happy accident // fp

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You looked at the stick in your hand letting out a deep breath you were holding. Positive.

"Okay." you breathed. You wrapped the test in toilet paper and put it in the trash can hoping your dad or Archie wouldn't find it. You grabbed your phone off the counter and text FP asking if you could come over for a few. You needed to tell him. If there's anyone you need to talk to right now that could possibly calm your nerves, it's FP.

He text back immediately saying to come on over. Thankfully, all of the younger Serpents were still in school so you wouldn't have to worry about Jughead listening in, which he tends to do because that kid does not know how to keep his nose out of other people's business. You grabbed your keys off the counter and walked down the stair, calling to your dad who sat at the kitchen island that you would be back in a few.

You and FP had been a thing for almost a year now. It started at the beginning of summer last year when you came to visit your dad and Archie after being away at college. You opted for living with your mother because the education system where she was going was much better than that of Riverdale High and you cared a lot about your grades and getting into the best colleges. You had just graduated and wanted to have a summer of fun before you started a job working with your degree. You met FP while helping your dad out at the construction site with balancing the books and what not. You had helped him get his paperwork in order to start working and you clicked instantly. He shared stories about him and your dad during high school and even stories about when Archie was a kid, which you had missed out on. He was only a baby when you moved with your mom, but you visited frequently and made sure you texted every day and called at least once a week.

After he invited you to join him at Pop's during his lunch break, everything between you and FP had just happened. Though there was a short break between the two of you when you thought it wasn't a good idea to be fooling around with your brother's best friends dad AND your dad's best friend, you called it quits. That's when he went after Alice Cooper. That didn't last long seeing as FP had called and practically begged you to come back. You helped him through his alcohol dependency and ever since then you've been his rock.

You had decided to just stay in Riverdale, using your degree here and found a job rather quickly. You stayed with your dad until you could save enough for a nice apartment or house even and you and FP kept seeing each other. Now you were pregnant and scared about how you could possibly tell anyone about you and FP.

"Hey, babe." he greeted when you walked through the door. He stood up from the couch to walk over and give you a kiss.

"I have something to tell you." you said rubbing your palms together out of nervousness. You grabbed one of your hands and lead you over to the couch, sitting you down as he took a seat on the coffee table in front of you.

"What's up?" he asked rubbing his thumb across the back of your hand that he held.

"I don't really know how to say this so i'm just gonna spit it out. Like a bandaid." you took a deep breath, mentally preparing yourself, "i'm pregnant." you watched FP's eyes get wide and his jaw drop making you chuckle. Not because of the situation but because his face was actaully hilarious.

"How far along?" he asked squeezing your hand.

"I don't know, i have to make an appointment to get an ultrasound and they can tell me. I literally took the test less than an hour ago."

"Well let's make one. Call the hospital now." he said grabbing your phone hurriedly from it's spot on the couch cushion and shoving it into your hand.

"I can't tell if your happy about this or not." you furrowed your eyebrows as FP stood up and started pacing the floor.

"Oh my god, i'm gonna have a baby." he breathed out. He stopped pacing and ran his hands through his hair before turning to look at you. A smile spread across his face and he rushed over to you, grabbing your face and kissing you passionately. When he pulled away, he still had a giant grin on his face.

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