the station but the rioters were too much. We all got separated and Mrs. Klump shot him. I'm sorry, y/n. i tried to get him home safely." you could tell Sweet Pea was really torn up about this. Not only was Fangs your boyfriend, but he was Sweet Pea's best friend. That's how you and Fangs met. At first, Pea was pissed because he thought you had stolen his best friend, but Fangs assured him that the three of your could work something out. Everything would work out fine. You pulled Sweet Pea in for a hug, him crying into your shoulder and you into his chest. His arms pulled you closer, hugging you tighter when he felt something against his stomach. He pulled away, holding you at arms length giving you a questioning look. He placed his hands on your stomach, feeling the bump, making sure he wasn't imagining things.

"y/n?" you gave him a look confirming his question making him let out a breath he didn't realize he was holding.

"Does he know?" he whispered. You nodded your head, "yeah, we were going to tell you when all of this bullshit with Midge blew over. We had a cute revelation planned out and everything, but i guess this is better than not telling you. Especially now that he's clinging to life." a tear slid down your cheek making Sweet Pea's heart break for you. Jughead called a meeting, cutting your heartfelt sibling moment short. The ghoulies were back in town, meaning all of the Serpents got all riled up. You were still the only one crying over Fangs and not knowing if he was okay or not.

"I just received a call from the Sheriff." FP said walking over to you and placing his hand on your shoulder, "Fangs, he-uh. He didn't make it. I'm sorry, y/n." He said to you but loud enough for everyone to hear. Sobs ran through your body making Sweet Pea rush over to you, immediately pulling you into his arms.

"He can't leave us, Pea. He can't. We were supposed to move in together, save up enough money to give this baby anything it ever wanted because we never had anything. He can't just leave like that." you cried while Sweet Pea tried his best to calm you down.

"From what i've heard so far, it sounds like we need to put it to a vote. All in favor of giving them hell on the battlefield tomorrow?" FP asked holding up two fingers. Everyone around you doing the same, even Sweet Pea which angered you.

"Sweet Pea, you can't leave me too. I just lost Fangs, the father of my damn child and now you want to run off and get yourself killed to. I can't do this on my own. I need you." you yelled yanking his arm back down to his side. Everyone around you froze hearing you say that Fangs was the father of your child. Now everyone knew you were pregnant.

"Cheryl, take her home and make sure she stays there." Sweet Pea said pushing you towards her.

"Sweet Pea, don't you dare. You can't." you yelled after him, Cheryl holding you back so you didn't do anything stupid, "what kind of brother are you? You can't just leave me too."

"The kind of brother that's going to make sure they don't fucking come after you, y/n. I know you just lost Fangs, but so did i," He yelled back at you making you cower back into Cheryl's arms. His face softened seeing your scared expression, "I'll come back, i promise. Just go home." He said softly kissing your forehead before turning back and walking towards the group of Serpents as they made a plan for tonight.

You let Cheryl walk you outside and to Toni's truck helping you inside before climbing into the driver seat and driving off towards the trailer park. As soon as you pulled in her phone started ringing, "what do you mean? Where am i supposed to take her then?" She asked.

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