new girl // sp

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"Why won't you just admit that you get pissed every time i flirt with her!" Fangs argued with his best friend.

"Because i don't. Admitting to that would be lying." Sweet Pea answered. You were new to Riverdale, having just moved in about a month ago. You started school at Riverdale High a few weeks ago and you and Fangs had pretty much the exact same schedule so you became friends rather quickly. Fangs was always so kind to you and flirted a little, but only after realizing that Sweet Pea had a crush on you and was just trying to get under his skin enough to make him ask you out finally.

"You're full of shit, Pea." Toni laughed. Soon you walked in handing Toni a bottle of shampoo that you use to keep your blue hair so vibrant without any fading.

"You are a lifesaver, y/n!" she exclaimed as she put the bottle in her bag.

"You're lucky it was by one get one free because that stuff it expensive!" you plopped down on the couch next to Fangs who immediately draped his arm over your shoulders.

"Hello, beautiful. We were just talking about you." Fangs greeted.

"Hmm good things i hope." you said nervously.

"We were just wondering if you had your eye on anyone in Riverdale yet. You've been here for a month now, that should be plenty of time to find someone that sparks your interest."

"I haven't really been paying attention to be completely honest. I do think a certain someone is very attractive but i don't think he likes me very much. He seems rather annoyed when i'm around." you shrugged your shoulders, Fangs and Toni knew exactly who you were talking about but since Sweet Pea had his mind wrapped around you liking Fangs, he was completely oblivious.

Fangs was always nice to you, carrying your books for you when he didn't have any of his own, walking with you to class, saving you a spot at lunch. He complimented you every day, usually just a hello beautiful, but it was enough to make you smile. You knew Fangs was just being a good friend and was genuinely like that to all of his close girl friends so you never took it as more. You've established that you're just friends, him not really being your type.

"Alright, let's get you to class!" Fangs jumped up off the couch, grabbing your bag for you and the two of you walked out of the lounge, heading to your first period. Sweet Pea grew angrier and angrier the more Fangs flirted with you, though there was nothing he was going to do about it. He didn't really want to prove his friend right about this, but he felt like the more he let this go on, the quicker he was losing any chance with you.

"Are you an idiot, Sweet Pea?" Toni asked shoving his shoulder as they remained in the lounge.

"No what?"

"She was talking about you, dummy. That guy she said she thinks doesn't like her cause he's always so annoyed when she's around. That's you." Toni explained.

"Whatever. I wouldn't be so damn annoyed if Fangs would stop flirting with her all the damn time." Sweet Pea admitted.

"Ah so you are jealous!"

"I'm not jealous. It just annoys me that he plays it up in front of me just to get under my skin. Fangs and i have been friends for years, i know when he's up to something."

"Well, clearly it's working." Toi chuckled. She grabbed her bag, walking out of the lounge to leave Sweet Pea alone to figure out what he's gonna do about his best friend flirting with the girl he has a crush on. The only thing he really can do is try to catch you on your own, but that's going to be tough when you and Fangs are practically inseparable at school.

Sweet Pea stood up, walking out into the hallway right as the bell rang. He was late for class, but he didn't care. Actually planning on skipping class, he walked through the hallway to where your first class was and barged in unannounced.

"Principal Weatherbee needs to see y/n. He asked me to come get her." Sweet Pea said to the teacher. You quickly gathered your books and shoved them into your bag, giving Fangs a confused look as you walked out into the hallway.

"Did he y any chance say what he wanted?" you asked Sweet Pea as the two of you walked towards the office.

"He actually didn't want you, i did." he said simply without looking at you.

"What for?" you asked stopping in your tracks, turing to face him.

"To get you away from Fangs so i could ask you out without him chiming in with his incessant flirting."

"So that's why you're so mad whenever i'm around." you crossed your arms over your chest giving Sweet Pea an amused look.

"Yeah alright, i'm jealous whenever he flirts with you because i want to be the one who walks you to class and carries your damn books. I want to be the one who calls you beautiful everyday and throw my arm around your shoulder while we sit in the lounge. I want to be that person and i hate that Fangs is the one who does all of those things." he ranted.

"You know Fangs and i are just friends, right?" you asked still holding that amused expression.

"I know that but it sure as hell doesn't seem like it." you rolled your eyes at the boy in front of you and how he thinks with his anger far too much. You walked up to him so that your bodies were almost pushed together, cupping his cheek with one hand and letting the other rest on his chest.

"So now that you one hundred percent know that i don't like Fangs, what are you going to do about it?" you whispered looking up into his eyes. His eyes went wide for a second not expecting you to be this close to him, but soon regained his composure and leaned down meeting your lips with his as he placed his hands on your hips.

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