not a kid anymore // fp - pt.3 **

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"Fucking men." you huffed kicking rocks as you walked back to your trailer.

You walked in anger towards your trailer, huffing with every step. FP confuses you. One minute he's begging for you in unmentionable ways and the next he's telling you that it can't happen because you're a kid. You knew that nothing long lasting would come from you and FP's rendezvous, but you hoped it wouldn't end as abruptly as it had. You liked what you and FP had - not complicated, no feelings, just sex, but his sudden change of heart was making things complicated.

You flung the front door to your trailer open and kicked it shut as you shrugged off your jacket.

"What's got you all hot and bothered, y/n?" a voice startled you.

"Jughead, what the hell?" you spat.

"Dad said you were over so i left to give you guys some privacy. Betty's busy and i saw your keys on the counter so i figured i'd just hang out here and watch some movies." he paused and looked you over, cocking his head to the side, "But judging by your frustrated expression i'm guessing you and the old man got into a bit of dispute. Want to talk about it?" He asked

"Do you really want me to rant to you about my endeavors with your dad?" you asked crossing your arms over your chest.

"Not really but i know him better than anyone and i can tell you the reason he keeps pushing you away is because he's developed feelings. Feelings he thinks are wrong because you're my age." he leaned forward putting his elbows on his knees and resting his chin in the palm of his hand. You were slightly shocked at this revelation but moved forward to sit on the couch.

"FP had feelings, real feelings for me?" you asked making Jughead nod in response.

"Now, i'm going to leave you to think this over. Do what you will with that information, but my work here is done. Good luck!" he reached down and kissed your forehead and walked out the door. When the door shut it broke you out of your trance. You shook your head and rushed to the door, throwing your jacket back on and storming off to FP's trailer yet again.

"Forsythe Pendleton Jones Jr get the hell out here now!" you yelled as you busted into the trailer. He walked out from the kitchen opening his mouth to say something but was cut off by your ranting.

"You can't keep switching up the way you have, you're literally giving me whiplash. I know this is different for you because i'm young but who gives a shit? I like you and you like me, so what's so wrong about that? I'm 18. Legal. If it was so wrong then why did you start it in the first place? And don't even try to argue because it was YOU who dragged me to your office that night, it was YOU who suggested the secret hook up. YOU started this FP, now tell me, are we finished for good or is this another one of your temper tantrums?"

FP stood in the doorway of the kitchen and stared at you for a moment, taking in everything you just threw at him, but you were growing inpatient, "Well?"

FP put his hand up to stop me from speaking another word. He walked up to you, grabbing your face in his hands, bringing your lips to his in a heated kiss. You melted into his body, gripping his shirt in your fists to keep him from moving away from you. He walked you backwards to his bedroom, his lips not leaving yours until the back of your knees hit the mattress. You let yourself fall back, maneuvering so your head was on his pillows as he crawled on top of you. Your lips met once again, hands roaming each others bodies. His yanked your pants and underwear down as yours worked to unbutton his jeans. Neither of you bothering to undress anymore, just wanting to feel each other. He entered you hastily making you gasp and dig your nails into his shoulder blade. Your moans filled the room mixing with his grunts and the smacking of your lips against each others.

Soon the both of you finished, FP rolled to the side pulling you into his chest as both of you tried to catch your breath.

"What's the gang going to say about this one, Serpent King?" you joked figuring this was just like every other time before.

"Every king needs a queen, so what do you say, y/n? Be my Serpent Queen?" he asked kissing your forehead. The question caught you off guard, pushing away from his chest so you could meet his gaze.

"You're serious? No funny business? No more arguments and 'this can't happen'? This is real?" you asked making him chuckle and nod and a giant smile to creep onto your lips, "yes, yes a thousand times yes." you said grabbing his face and pulling him in for a kiss. He held you close, a smile finding its way to his lips as you kissed him.

"Does this mean i get a new jacket that says Serpent Queen on it?" you joked.

"If that's what you want, babe." he winked at you and pulled you back into his chest. The two of you laid there the rest of the day, talking and joking. Both of you finally happier than ever.

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