cliche party hook up // sp **

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You sat on the counter in Cheryl's kitchen at one of her parties. You, Toni and Cheryl having light conversation. You were listening to Cheryl talk about something funny that happened on her and Toni's date night the other day when a certain tall and tanned Serpent caught your eye. Sweet Pea never usually came to Northside parties, but since it was Toni's idea he came along with Fangs. You watched as he laughed at something Fangs said. His smile made you smile. The two of you made eye contact, neither of you daring to break it. His eye dropped down into a wink making you send him a smirk.

"God could you be more obvious, y/n." Cheryl said rolling her eyes, "why don't you get up and go talk to him." she suggest flipping her hair over her shoulder.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Cheryl." you shook your head staying seated on the counter.

"You and Sweet Pea do nothing but make bedroom eyes at each other. No better time to act on those dirty thoughts than the present. Here's the key to my room. I kept it locked because i don't want nasty hoodlums doing the naughty in there but i'll make an exception for my best friend. Use it wisely." She slid the key onto the counter sending you a wink before her and Toni left to mingle with everyone else. You looked back over at Sweet Pea who was still staring at you with a smirk plastered on his face. You nodded your head telling him to come over. He said something to Fangs before leaving their conversation and making his way to you.

"Like what you see, y/n?" he asked motioning to his body with his hands.

"You may have caught me staring, Sweets. But i caught you staring back." you said playfully. He walked over and pushed your legs apart to stand in between them. His hands resting on your thighs.

"Couldn't help myself. You look damn good tonight." he said moving his hands up your thighs closer to your backside. His lips brushed against yours teasingly. You and Sweet Pea flirt constantly. In school, at the Wyrm, at Pop's. That was your relationship. Flirty and slight touches to tease each other here and there, but neither of you pushed to go further.

You moved your head so your mouth was right next to his ear, letting your lips brush the shell of it as you whispered, "i'm not wearing any underwear under this skirt." you felt him squeeze your thighs tightly pulling you to the edge of the counter and our body flush to his.

"Fuck me." he groaned making you smile, "trust me, Sweets. I'm trying. You said holding up the key to Cheryl's bedroom. He wasted no time picking you up off the counter and throwing you over his shoulder. Her pulled the back of your skirt down to make sure no one saw anything. Ignoring everyone as he pushed past them and up the stairs to Cheryl's room. When he reached her door you handed him the key so he could unlock it. He kicked the door closed and threw you softly on the bed, locking the door quickly before climbing on top of you.

His lips found yours not wanting to waste any time getting things going. You tangled your hands in his thick black hair tugging at his roots and scratching his scalp gently with your nails. His tongue ran across your bottom lip before biting down on it. You opened your mouth so his tongue could taste yours and he let out a pleased sigh.

"You know, your lips make me wonder what other parts of you taste like." he mumbled against your mouth.

"I'm not opposed to you using your mouth on other places. Preferably between my legs but do what you want." you teased. He moved his hand that was gripping your waist to the front of your skirt brushing his fingers across the skin where the hem was before moving underneath. His fingers spread your folds before teasingly rubbing little circles on your clit.

"You weren't joking about not wearing underwear." he smirked. He pulled his hand away and worked to unzip your skirt and pull it down your legs. He moved so he was laying between them, his face right where you wanted him. He kissed the inside of your thigh making you buck your hips and tug his hair to make him move to your center instead whimpering when he wouldn't.

"Use your words, baby. Tell me what you want." he mumbled against you thigh.

"Taste me, Sweets" you whispered.

"As you wish, princess." his tongue ran up your folds teasing you for a second before his mouth devoured you leaving you breathless. Sweet Pea watched as you gasped and bit your lip to keep from yelling out. As he continued his assault on your core, you felt the familiar burn deep in your stomach, "i'm gonna cum, Sweets." you moaned pulling on his hair. Sweet Pea out two fingers into you, pumping an curling his fingers to hit the right spot, sending you over the edge. Your body shook with pleasure, calling his name one final time before he pulled away, licking his finger clean.

"You taste just as good as i thought." he said moving up your body to connect your lips again. You moaned tasting yourself on his tongue. You ran your hands down his chest pulling the hem of his shirt up making him pull away and tug it over his head to toss somewhere on the floor. You took advantage of him sitting up on his knees to unbuckle his belt to unbutton his jeans and pull down his zipper. He moved so that he could take both his jeans and boxers off before climbing back between your legs leaving wet kisses down your neck. His hand ran up the curve of your thigh to your hip, up and under your shirt to squeeze your breast gently before pulling back and pulling your shirt over your head and unclasping your bra, throwing them with his clothes on the ground. As you laid back down he stayed up on his knees taking in the beauty laying in front of him, licking his lips hungrily.

"Are you going to stare at me or are you going to do something?" you asked grabbing his hand bringing it to your mouth and sucking on his index finger giving the tip a gentle bite. He groaned before reaching down the his jeans that laid beside the bed and grabbed a condom out of his pocket. He rolled it on and positioned himself at your entrance, looking at you with pure lust in his eyes before sliding in making both of you moan out. He matched the rhythm of his thrusts with the pounding bass of the music from the party downstairs. You scratched your nails down his back making him hiss and bite down on your shoulder.

"Sweets, god don't stop." you encouraged as he hit all the right spots with each thrust. He moved one of his hands to your neck giving it a light squeeze making your eyes roll into the back of your head as the pleasure intensified within you.

"You feel so good around me, princess." his low gravelly voice made you walls clench around him which earned a throaty moan from him, "fuck, do that again."

Sweet Pea could tell you were close. Your grip on his shoulder got tighter and your nails dug further into his skin. He knew he'd have scratch marks down his back and crescent moon's from your nails on his shoulder but he didn't care. He left his own marks on you in return so neither of you would forget this moment for days. Every time you'd look in the mirror you'd be reminded of how good the both of you made each other feel.

Sweet Pea's thrusts became sloppy and in less of a rhythm as he came you not far behind him as he reached between the two of you to rub circles on your clit, bringing you over the edge with him. He rolled over to lay beside you in Cheryl's bed taking the condom off and throwing it in the bin next to the night stand. You both lay there for a minute calming your breathing.

"Remind me again why we waited so long to do that?" you said scooting closer to him and laying your head on his chest.

"Who knows, but we're definitely doing it again." he said rolling onto his side to face you throwing his arm around your waist, "and again and again and again." he left kisses on your neck and shoulder after every again before pulling you into him to hold you for a bit. After awhile you both decided to rejoin the party downstairs, throwing your clothes on and trying your best to fix your i just had sex hair. 

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