take it, it's yours // sp **

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You sat on your bed nervously twiddling your thumbs as you stared at the typed out message on your phone, thoroughly debating whether or not you should send it. There was nothing risky, but this one text would lead to a very risky conversation in person with none other than your best friend, Sweet Pea. You see, you were still a virgin and you wanted to lose it, right now. The only person you trusted with your entire life was Sweet Pea. So who better to take your virginity than the man you trust the most. You just hoped he saw it that was too. Knowing that Sweet Pea was way more experienced than you could imagine, you thought he could show you the ropes and introduce you to the world that is pleasure filled. Closing your eyes and taking a deep breath, you sent the message. Can you come over, i need to talk to you. It read. You flopped back on your bed, letting your head hit the pillows as your hand covered your face. You jumped when you heard a ding coming from the end of your bed making you quickly grab your phone.

I was already on my way. Be there soon. He replied.

"Oh my god. What have i done?" you said out loud running your hands through your hair, "okay, this isn't bad. Just relax, he's your best friend. The worst thing that could happen is that he says no." you paced your bedroom floor until you heard the doorbell ring letting you know that Sweet Pea was here. You slowly walked to the door, breathing in your nose and out your mouth to calm your nerves.

"Hey, Pea." you greeted when you finally opened the door.

"Hey." he smiled, "what'd you want to talk about?" he asked plopping down on your couch. You rubbed your sweaty palms on your jean clad thighs as you slowly sat down beside him.

"I was thinking about how i'm still a virgin and was wondering if you'd be my first." you mumbled. You knew your voice wasn't loud enough for him to fully make out what you had said, but you couldn't bring yourself to say it louder. Your nerves and fear of him saying no reaching an all time high.

"Could you repeat that, but this time so i can actually understand?" he asked chuckling lightly.

"I'm still a virgin and i want you to be my first." you said louder but keeping your gaze forward, avoiding eye contact. There was a moment of silence before Sweet Pea said anything.

"I don't think i can do that, y/n." he said softly.

"Hear me out, Pea. i'm not in a relationship and i probably won't be for a while because i'm picky about boys and you're my best friend. I trust you and care about you. I obviously want my first time to be with someone i actually care about and not some random, so why can't that person be you?"

"Because i don't want you to look back and regret ever losing it to me. This is a lapse in judgement. Sleep on it and we'll talk tomorrow, okay? But for now, i'm saying no." he stood up from the couch and made his way to the front door, "I'll swing by tomorrow night after my run with the Serpents and we'll talk." he said before he walked out the door. You waited until you couldn't hear the sound of his motorcycle anymore before you grabbed the pillow sitting next to you and burying your face in it, letting out a scream of annoyance. You sat the pillow back down next to you, sinking lower into the cushion of your couch and staring at the blank screen of your tv.

"I knew i shouldn't have said anything." you mumbled to yourself. You lazily got up and walked back to your room, flopping down on your bed hoping to forget the embarrassing moment of your best friend turning down sex that was being handed to him.

The next day you were just as nervous. You still wanted Sweet Pea to be your first, but you had a feeling the conversation tonight was going to go exactly like the night before. You'd spill to Sweet Pea and he'd turn you down. You tried talking to Toni about it to see if Pea had said anything to her about what you had said last night.

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