friendly teasing // rm

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You walked into school, your high pony swaying as you walked. Hearing Reggie's laugh coming from the lounge you decided to go there first instead of your locker seeing that you had plenty of time before first period started.

"Hi, Reg." you greeted standing on your tiptoes to give him a kiss.

"Woah, y/n. What happened to your neck?" Sweet Pea asked with an amused smile on his face.

"What do you me-" you stopped mid-sentence as Cheryl pulled her compact mirror out of her bag and handed it to you. You caught a glimpse of the dark hickies Reggie left on you the night before, completely forgetting about them this morning as your threw your hair up.

"You did this to me you asshole!" you exclaimed smacking Reggie playfull in the stomach as he laughed. You grabbed the hair tie, yanking it out of your hair so the loosely curled tendrils fell on your shoulders, hiding the love bites a bit.

"Oh don't try to hide them now, girl. We've all seen them which means a full day of teasing coming right at you!" Toni said clapping her hands together. You sat down on the arm of the chair, letting your head fall into your hands.

'This is the worst possible thing ever. I hate you Reggie Mantle. I really do." your words were muffled by your hands but Reggie heard them loud and clear.

"Didn't know Reggie was such a biter though. Damn, y/n. Those are gonna take a while to heal." Veronica examined your hickies as she brushed your hair back from your neck.

"She loves it so of course i obliged." Reggie announced.

"I specifically said, no marks on my neck too but you didn't oblige to that!" you said smacking him again.

"You came in flaunting them with your hair up, y/n." Archie said while chuckling.

"I forgot they were there!"

"Damn, it was that good he made you forget about them?!" Jughead asked.

"I hate all of you. Goodbye." you stood up to walk out but Reggie caught you by putting his hands on your hips and spinning you around to face him.

"They're just messing with you, doll. All jokes." he kissed your forehead. You hid your face in his neck to hide the blush that creeped up on your skin from the endless teasing from your friends, "but not to toot my own horn, it was pretty great though!" he said throwing his fist in the air in victory. You grabbed his arm yanking it back down, still hiding your face in his neck as the entire group let out laughs.

"Alright, y/n. No more jokes. Promise." Fangs said. As soon as you removed your face from his neck and turned to face the group Kevin opened his mouth asking for details because hickies that deep have to come with details. You rolled your eyes turning back around and hiding once again in Reggie's neck.

"Aw come on, babe." he said hugging you tight. You looked at him unamused and he buried his head in your neck jokingly nibbling at the skin.s

"Don't give me another one you dick!" you pushed him away from you, as he and the rest of the group laughed. You let out your own, shaking your head at their childish ways, but honestly, you wouldn't choose different friends.

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