switching sides // fp

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You had been walking around Sunnyside trailer park for about an hour now, putting all of the eviction notices on the doors of each and every trailer. Sheriff Keller accompanying you. After the chaos with General Pickens' head going missing, Hiram decided to take action and get all of the southsiders evicted from their homes to try and get one of them to fess up.

"What the hell is this?" you heard a voice yell as you walked away from their trailer, "Keller. What the hell is going on?" you and Keller turned around to face the man.

"Listen, FP. i don't make the rules, alright. I'm just doing what i'm told. You and the rest of the residence have 14 days to vacate or pay the back rent in full. There's nothing i can do." he sighed sounding almost exhausted.

"This is Hiram's doing huh? All over a damn statue." FP said looking at you now.

"This is the mayor's orders actually, but go ahead and point fingers. Everyone knows you Southsiders don't know how to take responsibility for your own actions." you stated before turning your back to him and continuing on putting the eviction notices on doors.

"Privileged little bitch." you heard him mumble before he walked back into his trailer and slam the door shut.

"Thought you guys were friends?" you asked Keller as you continued to walk.

"Our kids are. Us? Not so much, but i respect the man and i'm not going to lie, i don't necessarily feel comfortable putting him and the rest of them out like that knowing none of them have anywhere else to go." he explained.

"They don't?" you asked confused.

"Nope, why do you think they choose to stay here. I've never enforced the back rent policy here. The Southside has gone to shit and i know if they had it their way, none of them would be here, but with the whole stereotype surrounding them and where they come from, no one will hire them. And Pop can't afford to put all of them on his payroll or he probably would." as Keller spoke, your demeanor changed a bit. You were cruel to that man before, but you believed everything Hiram had told you about the Southside. They were deadbeats. Deciding to be in a gang and deal drugs instead of take care of their families or their side of the town. Violence was much higher here than on the Northside, but no cop dared come over here and try to enforce the law because they very seldom followed it anyway.

The next day, Hiram sent you back to the Southside to meet with FP and Jughead, deciding he didn't really want to go to it himself, though he knew Jughead wanted to speak to him specifically.

"You're not Hiram." Jughead said as he opened the door.

"No, but Hiram sent me. Unfortunately he had business meetings all day and couldn't make it. Hope i suffice though." you said as he motioned for you to come in.

"I guess you'll have to do since Prince Hiram can't make it." he said taking a seat on the chair across from the couch, "those business meetings wouldn't have anything to do with turning Southside High into a prison after they wrongly shut it down, would they?"

"They are going over some plans for the new prison being built, yes. But i'm not sure you understand that Southside High was not really worth keeping. The numbers for just about everything - attendance, curriculum, passing, graduating class - all of them were ridiculously low. The school was useless and the staff clearly weren't doing their jobs. The best thing that could happen to you and the rest of the students, was that school being shut down and all of you being moved to a new one." you explained.

"She's got a point, boy." FP said from the kitchen doorway, "but that doesn't mean you can't fight for better staff, better curriculum, better education. Why wouldn't that be the first thing on their list of bettering the Southside? Why go straight for shutting it down and bussing kids all over town?"

"The school was a hazard."

"Bullshit, the CDC never stepped foot in that school."

"Listen, i don't know all of the details, okay. I'm not in all the meetings, i don't have all of the files with everything that's been reported. I just do what he asks because that's my job. Who am i to say whether the CDC has actually been there or not?"

"For a Northsider, you sure don't take responsibility for your actions." FP sarcastically said.

"They're not my actions, Mr. Jones. Therefor, not my responsibility." you snapped back.

"Jughead, why don't you head to the Wyrm. I wanna talk with y/n for a bit."

Jughead left, but not without sending you a glare right as he walked out the door.

"I get that you're Hiram's lackey, but whatever he told you is completely shit. He's taking over the Southside for his own personal use, not to make it better for us. Let me show you the real Southside and if you still want to evict us by the end of the night, then so be it. But i think you and i both know, Hiram is a vindictive prick who's entire empire is built on lies." FP said as he sat down on the chair in front of you. You hesitated at first, not know where this was going or why FP wanted to "show you the Southside" but you agreed. You didn't understand why you were okay with coming back here and hanging out but after what Keller told you yesterday, you felt like you needed the Southside's part of the story. He told you to meet him back here at 8 and of course, to leave the business attire at home - the more casual the better.

At home, you found yourself frustrated with trying to find something to wear. You weren't the casual type, opting for business attire more often than not unless you were staying at home. You decided on a pair of dark wash jeans and a loose, slightly cropped sweater, still casual but also professional.

You called a cab, having them take you straight to Sunnyside trailer park and drop you off at the entrance, not wanting to leave your car unsupervised on the southside. You walked from the entrance to FP's trailer where you found him digging in a small storage bin outside.

"You're late." he said without looking up.

"Sorry, cab's are slow." you answered. FP handed you a helmet, "what's this for?" you asked furrowing your eyebrows. He looked at you for a second before nodding his head towards his bike.

"No way am i getting on that death trap." you said shoving the helmet into his chest.

"You wanna see the Southside, you're gonna ride like we do." he said pushing the helmet back into your hands.

"Fine." you put the helmet on and climbed onto the bike behind him, wrapping your arms around his waist. He drove you all around Southside, telling you about each building, park, the school. Everything. Finally, he took you to the Wyrm - the Serpents go to hang out spot.

"I told you about everything else, now you gotta meet the people your boss is screwing over." you were hesitant, knowing that a lot of these people knew who you were and knew you worked for Hiram. You were concerned with the reaction you were about to receive for walking into their hangout.

Everyone was calm when you walked in, almost like they were expecting you. Little did you know that FP had gathered everyone here to share their own stories with you about the Southside to help you see things clearer. You sat with everyone, listening as they told you everything that's ever happened to them, why they chose the Serpents. Even the younger ones shared their stories. You never been so overwhelmed and heartbroken in your life.

The next day you sent in your resignation to Hiram. This would put a target on your back now for sure, but you couldn't continue to work for someone who had no problem putting people out of their homes and destroying their homes for their own personal benefit.

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