soulmate // sp

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You and your family had just moved to Riverdale last week. You parents gave you a week or so to unpack and adventure around town before you dove into being the new girl in town. Of course when you walked into the school, everyone was buzzing. They were staring at you and whispering amongst themselves trying to figure out what you were about. Walking into the office you were stopped by a bubbly young girl with a ponytail and collared shirt and another girl with sleek straight hair and pearled around her neck.

"Hi, i'm Betty. This is my friend Veronica. You must be y/n." She said extending her hand to shake yours.

"We are going to be giving you the grand tour of Riverdale High and of course offering you companionship because i know just how hard it is to be the new girl. Love that shirt by the way. That color goes great with your skin tone." Veronica said giving you a warm smile.

"I'm just going to have to take your word for it, but thank you." You replied. The girls looked at each other, "Sorry, we shouldn't have assumed." Veronica stuttered out.

"It's okay," You chuckled, "Who are your soulmates anyways? Do i get to meet them as well?" You smiled at them. The girls nodded happily, excited to show of their men.

"Now come. Lots to show and tell." Veronica linked her arm with yours while Betty did the same with your other. They walked you through the halls pointing at glass cases full of trophies and pictures hanging on the walls as they explained the history and what there was to do for fun around this small town. Veronica ended up leaving, having to meet with the Pussycat dolls regarding some performance. Betty led you to a classroom opening the door and walking in, "Guys, this is y/n. y/n this is Fangs, Toni and Jughead," She leaned in to whisper in your ear, "My soulmate."

"It's nice to meet you, y/n. Welcome to Riverdale." Jughead greeted giving Betty a hug and shaking your hand.

"Have you two met yours yet?" You asked Toni and Fangs.

"I haven't but Topaz here sure has. None other than Cheryl bombshell Blossom herself." Fangs said causing Toni to blush.

"What's it like?" You asked looking at Toni and Betty taking a seat in one of the desks next to them.

"It's like a whole different world. When you're used to only seeing shades of grey, all of the colors can be overwhelming. I got sick when it happened, my head was spinning and i didn't know how to take it all in." Betty explained.

"Agreed. I didn't know how to handle it either. I've never seen so many before. Everything looks bland and sad before i met Cheryl and now everything is full of life. It's unlike anything i've ever experienced, that's for sure."

"The wives tales are false though. You don't see color strictly after just meeting your soulmate. You have to kiss them. Jughead and i were friends for years before we got together and only after our first kiss did everything change." Betty explained making Toni nod in agreement. The three of your turned around when someone came bursting through the classroom door, "And that angry mountain of a man is Sweet Pea." Toni said, "He's actually kind of nice when you get to know him. And you can do that by joining us tonight at the Wyrm. We'll get Pop's for dinner before we go, but you should come. It'll be fun."

"Yeah sure. I'm down." You said as your eyes didn't part from the tall handsome man who walked into the room. There was something about him that you couldn't put your finger on but you couldn't take your eyes off him. Or your mind for that matter. Throughout the school day, your mind drifted back to Sweet Pea and you only hoped you invaded his thoughts too.


Months went by and you became really good friends with Toni, Fangs and Sweet Pea. You were close with Betty and Veronica but after the night at the Wyrm with Toni and the guys, you and Toni instantly clicked and became best friends.

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