i did it for you // ff

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"Honestly the only thing keeping me from going after your cousin, Pea, is the fact that she's not a Serpent." Fangs drunkenly said.

Last weekend, the whole group got together for a bonfire and of course, the boys got shitfaced - as usual. What you overheard Fangs say has been playing in your mind for the entire week as you debated whether or not you should say screw it and do the damn dance and finish your initiation.

You and Fangs have done nothing but flirt with each other since you met when you were little. You two were in love with each other from the start. He worried about getting you all caught up in all things Serpents until he realized one day that you basically were one, but still didn't want to bring you into anything you couldn't handle so he told himself he wouldn't allow you to be fully his until you decided to become a Serpent. You, of course, didn't think any of that made sense seeing as you were a Serpent - minus some technicalities, but respected his decision to keep you safe. And that's exactly what it was. He knew if anyone wanted to go after Fangs, the first person they'd take would be you and he couldn't have that. Especially given the recent circumstances with the Ghoulies and Penny Peabody.

"What's on your mind, cuzzo?" Sweet Pea asked as he slipped into the seat across from you as you sat alone in a booth at Pop's.

"Nothing really." you said as you took a bite of your fries.

"Uh huh. I don't buy it. You hate eating alone." he countered.

"Things change, Sweet Pea. Maybe i've grown to like eating alone."

"Not a chance so spill. What's going on up there?" he pressed.

"Full confidentiality," Sweet Pea motioned that his lips were zipped tight as he threw away the key, "I may have overheard your conversation with Fangs last weekend about me and how the only thing keeping him from making his move is that i'm not a Serpent."

"I knew you liked him too!" Sweet Pea exclaimed.

"Shut up, you giant idiot. Not everyone in Pop's needs to know. Now tell me, was he just being dumb or was he serious?" you asked.

"He was being serious." Sweet Pea answered nonchalantly.

"But i'm basically a Serpent. I fight in just about every fight you have, i'm an honorary Serpent by blood - literally everyone in our family is or has been a Serpent."

"But they all went through initiation, y/n. You can't just skip out on that and call yourself a Serpent. Sure, they all protect you, but that's because of me and every other past family member that's been a Serpent. Your blood so we have to, just like we protected Jones before he got initiated." he paused as he notice your facial expression drop, "look, don't do the dance just because Fangs wants you to. Do it because you want to." he said patting your shoulder as he got up.

"Sweet Pea?" you called making him turn around.

"What do you think i should do?" you asked. He sighed walking back over and taking a seat across from you again.

"I think that you're already there. Like you said, you're basically one of us you just don't have the jacket or the tattoo. You've already done the first two steps of initiation, y/n. The question is, do you want to finish it?" he asked.

"i don't know what to do." you whined burying your head in your hands.

"You're already a Serpent so it's not like you're making a decision to be one. Just do the dance, get it over with and get your man!" he said.

"Now i know this one seems a bit unnecessary, but seeing as she never finished her initiation, she's finally decided to officially be one of us." Jughead said, "y/n, take it away." he said motioning for you to take the stage.

You were nervous to say the least, but it was the only thing keeping you from officially being a Serpent and officially being with Fangs. You scanned the crowd, Toni and Cheryl giving you thumbs up and mouthing "you got this" and Sweet Pea giving you an encouraging nod before hiding his eyes behind his hands making you smile a little. Your eyes stopped once they fell on Fangs, he smiled at you as his eyes scanned over the outfit you chose to wear, sending you a wink when your eyes met that boost your confidence a little more.

Before you knew it, the song was over and your initiation was complete. Jughead walked over and placed your brand new Serpent jacket over your shoulders as everyone cheered and hollered. You hopped down from the stage, walking through the crowd to your friends. Everyone patting you on the back and congratulating you as you passed.

"Told you it wasn't so bad." Toni said as her and Cheryl pulled you in for a hug.

"I didn't watch but i know you did amazing, little cuz." Sweet Pea said hugging you as well. The last one to say anything was Fangs as he waited off to the side for you to finish talking to Toni, Cheryl and Pea. You walked over smile creeping on your face.

"Congrats, y/n. You're officially a Serpent."

"Yeah, i um i did it for you, Fangs." you said softly.

"Because i'm an idiot who thought that not being with you until you were a Serpent was a good idea? Yeah, i'm a fucking idiot." he said pulling you in for a kiss. You smiled into the kiss letting your arms wrap around his neck. All of your friends cheering and applauding around you.

"Alright, enough. That's my cousin." Sweet Pea yelled making you and Fangs laugh but continue kissing just to annoy him.

"What do you say we take this to my tent?" he mumbled against your lips.

"Um everyone is still around and they'll hear us, Fangs." you said moving your head back to look at him.

"Then i guess we're just gonna have to be quiet." he smirked.

"No way," you laughed pushing him away.

"You could always use the trailer." Jughead said twirling the keys around his finger. His arm was around Betty's shoulder, a smirk plastered on his face as Betty smacked his shoulder.

"Bet." Fangs said snatching the keys from Jughead and pulling you with him as he made his way to the trailer. Everyone laughing and hooting jokingly behind you.

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