strip tease // sp

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Stumbling into Sweet Pea's trailer trying your best to keep the giant standing and not face planting into the ground. Being slightly buzzed yourself wasn't helping.

"I am not drunk, you are." Sweet Pea slurred tapping his finger against your nose.

"No you are definitely the drunk one, Sweets. But i'll let you believe that." You let him fall onto the couch making sure that he was turned on his side and placing a bucket by his head in case he threw up, "i'm going to go change real quick, i'll be right back." you bent down and brushed his hair from his forehead and placing a kiss there. Before you even made it to the bedroom, Sweet Pea was yelling making you turn and rush back into the living room.

"What's wrong, Sweets?" You crouched down beside him pushing his hair out of his face, "I want to go to bed. This couch isn't comfy." He complained.

"I've been telling you this since we started dating four years ago, but come on. I'll take you to bed." You helped him stand, it was basically a workout because it was like lifting dead weight. Sweet Pea being of no help. Once you got him standing your tossed his arm over your shoulder and wrapped your other arm around his waist and started walking him to the room.

He flopped down on the bed, laying on his back and watching you as you searched through the dresser drawers for clothes for you and him to change into. Tossing his on the bed, you changed into your quickly not realizing Sweet Pea was watching you the whole time, cooking up an idea that would only happen because he was drunk.

"Alright, sit up so i can help you change out of these jeans so you can sleep." You said reaching for his hands from the end of the bed.

"No!" he grumbled pulling your hands so you fell on the bed, " you gave me a strip tease, now it's my turn to strip for you." His words were still slurring together but he managed to get out of bed without any help. He grabbed his phone out of his jacket pocket and played bump and grind by R.Kelly and sat it on the bedside table. You immediately started laughing, "You're drunk, Sweet Pea. You should really just come to bed."

"Nope. i got a show, you get a show." He said slowly taking his arms out of his jacket. Once he got it off he teasingly threw it at you making you laugh even more. He grabbed the back of his shirt and pulled it over his head letting it fall to the ground before body rolling to the beat of the song. He started singing along as he unbuckled his belt and pulling it out of the belt loops, dropping it to the ground and unbuttoning his jeans. You laughed harder as he almost fell over trying to push them down his legs. Once he got them off, he flopped down next to you, "Okay, i'm done. That was exhausting. I could never be a stripper." he turned the music off on his phone and nuzzled his face into the pillow. Shortly after, little snores came out letting you know he was past out for the night.


In the morning you stood at the stove making Sweet Pea his favorite for when he's hungover. You felt his arms wrap around your waist and his front press firmly against your back, kissing your neck softly.

"Morning, baby." He whispered, sleep evident in his voice.

"Good morning." you replied, scooping the eggs onto a plate for him.

"I hope i wasn't much of a nuisance last night. If i was, i'm sorry." He apologized knowing how he could get when drunk.

"No, you were actually pretty entertaining. Gave me a show and everything." You chuckled remembering last night's events.

"What do you mean?" he asked taking a bite of a slice of bacon he stole.

"You thought i was giving you a little strip tease while i changed last night so you, in return, gave me one." you couldn't stop your laughter as you told him what song he danced too, "You even went as far as playing a song. You got some moves, babe." you winked teasingly at him. Sweet Pea groaned and put his face in his hands, "Drunk me shouldn't be allowed to make decisions." making you laugh harder and Sweet Pea to throw a biscuit at your head to get you to stop. 

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