southern bell // sp

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The gravel crunched with every step you took as you wondered around the street of your new home in the town of Riverdale. It was the weekend so you don't start school and really meet anyone until monday so you decided to spend your time exploring and getting the know the town a little. You crossed over some train tracks, finding more gravel roads but this side of town seemed to be a bit more run down. Growing curious you continued walking, taking in all of the trailers you walked past and the tiny stores that looked just about close to shutting down.

"What're you doing on this side of town?" someone called from behind her.

"Just going for a stroll. You mind?" you asked as you turned around and saw a couple of kids your age standing their with their chests puffed out and their leather jackets covering their top half. You mentally rolled your eyes at their tough act they were putting on but they didn't scare you.

"This is Serpent Country. Go back to the Northside where you belong." the one who spoke earlier said nodding towards the other side of the tracks.

"And how do you know i belong on that side of the tracks? How do you know i'm even from here?" you challenged crossing your arms over your chest.

"Judging by your accent, we know you're not. But you definitely didn't just move to the Southside. We don't want any trouble, but others might so your best bet would be to mosey on back to the Northside." the pink haired one said.

"Mosey, huh? Making fun of my accent, pinky?" you said taking a step towards her.

"Making fun of my hair, hick?" she countered taking a step towards you as well.

"Alright, enough. She's new which means she's just getting to know the town. Walking around isn't hurting anybody." the tall one spoke grabbing the pink haired girls arm and pulling her back.

"Yeah well picking fights isn't gonna get her anywhere." the pink haired girl said tugging her arm out of the boys grasp.

"I believe you picked that fight, Frenchy."

"Who the hell is Frenchy?" the shorter boy asked confused.

"The beauty school dropout in Grease." you and the girl spoke at the same time.

"Don't worry. I ain't starting trouble, just walking around town. Though there doesn't seem to be much to look at here." you looked around at the worn down buildings one last time before shrugging your shoulders, "catch y'all another time. This was fun, let's do it again sometime." you joked sending them a fake salute before walking back home.

"Southern bell is gonna get in a lot of trouble around here if she keeps that up." the two boys rolled their eyes at their friend before walking into the bar.

Monday rolled around and of course, the first people you bump into were none other than the three stooges you met over the weekend.

"Larry. Curly. Moe. Nice seeing you again." you greeted the three with a half wave and an amused smirk on your face," though i didn't expect you to come to school on this side of town."

"Yeah well, we have no choice. Southside high got shut down and this was the closest school to transfer too. Don't think we're your friends just because we're the only familiar faces." Pinky said. You let out a scoffed laugh before turning and walking down the hall towards the office.

"Definitely not what i was thinking. Have a great day, y'all." you waved behind you.

Finally reaching the office, you were greeted by a very perky blonde.

"Well, you're the happiest person i've met in this town so far, names y/n." you said holding you hand out for her to shake.

"I'm Betty. I'm gonna be giving you the grand tour and i'll introduce you to my friends before class starts so you have some familiar faces to greet you!" she said with a huge smile.

"Alright, let's get down to it then." you said happily.

As you walked through the halls, Betty told you the story behind some of the photos and the history. You stopped her when you saw the group you somehow keep bumping into.

"Who are they?" you asked nodding over towards them.

"Those are some of the Southside Serpent members. Toni is the one with pink hair, Sweet Pea is the tall one and Fangs is the other guy. They're friends with my boyfriend who is also a Southside Serpent."

"You run with a gang?" you asked shocked, taking in her appearance.

"They're not what you're thinking," she chuckled, "come on, i'll introduce you." the two of you walked into the lounge where everyone sat. They sent you a warm smile, all of them except the pink haired girl.

"Guys, this is y/n. She just moved here from the south." Betty introduced.

"Like we couldn't tell from her accent." Toni rolled her eyes.

"She hasn't even spoke, Toni." Jughead said giving her a confused look.

"She walked through Southside thinking she owned the place the other. We've met."

"Toni, you have weird way of explaining it. I simply crossed the tracks as i was exploring. If i remember correctly, you and your goons started making threats about it being 'Serpent country'" you said putting your hands up to make quotation marks in the air.

"I like her accent." Sweet Pea stated sending you a closed lipped smile.

"You like her accent because she's hot." Toni fired back.

"And you only hate her because she gave you attitude back." Fangs deadpanned.

"Y'all are one dramatic group." you said as you moved to sit down next to Betty on the couch.

"That's gonna take some getting used to." a boy with carrot colored hair spoke, "i'm Archie." he said giving you a smile.

"And i'm Veronica!" the girl with black hair who sat perched on his lap said also offering you a smile.

"So, Sweet Pea. Do you actually like my accent or was your highlighter friend right?" you asked sending him a smirk.

"Girls got balls, i like it." someone said from behind you.

"Be quiet Reggie, i wanna hear all of this." a girl clad in all red shushed him.

"All of the above." Sweet Pea said with a shrug.

"Uh huh, so what're you gonna do about it?" you asked.

"Guess i'm gonna ask for you number and then take you to pop's after school" he said with a slight smirk toying at the corner of his lips.

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