ultimatum // malachai

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"Want something to drink, doll?" Malachai asked walking over to the bar cart.

"No thank you. I've had enough alcohol for tonight." you took a seat on the edge of the bed watching the muscles in his back move as he poured himself a drink. He turned and walked over to you, handing you a glass of water before taking a seat next to you on the couch. You mumbled a thank you, downing the whole glass of water feeling slightly dehydrated.

"Let's get this show on the road shall we?" he smirked waving the stick of jingle jangle. You smiled at him, watching as his fingers moved to rip open the end. He brought it to your lips, you tilted your head back and opened your mouth allowing him to pour the substance into your mouth. He poured half into yours before taking the other half for himself. Once the substance was dissolved he grabbed the back of your neck and pulled you in for a kiss.

"You know what they say about jingle jangle?" he asked when he pulled away. You shook your head no, not really knowing what he was going to say. This wasn't your first time taking jingle jangle, but you only took it when you were hanging with friends in the comfort of your own home.

"It heightens orgasms." he whispered in your ear, biting down on your lobe, "think we should test that theory?" he kissed along your jaw and down your neck before pulling back and gauging your reaction.

"I say we take one more straw and then test that theory." you whispered back, a smirk toying at the corner of your lips. Malachai smiled taking the other straw out of his pocket doing the same as he did before. Dumping half into your mouth before taking the rest himself before tossing the now empty tube on the floor and attacking your mouth with his, making you fall backwards on the bed. You rushed to climb further up the bed, Malachai climbing on top of you. You made out and let your hands roam each other's bodies, teasing slightly until you felt the drug kick in.

Moments later, you could feel it. You felt like the two of you were floating on a cloud, each kiss burning your skin like you've never felt before. You ripped each others clothes off in a desperate haste to feel each other.

The next morning you woke up groggy and with a pounding headache. You looked next to you remembering that Malachai had brought you upstairs. Flashes of the amazing sex the two of you had last night went through your brain. Looking down at the naked man next to you, those flashes were proven right. You groaned quietly, getting up from the bed and grabbing your clothes to slip back on. You thought you'd be able to sneak out before Malachai woke up, but you thought wrong.

"Leaving so soon?" he rasped as he rolled onto his back, leaning on his elbows so he could see you.

"Gotta get home at some point before my dad comes looking for me." you joked standing at the end of the bed. He motioned for you to come to him so you walked to where he lay and sat next to him. He reached for your face pulling your down to kiss him. You scooted closer, putting your hand on his chest kissing him back.

"Put your number in my phone." he mumbled against your lips. You nodded grabbing his phone off the side table handing it to him to unlock and putting your number in when he handed it back. You stood up from the bed, grabbing your shoes from the floor and put them on and slipped out of the room.

Months had past and you've been on your best behavior. Your dad had caught onto your partying antics and you didn't want him to find out about Malachai, who you had been seeing ever since that night at the party. So you decided to not go to a party for a while and to stay sober until you were back on your dad's good side.

You currently sat at Pop's with Betty, Jughead, Veronica, Archie and Reggie. All of you were stressed about the SAT's so you decided to meet at Pop's for milkshakes after school to cool off for a few before studying some more. Pop had brought out the milkshakes and the second he sat yours in front of you, you felt sick to your stomach.

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