quiet girl // sp

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Veronica pulled your arm as you walked past her though you were trying to avoid anything that would cause the slightest bit of drama, you let her pull you over to the table she had set up, "Y/n, help me greet our new students." You tried to tell her no but being too shy, you kept stuttering not really knowing how to tell her no.

"Please, y/n. You're like Switzerland in the school and right now, those southside kids need someone who isn't biased. Plus, i'm sure Jughead will be happy to see his best friend again." She said nuding your shoulder.

"Fine. but if drama happens, i'm staying quiet." You said pointing your finger at her.

"As you always do. I wouldn't expect any less from you." She gave you a smile. You smiled back at her but it dropped when you saw the intimidating group clad in leather jackets, looking menacingly at anyone who gave them a weird look. The tallest one let his eyes land on you when they made it to the table you stood behind, making you shrink back a little and turn your head to avoid his gaze.

"On behalf of the students and faculty here at Riverdale High, welcome to your new school!" She said motioning behind her at the hallway filled with students, smiling brightly. You remained silent and avoiding anyone gaze as you watched Ronnie, "To ease this transition, i've set up a registration desk where you can get your locker assignments, class schedules, and a list of sports and extracurricular's." She said pointing to each stack of papers on the desk in front of her.

"Stand down, Eva Peron!" Cheryl yelled from the steps as her and Reggie made their way down, followed by their posse.

"There's the school spirit i so fondly remember." Jughead deadpanned making you crack a tiny smile and look at him.

"Cheryl. No one invited fascist barbie to the party." Veronica snapped making your eyes go wide. This is exactly what you wanted to avoid. Confrontation.

"Wrong, Veronica. No one invited Southside scum to our school." She said sending Ronnie a death glare, "Listen up, ragamuffins. I will not allow Riverdale High's above average GPA to suffer because of classrooms that are overcrowded with underachievers." her eyes scanned the crowd of southsiders with a slight looked of disgust on her face, "So please, do us all a favor and find some other school to debase with your hardscrabble ways." She finished. The small pink haired girl who probably could rip your arm off without trying stepped around the table, snarling at Cheryl, "Why don't you come over here and say that to my face?" Cheryl smiled wickedly, "happily, Queen of the buskers."

Archie stepped forward, "Okay guys, everyone, can we just put our northside-southside differences apart and start over new? A new slate?" he asked looking at both groups as they glared at each other, waiting for someone to make a wrong move. You grew annoyed and lightly tired of all the bickering.

"You don't speak for the bulldogs, Andrews." Reggie said raising his hand to silence Archie, "And need i remind you, these greaser-snakes showed up at your place trying to kick your ass." the tallest Serpent shoved the pink haired girl out of the way stepping forward, " Happy to finish what we started." He growled.

"God i'm so over the toxic masculinity in this hallway right now." Veronica yelled over the commotion. 

Once everything calmed down, you stepped forward towards Reggie, too angry to stop yourself, "If it weren't for the fact that Archie waved a gun in their faces on their turf, i doubt they wouldn't have shown up for payback, Reggie. Give me one good reason as to why you hate the southside so much. One that isn't about the fact they grew up working for what they have as opposed to getting everything handed to them by mommy and daddy like you did, or what side of the tracks they grew up on or their circumstances making them join a gang. I'll wait." You said sassily crossing your arms over your chest. Reggie's eyes were wide with shock as was everyone else's. 

Reggie regained his composure, taking a step towards you, "You chose the wrong side, y/n." he grumbled lowly, his breath fanning your face. You made a grossed out face, taking a step back and waving your hand in front of your face, "And you chose to not brush your teeth today apparently." Veronica let out a scoffed laugh while Archie put his hand over his mouth to keep from busting out in laughter, "I think that's your cue to leave, pal." the tall Serpent said, throwing his arm over your shoulder.

"So the quiet girl suddenly had balls. You better watch your back now, y/n. As far as i'm concerned, you're no better than these reptiles." Cheryl snapped appearing from behind Reggie. You rolled your eyes as Principal Weatherbee stepped out of his office, "Alright. That's enough pomp and circumstance. Everyone, let's get to class." No one moved from their position as the two sides continued to glare at each other, "Now!" Weatherbee demanded.

"Y/n, where the hell did that come from?" Veronica asked grabbing your arm and pulling you away from the Serpent you forgot had his arm around your shoulders. You shrugged, "i have no clue. I just got so angry listening to Cheryl and Reggie i guess i just snapped."

"You're lethal. No one expects the quiet girl to have so much bite, but damn did you shut him up quick." The pink haired girl said, "I'm Toni Topaz. The tall one is Sweet Pea and this is Fangs. You should hang with us sometime. I mean, you did just go to bat for us. The least we can do is show you a good time."

"Oh, i'll show her a good time alright." Sweet Pea said, letting his eyes scan your body, a smirk growing on his mouth making you recoil into yourself, going back to being the shy girl you were moments ago.

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