smooth // rm

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Your alarm screeched making you groan and roll over, hiding your face under your pillow to drown out the noise. You heard a chuckle from beside you then the mattress shift as Reggie reached over to turn off the alarm. You felt yourself slipping back into sleep until Reggie slipped the blanket off you a bit kissing along the skin that became exposed to the cold air.

"I know you hate getting up in the morning, but we have school." Reggie whispered kissing the exposed skin of your shoulder.

"What time is it?" you mumbled from under the pillow.

"6am." he answered.

"If we both bum it to school we can stay in bed for another hour." you negotiated.

"Bumming it, it is then." Reggie laid back down next to you, pulling the blanket back over the two of you before pulling you into his chest. You removed the pillow from over your head, placing it back on your side to snuggle into the nape of Reggie's neck.

"Hmm you're cute." he mumbled, kissing the top of your head and hugging you tight.

Yours and Reggie's relationship was fairly new. You've been together for about two months, but you have known each other for awhile since you had grown up together and being in the same friend group for your entire childhood. Only recently had you become close enough to grow feelings for each other.

After about an hour had gone by, you and Reggie finally got out of bed and started getting ready for the day. You slipped your sweater over your head as Reggie walked into your room from the bathroom, giving your butt a playful smack. You turned around to find him biting his lip and eyeing your butt.

"Those are my favorite jeans." he told you shrugging his shoulder when you cocked an eyebrow at him. You chuckled turning back to the mirror to run your fingers through your hair to get rid of the bed head.

"You ready, baby?" he asked grabbing both of your book bags and slinging them over his shoulder. You nodded, slipping your shoes on your feet and following him out of your house to his car.

At school, you and Reggie went your separate ways going about your school day. You told him you'd meet him before lunch so you could walk together. The two of you didn't have classes together, which was shocking being in the same grade and all. It wasn't something the two of you complained about knowing that if you did have class together, neither of you would pay attention.

You sat down in your desk for your final class before lunch. Grabbing your notebook from your bag a piece of paper fell out onto the floor. You picked it up, smiling to yourself knowing exactly what it was. You should wear those jeans more often, goddamn. Xx you look gorgeous, baby girl. Reggie leaves notes for you everywhere. Sometimes he'd hand them to you, but most times he'd hide them for you to find throughout the school day or at home. Each note making you smile every time without fail.

"How was class?" Reggie asked kissing your forehead. The two of you fell into step with each other, Reggie's hand slipping into your back pocket making you laugh a little.

"Class was good. I found your note by the way." you smiled up at him. He looked down at you, smiling widely as the two of you walked into the cafeteria. The football team yelled for Reggie the second he walked in and by the looks on their faces, it was important.

"Go get your lunch and grab a table. I'll meet you in a minute." he said. You nodded and turned to walk away only to be twirled back around by Reggie's hand that was still in your back pocket. You bumped into his chest letting out a surprised squeak.

"Smooth, Mantle. Very smooth." you giggled.

"I've been working on that move for about a week now." he admitted.

"Have you now? So who's back pocket has your hand been in to practice that move?" you asked.

"Moose of course. Who else is supposed to help me impress the hottie i've been pining over for months besides my best friend?" he answered. You laughed, standing on your tiptoes to kiss his lips quickly and head to the lunch line to grab your lunch.

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