queen // malachai

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"So you decided to make the one person i hate a ghoulie?" you snapped as soon as you walked into yours and Malachai's shared room.

"Listen, it's a great business move, alright. You don't even have to be around her." he said walking up to you, placing his hands on your hips.

"Why didn't you ask me first? We're supposed to be a team, Kai. You can't go off making decisions by yourself." your arms remained crossed over your chest, not letting your anger subside any.

"I knew you wouldn't agree so i made the decision myself." he shrugged.

"What could she have possibly offered you that's going to make her being a ghoulie worth while?" you rolled your eyes as you asked.

"Drug empire of the century and to take down those damn snakes once and for all."

"So she can turn around and take us down? You know she fucked a lot of those Serpents lives up. Whos to say she won't do that to any of our guys?"

"If that happens, i'll let you kick her ass but in the meantime, play nice." Malachai tapped the tip of your nose with his index finger before returning to what he was doing before you barged in. You walked over to where he sat, wrapping your arms around him, letting one of your hands brush down his chest and stomach before stopping at his waistband.

"Let's make one thing clear, yeah?" you stood up straight, turning his chair so that he was now facing you. You grabbed his chin with your hands, moving your head so your faces were level with each other, "she won't be taking my place. Ever." you placed a hungry kiss to Malachai's lips before turning and exiting the room leaving Malachai alone.

"She doesn't plan to." he called after you. You rolled your eyes, annoyed by your boyfriend's naiveness when it comes to Penny. All he sees is more money in his future and if anyone promises to bring down the Serpents, his judgment is blinded.

You walked down the stairs to find Penny sitting at the bar. Walking over you took a seat next to her, the bartender immediately placing you usual drink in front of you.

"Hm must be nice being queen of everything." Penny spoke from beside you.

"Sure does." you replied without looking at her. You brought your drink to your lips, taking a sip.

"It'd be a shame if someone took it from you." she was trying to get under your skin and you knew that. You let out a scoff.

"I'd love to see someone try." you downed the rest of your drink, smacking the now empty glass on the bar before getting up and walking off. You made your rounds, checking on every crew and making sure they were doing their jobs properly. You gave orders to people making shipments and signed off on deliveries for the next few hours while Malachai was busy making business proposals for neighboring cities. He had his sights set on creating the biggest drug empire you could imagine and he wasn't going to stop until he had.

At the end of the night, once everything was taken care of, you headed upstairs to your room to find Malachai in the same spot you left him hours ago.

"So are you going to tell me the reason she's here? Or do i have to wait and find out with the others?" you asked as you walked over to the dresser to change.

"She's here because she has a few connections in Greendale, which we've been trying to expand our candy to for months now."

"We had a huge buyer with a few sellers and we start shipping out tomorrow morning to Greendale. You and i both signed off on it. That was being done before she came here. So what's the real reason?"

"She can help us finish those Serpents. I told you that this morning."

"So she helps us take down the Serpents, at what cost? You know who she is and how she operates. She never does anything without something in return."

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