knight in shining armor // rm

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Your boyfriend was raging. He's never felt so much anger in his life until the moment Cheryl told him what happened to you.

The party for the SoDale project was going well. You were here with your father, and per request of Cheryl. She didn't want to go alone, but also didn't want to be stuck with Veronica all night so seeing as your father was going you decided to tag along. You tried your best to convince Reggie to come, but he held football practice at a higher priority, which you didn't mind.

You stood at the bar next to your father as he handed you a champagne flute of sparkling grape juice since you were well underage.

"I'm going to speak with Hiram. Enjoy yourself, love." he said kissing your forehead.

"Sure thing, pops." you said as he walked away. You leaned one elbow on the bar, sipping your grape juice while scanning the crowd for any signs of Veronica or Cheryl when you spotted the ever flirtatious Nick St. Clair walking your way with his award winning smile.

"y/n, fancy meeting you here." he said holding his hand out. You shook his hand with a smile. He brought it to his lips, placing a small kiss along your knuckles. You jerked your hand away giving him an uncomfortable smile.

"You knew i'd be here, Nick. Don't play dumb." you said rolling your eyes playfully.

"I was betting on your being here. I'm hosting a little party at the Five Seasons. I invited Veronica and all of her friends, but i wanted to invite you myself." he said. You opened your mouth to make up some lie about you and Reggie having plans but Nick raised his hand to stop you.

"Your boyfriend will be there so you really have no excuse not to come." he joked.

"Sure, Nick. i'll be there." you said finishing your drink. You looked over Nick's shoulder, hearing Veronica and Cheryl calling your name.

"Go on over, i'll bring you girls some more drinks." he said nodding over to them. You hesitated at first but went ahead anyway.

You chatted with the girls for a little bit, them of course asking where Reggie was because the two of you are normally inseparable. Nick came over with drinks for all of you, you took yours mumbling a quick thank you and taking a sip.

"I have to go mingle with the other guests. Daddy is the man of the hour. I'll catch you guys later." Veronica said bidding her goodbye. Cheryl left as well, finding her way to some handsome guy sitting at a table.

"And then there were two." Nick said taking a sip of his drink.

"What a lovely coincidence." you said sarcastically downing the rest of your drink. Nick watched you creepily as you sat the glass down on a tray a passing butler was holding.

"Would you like me to get you another?" Nick asked you raising an eyebrow at you.

"No thanks. I think i'm going to go find my father." you said. You turned to walk away but lost your balance. Nick caught you before you fell. He placed his glass on a nearby table, placing his arms around your waist and walked you towards the exit.

"Wait, i wanted to talk to my dad." you slurred.

"It's okay, pretty. We're going to go have some fun elsewhere." he said as he opened the door to his car and placed you in the backseat. Little did he know, Cheryl and Veronica saw the whole thing.

Reggie bypassed the front desk already knowing where Nick's room was because of the text invite for the party tomorrow. Cheryl, Veronica and Josie jogging to keep up with the angry football players fast walk.

"Open the fucking door, Nick." he said pounding on the dark wood of the door, blocking him from you and Nick. after a few seconds, Reggie only grew more and more impatient and he told the girls to step back as he kicked the door in.

"You son of a bitch!" Reggie yelled grabbing Nick by the back of his jacket and throwing him to the floor. He was so angry he blacked out as his fist connected multiple times to Nick's face.

"Reggie, okay. That's enough. You don't want to kill him." Veronica said grabbing his arm before he was able to land another punch to Nick's face.

"Reggie." you croaked. Your head was pounding and the entire room was spinning. Reggie's face softened and your voice brought him back to reality. He looked at Nick's bleeding face and loosened his grip on Nick's colar letting him drop lifelessly to the ground.

"Baby, oh my god. He didn't touch you right? We got here in time? Please tell me we got here in time." he pleaded.

"My head hurts." you mumbled.

"It's okay, baby. We're gonna get you out of here. I'm gonna take you home." he said picking you up and cradling your close to his body. He walked out of the room with you in his arms, the girls following behind him. He was only worried about you and making sure you weren't violated by some privileged little boy who thought drugging girls was a good way to get laid. He was mad - no livid. But his main focus right now was to get you home and flush whatever drug Nick slipped you so you could tell him exactly what happened. Though a part of him wanted so badly to go back in that room and beat Nick until there was nothing left to him, but the way you gripped his shirt and clung to him made him stay right where he was - with you.

You woke up, your head still pounding. You felt around you, feeling the softness of your favorite blanket. You opened your eyes, taking in your room. You let out a sigh of relief. Reggie walked out of your bathroom running his fingers through his hair. When he looked up his eyes met yours and he practically ran to the bed, sitting next to you.

"How are you feeling, baby?" he asked.

"My head hurts, but i definitely feel ten times better than before. How long was i asleep?"

"A couple of hours." he answered. The two of you sat in silence for a minute as the memories of what happened came back into your brain. You felt disgusting as you brought your knees to your chest, wrapping your arms around them and rested your chin against your knee.

"I hate to ask you right after, but i need to know - did he touch you?" Reggie asked softly.

"No, you guys got there shortly after we did. I don't know how you managed that, but you did and i couldn't be more thankful." you said as your eyes filled with tears. You took one look at Reggie and began sobbing.

"Oh no, baby." he said quickly moving to sit next to you and scooping your into his arms. You cried into his chest for a minute until your parents knocked and walked into your room.

"y/n. My baby girl." your dad said sitting on the edge of the bed, "just know that this is being taken care of, though i wish i could've done what Reggie did. I can't thank you enough for getting there in time, son." your dad said.

"I'd do anything to protect your daughter, sir." Reggie said while petting the back of your head to get you to calm down.

"Nick is going to jail, y/n. There's no question about it. This wasn't the first time he's ever done something like this and i can only thank Reggie for not letting it go any further." your mom said as she rubbed your back soothingly.

Hiram, Hermione and Veronica came a few hours later. They offered their apologies and condolences and promised to help put Nick away for what he did and what he almost did. Reggie didn't leave your side the rest of that day - or any day after that. He felt like he was somewhat to blame for not going to the SoDale party with you, but you assured him that it wasn't his fault whatsoever. Your father even allowed Reggie to stay the night as it gave you comfort and gave him peace of mind that you were well taken care of whenever Reggie was around.

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