you came for me? // rm

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Reggie had gotten word from you little sister who called him after the "mean men in all white" - as she described - came and stole you away. She said her mom was talking about how the sisters were going to take care of you. She was upset because she thought you were her only sister and she didn't want you to go away. Your sister was only 5, she really didn't know what was going on, but you always called Reggie when you were upset so you sister thought immediately that it was the best idea.

"Don't worry, sweetheart. I'll get your sister back, okay? But you have to promise me something." he said into the phone.

"What?" she sniffled back.

"Promise me you won't tell mommy or daddy you called me."

"I promise, Reggie." she whispered.

"Okay, now hang up the phone and wipe those tears. Everything is going to be okay."

You and your parents had a very shitty relationship. They didn't agree with half the things you did and seeing as they were working close with Hiram and Hermione Lodge, which you despised, any chance to get you out of the way they would take. Hiram had mentioned one day that he ran the Sisters of Quiet Mercy and that it would be the perfect place to send you to make sure you didn't get in the way of any plans they had. If it weren't for the fact that Veronica was a Lodge, she'd already be there. The next day, you were being dragged out of your bed aggressively and taken to that god forsaken place. Where they beat and verbally abused you until they broke you. It only took a day and you lost your mind completely.

Reggie got the group together trying to figure out the best way to get you the hell out of there. Betty mentioned that the old tunnels had been cemented shut after they used it to break Cheryl out, so that way was out of the question. They were starting to lose hope. No one in the town of Riverdale was going to help. They were either to afraid or what would happen if they did or they were already wrapped around Hiram's finger.

Reggie snapped his fingers together, digging out his phone looking up the number to Greendale's police station.

"What is it, Reg?" Archie asked.

"Her uncle works for Greendale PD. He can get her the hell out of there. He's her godfather." he explained clicking the number on the screen and placing the speaker to his ear as it rang.

"I need to get her out. I promised her that as long as i was around, nothing would ever happen to her. And lord knows what they're doing to her in there. I can't, i won't let them hurt her." Reggie said on the verge of hysterics.

"Reggie, give me the phone. I'll talk to her uncle. You need to calm down, okay. We're going to get her out."

You sat on the bed that you were almost positive was made out of bricks, tears streaming down your face as you faced the wall trying to tune out the maniacal voice that spewed venom as she spoke.

"You think that little boyfriend of yours is going to come save you? Ha, he doesn't love you. I bet he's shacked up in bed with your best friend by now wondering why it took him so long to get rid of you." you sobbed as she yelled such hurtful things at you, "Get up!" she yelled smacking your leg with the wooden stick she always carried with her. You let out a yelp as that familiar sting ran through your leg. You sat up and walked out of the room, following the rest of the girls to the laundry room where you'd spend the rest of the day folding and refolding linen until the sisters got tired of watching you do it.

By the third day, you felt so emotionless. The sisters drained you of every bit you had in your and you just felt like a void. You didn't cry anymore, you walked around with a dead look on your face and you never flinched when one of them went to hit you with those damned sticks. You became numb to it all. That is until the fourth day when you heard yelling coming from the hallway.

"Where the hell is she?" you heard a familiar voice say. Suddenly the door to your room flew opened and your uncle and Reggie busted through.

"Oh honey, what have they done." you uncle said reaching out to you. You flinched away and a flash of hurt ran across his face, but as a cop, he knew you'd be traumatized.

"Baby, we came for you. I came for you. We're getting you out of here." Reggie said walking towards you.

"Don't touch me." you said flinching away from him.

"y/n?" he said, hurt evident in his eyes.

"You don't love me. You slept with my best friend. Don't touch me." you said like it was a mantra that you repeated everyday. Little did Reggie know it was what had been repeated to you every second of the three days you were here.

"I do love you and i'd never do that to you, you know that. You're the only thing i want in this life and i couldn't bare the thought of every hurting you like that." Reggie explained as he carefully moved to sit next to you on the bed.

"Y/n, the sisters made those things up to break you. The sisters of evil human beings and i promise you, nothing they've ever told you is true." your uncle said trying his best to help the situation.

"Baby, look at me." Reggie said. His voice broke as he spoke, his heart breaking when he noticed you wouldn't even so much as look in his direction, "baby, please. Look at me." he begged. You slowly moved your eyes from the spot you were staring at on your sheets to the broken face of your boyfriend.

"I love you with my entire being, okay. There's nothing anyone can do or say that's going to change that. When your sister called me crying the day you were taken, i immediately got the group together to come up with a way to get you the hell out of here. I called your uncle to see what he could do, even though i knew this was out of his jurisdiction. I love you so fucking much, y/n. You have to believe me." a tear slid down his face as he begged for you to believe the words he spoke to you. You timidly moved your hand up to his face, letting your thumb brush the tear away.

"You came for me?" you whispered.

"I did, baby. I did. We're getting you out of here." he said.

"Take me home." you said allowing him to take your hand in his.

Reggie knew that it was going to take a lot more than that little speech to get you back to yourself. But he was more than willing to put in as much work to put the broken pieces back together again. Your uncle moved all of your stuff out of your parents house, and they were going to court over a custody battle for your little sister. You stayed with Reggie - his parent more than willing to let you into their home. Your uncle set you up with a therapist so they could assess how bad the damage actually was, but they said a little tender love and care would do the trick. You weren't broken, just damaged a bit and all you needed was to rebuild that trust that was broken by your parents and their malicious decision.

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