you got some explaining to do // malachai

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"y/n, i need you to go Pop's. Reggie's there but the Serpents are on a manhunt and they want blood." Archie rushed into the phone.

"What the hell is even going on?" you exclaimed in pure confusion. You haven't left your house all day so you were clueless to the events that had taken place. Your phone has been blowing up since school ended, your friends asking where you were and if you were okay, completely leaving you confused.

"I don't have time to explain just please, go make sure Reggie is okay and keep him at Pop's." with that, Archie hung up the phone leaving you still confused more than you were before.

You rushed out to your car, making a beeline for Pop's. The town looking like complete chaos as if the government just issued a purge. Finally reaching Pop's, you spotted Reggie's car tucked behind the dumpster in an attempt to hide it. When you walked inside, you immediately found his slumped in a booth, panic written across his face as he stared out the window.

"Reggie? What the hell is going on?" you asked rushing over to him. He stood up, pulling you into a hug. One he needed as a form of comfort so he could calm his nerves a bit.

"It's a mess, y/n. I messed up and i'm gonna die because of it. I didn't even do it, but they're after me."

"Do what, Reggie? I don't know anything."

"Shoot Fangs. I didn't do it. Veronica said it was Midge's mom, but the Serpents don't know that and they're after me."

"Oh my god. This is a mess. Look i'm supposed to keep you here, so let's try and calm down. You look like you're about to pass out." you made his sit back down in the booth before turning and asking Pop's for some water and fries.

"How am i supposed to calm down? I went there with the intention of shooting Fangs because Mr. Lodge put me up to it, but i couldn't. Sweet Pea saw me with a gun right after Fangs fell to the ground, bleeding like crazy and now they all think it's me and i know damn well they won't stop until i'm dead." Reggie was shaking. His nerves were going crazy and you could tell he was genuinely scared. You slid out from your side of the booth, getting in beside him and taking his hand in yours.

"Archie's taking care of it. He told me he called Jughead and he's gonna tell the Serpents to back off and when they cool down a bit, he'll tell them you had nothing to do with it. Okay? You just need to stay calm." Archie, Moose and Kevin walked in right as you finished. All three of them slipping into the booth you and Reggie occupied. Reggie had finally calmed down after drinking some water and eating a few fries and then explained his story in full to everyone at the table.

"Hiram Lodge is a piece of shit. Thank god Veronica has her head on straight." you sighed.

The calm air around you guys didn't last much longer. You heard yells and glass breaking outside, along with the roar of engines.

'Oh god, they're coming for me." Reggie whined. His fear coming right back making him shift in his seat. Archie pulled out his phone calling Jughead asking him where him and the Serpents were.

'Well if you're all there then who the hell is at Pop's?" he ask giving everyone a confused and slightly scared look. You leaned over Reggie taking a peek out the blinds that covered the window. You could only make out silhouettes of people - the lights shining into the windows being too much to let you see anything else. Suddenly windows were being busted in with whatever object they threw at it.

"The Ghoulie's are back." Archie said into the phone before hanging up and telling everyone to stay down and keep away from the windows. Moose and Archie pushed the jukebox in front of the door after locking it, making sure that no one could get in. Reggie pushed you down behind the counter to keep you from getting cut by any of the glass that flew as they began breaking more of the windows.

"What do they want?" Reggie asked.

"Um, well it was Archie who got them arrested so i'm sure trashing the Northside all while taking out a few of you guys is probably their plan."

You looked over to find Archie crouched down behind the counter with Pop, whispering about something before he disappeared to the basement. He returned moments later with a few bottles of liquor and some rags, making his way to the roof. You moved from behind the counter, ignoring Reggie's pleas for you to stay put. You moved to one of the busted windows, peeking outside to find Malachai swinging his bat around mockingly in front of him while looking up at what you assumed was Archie.

"Get out of here." Archie yelled tossing one of the bottles down. He had put the rag half into the bottle, lighting the end of it so that when the bottle broke on the blacktop, a fire would spread.

"You see, i can't do that." Malachai yelled back.

"And why's that? The Serpents aren't here."

"Oh that's not who i'm here for." Malachai smirked up at Archie, his tongue wetting the corner of his mouth, "You have something of mine and i think it's about time you gave it back."

You didn't have to see Archie to know that his face held a confused yet curious look. Wondering what the hell they could possibly have that Malachai wanted back.

You stood on one of the tables, climbing through the window carefully so you wouldn't cut yourself. You jumped down, plating your feet firmly on the blacktop before jogging over to Malachai. He opened his arms wide, dropping his bat to the ground. You wrapped your arms around his neck, attaching your lips to his in a hungry kiss.

"Damn, i missed you." he whispered when you pulled away.

"Maybe try not to get arrested next time." you quipped. He took your hand in his, leaning down to grab his bat off the ground before leading you over to one of the cars that were waiting. You looked back long enough to catch the glimpse of pure betrayal on everyone's faces before turning around and getting into the car.

"I'm gonna have a lot of explaining to do later." you laughed as Malachai slid in next to you. His threw his arm over your shoulder, pulling you closer to his side.

"Yeah, but for now we got three months to make up for." he nuzzled his face into you neck, placing an opened mouth kiss right on the spot he knew you loved the most letting you know you what to expect when you got to the House of Dead.

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