you can't just leave // sp

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Jughead called you in a rush, practically begging you to get Sweet Pea home and calm him down before he did something stupid. After Fangs was shot, your boyfriend went on a rampage destroying whatever was in his path. Letting his anger make his decisions.

After about an hour hunt, Jughead called you back saying he finally got all of the Serpents back to the Wyrm. Sweet Pea was yelling in the background about needing to do something and not wanting to sit here like a bunch of cowards. You let Jughead know you'd be there soon and hung up, putting your full focus on the road in front of you as you let out a deep and annoyed sigh. You loved Sweet Pea with every fiber of your being, but when he only thinks with his fists, you hated it. You hated seeing that side of him and it always resulted in an argument because Sweet Pea was always angry about one thing or another.

Finally reaching the Wyrm, you got out of your car and walked inside right as Jughead has pushed Sweet Pea up against a wall to get him to calm down.

"Baby, let's go home. Yeah?" you said walking up to the two of them as they sent daggers at each other.

"You got some balls to be calling my girl, Jones." he growled sending Jughead a death glare, "i'm not going anywhere until you tell me what the hell we're doing about those damn Ghoulie's and what's gonna happen with Fangs."

"No, you're coming home with me. There's nothing you can do right now, Sweets. Let's just go home and calm down. You can revisit all of this tomorrow." you put your hand on his forearm, letting your thumb brush over the rough leather of his jacket. He stood firm in his spot, face solid with anger all pointed at Jug at the moment, "Baby, please. Let's go home." you stepped forward, trying your best to get him to look at you, but being about a foot shorter than him made it impossible to block his view.

"Fine." he huffed breaking the staring contest he was having with Jughead to look down at you. You slipped your hand in his jacket pocket, taking the keys to his motorcycle so he'd be forced to ride with you. You hated when he drove his motorcycle when he was angry and tried to prevent that as much as you could.

The two of you walked silently out of the Wyrm, you watched as Sweet Pea headed for his bike. Reaching into his pocket to get his keys, but finding them not there, he turned around and gave you a look. You ignored him as you got into the driver seat of your car, waiting for him to grumpily get into the passenger seat, which he did moments later, not saying a word.

The drive back to Sweet Pea's trailer was quiet - no music, no speaking, nothing but the sound of your tires as they rolled over the pavement. You knew that one of two things was going to happen when you got home; either Sweet Pea was going to give you the silent treatment all night until he calmed down, which wouldn't be until right before the two of you went to bed, or he would let his anger get the best of him and the two of you would argue most of the night. You were hoping for option one, but had a feeling the latter would happen.

You put the car in park in front of Sweet Pea's trailer, waiting for him to say or do anything. When he unbuckled his seat belt and got out of the car, you could tell he was still raging just by the way he walked inside. You let out a sigh before exiting the car yourself and walked inside the trailer. You sat your keys on the counter, taking off your coat and hanging it up by the door. You walked into the kitchen, finding him leaning against the counter taking a long swig of the liquor you had left over from a party you had not to long ago.

"That's your solution right now? Rage drinking?" you asked leaning against the fridge.

"Gotta channel my anger into something since you and Jones wanna interfere in fucking everything. I can't take it out on those piece of shit Northsiders for killing my best friend and i can't go on a wild Ghoulie chase so i'm gonna drink until i can't feel shit."

"You sound like your father." you blurted out. The second those words slip past your lips, you knew you hurt him. And not only did you hurt him, but you fueled his anger even more.

"Yeah? You gonna leave me like my mom left him then?" he snapped.

"No because i know you're not like your dad. But what you're doing right now is behavior that resembles his." Sweet Pea threw the bottle across the room, the alcohol dripping down the wall as the glass splintered off in every direction. You jumped at the noise taking a step back as a few glass pieces fell to the floor in front of you.

"Are you fucking crazy?" you yelled looking at him in disbelief, "i get that Fangs is dead and the Ghoulies are back, but this is not how to handle any of that."

"How the hell do you want me to handle it then, huh y/n? Want me cry about it? Tell you everything i'm feeling or what's running through my head? You want me to talk to you about this? No, that's not how i do things and you know it. One of those bastards shot Fangs and i won't be okay until they're dealt with." he growled.

"So you're going to beat Mrs. Klump into a bloody pulp to mourn the death of your best friend? That sounds like the only thing that's going to do is put you in jail for murder."

"What about the Ghoulie's huh? Their back too and what're we doing about it? Absolutely fucking nothing."

"You're not thinking clearly, Sweet Pea. and going in blind with only your anger might get you killed too. Jughead was right to tell you to cool it and revisit everything tomorrow." you grabbed the broom from it's spot by the kitchen table, starting to sweep up the glass from the bottle Sweet Pea threw.

"fuck off." he scoffed. you decided not to respond, finishing up cleaning the mess he made. you dumped the glass into the trash before putting the brook and dustpan back where they belong & grabbing your keys off the counter. Sweet Pea watched as you moved to where your coat hung by the front door.

"what're you doing?" he asked, anger still evident in his voice.

"i'm fucking off." you quipped, sliding your arms through the sleeves of your coat. as you moved to the door you felt Sweet Pea's arms go around your waist as he picked you up and carried you to the bedroom.

"what the hell are you doing, Sweet Pea. put me down!" you demanded

"you can't just leave. not like that." he said sitting you on the bed.

"you fucking wanted me to just second ago."

"i didn't mean it, obviously."

"you shouldn't say things you don't mean."

both of you say in silence for a second. you fiddling with your keys as you sat on the bed while Sweet Pea stood, guarding the door to make sure you wouldn't try to leave.

"can you like, not leave?" sweet pea asked, breaking the silence. you looked up at his face, noticing the sad and hurt that took over his once hard expression. you sighed, tossing your keys onto the dresser and tugging your coat off letting it fall the ground. you stretched out your arms, reaching for Sweet Pea. he took a step forward, allowing you take one of his hands in yours. you ran your fingertips lightly over the skin of his palm before bringing it to you lips and placing a soft kiss right in the center.

"i'm not going anywhere." you whispered as he moved his hand to cup your face. you closed your eyes as his hung brushed along the skin of your cheek, taking in the calm energy around the two of you.

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