only you // rm

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Reggie had canceled every one of the plans you've made this past week. To make matters worse, it was all for Veronica Lodge. You never really cared for her seeing as she's done nothing but cause trouble in the friend group since she moved to Riverdale. You were the only one to not act like she paved the ground everyone walked on. Your insecurities were starting to take over. You were beginning to think he was cheating on you, and it doesn't help that he's canceled everyday consecutively - not once every couple of weeks - no every day, he called with an excuse. And now he's not answering your phone calls.

You pulled your car up to the Penbrooke. His location on his phone said he was here - and no you weren't crazy, you and Reggie share your location with each other in case anything happens and in this town, anything could happen. Right as you were about to get out of your car you spotter Reggie looking snazzy in his dress pants and suit vest while Veronica was wearing a very pretty dress and a blonde wig. You watched as he helped her into the car and walk around to the driver side.

"Unbelievable." you scoffed. Your heart was broken. You were angry, hurt, sad, all of the emotions. You pulled your phone out and immediately called Betty asking if you could meet her somewhere.

"Wanna get some Pop's?" she asked.

"No, absolutely not. Anywhere but Pop's." you said. You felt your eyes starting to burn with tears.

"Okay, meet me at the Serpent hangout then. Okay? If you get there before me, Toni and Cheryl will be there." she said. You agreed and hung up, heading to the hangout.

"Oh no, y/n. What happened?" Betty asked as she saw you get out of your car crying.

"I think Reggie is cheating on me. I just saw him at the Penbrook picking up Veronica and they both were dressed to the 9s. He's canceled every single date, study session, any hangouts all of them. Everyday for the last two weeks. I'm frustrated and hurt and angry and all i wanted was to hang out with my stupid boyfriend but that stupid bitch has been taking him from me and i don't know what to do." you sobbed. She pulled you in for a hug letting you sob into her shirt.

"Hey, why don't we take your mind off of everything until you can talk to Reggie, yeah?" she offered after you had calmed down a bit, "i could use some help investigating. It's been a while since you and i did a little Nancy Drew detective work." she said wiping your cheeks.

"Yeah, anything to get my mind off of whatever Reggie and Veronica are doing."

"Let's go to Dilton's bunker. We can start looking for clues there. Maybe a fresh pair of eyes will find something i've missed." the two of you started walking through the woods to Dilton's bunker, chit-chatting on the way. Betty was trying her best to keep your mind off of Reggie.

When you got to the bunker you climbed down the ladder behind Betty but stopped in your tracks when you caught Sweet Pea, Fangs, Toni, Cheryl and Jughead in the middle of a quest.

"Jug?" Betty said.

"Uh oh." you said. This was going to be an interesting conversation. The door to the bunker opened and someone fell down the hole making you jump into Betty.

"What the hell is going on?" you said looking down at who had just fallen down into the bunker, "Archie?" you said crouching down to help him over to the bed.

"y/n?" Reggie and Veronica said at the same time, confused as to why you were there. You ignored both of them waiting for someone to explain what the hell was going on. After everything calmed down and you found out that they broke Archie out of Juvie you gathered your things to leave.

"Where are you going?" Reggie asked.

"Well i really don't want to be around either of you two right now and i definitely do not need to be mixed in with the illegal shit you just pulled. You do realized every single one of you will go to juvie too and more time will be added to Archie's sentence. You're all fucking dumb." you said looking around at everyone in the bunker, "now get out of my way, Reggie. I want to go home."

"Wow, why are you being so hostile? What's wrong?" he asked. You really didn't want to have this conversation in front of everyone but it looks like it was happening that way.

"What's wrong? Why am i being hostile? Oh i don't know, maybe it's because my boyfriend has canceled everything to do whatever little miss priss wants him too. He won't answer any of my phone calls and then i find him dressed all fucking fancy taking another girl god knows where. I'm upset, Reggie. You know i don't care for her and yet here you are, canceling everything to be with her. How do you think that looks?" you ranted. Everyone was standing around awkwardly. Veronica opened her mouth to talk but you cut her off, "do not say a word, Veronica. I'm about two seconds away from punching you in the face so your best bet would be to just sit there and be fucking quiet."

"Wow, don't talk to her like that." Reggie defended.

"Ooo big mistake, Mantle." Sweet Pea whispered from behind you.

"Are you kidding me?" you said. A look of pure shock on your face.

"No, i'm not kidding. You got to rant now listen so i can explain everything because you are so wrong."

"I'm wrong?" he nodded, "so you haven't canceled every plan we've made for Veronica?"

"Well yeah, but it's not like that, baby." he said.

"Then tell me how it's like, Reggie." you crossed your arms over your chest.

"I've been helping her set up the speakeasy, she was making the big reveal next week. And today, i helped get my best friend out of that hell house he was in. They were doing a lot of illegal shit, making Archie participate in some underground fight club. It was insane."

"Why the hell couldn't you just tell me that, Reggie? I'm your girlfriend, i could've helped. I may not like Veronica but i know she's your friend. You lying to me and canceling all the time is sketchy. Do you not realize that?" you sighed.

"I do, but you gotta believe me when i say i would never go for Veronica. I only want you."

"Hey, full offence taken."

"Not the time, Lodge." you rolled your eyes.

"Are we good?" he asked stepping closer to you placing a hand on your upper arm.

"No, i'm still mad at you. But if you leave with me now i'll be slightly less mad."

"Alright, let's go. We'll get some take out and go to yours and we can do whatever you want." he turned around and started heading for the ladder.

"Before you leave, we all need to make a pact. You too, y/n. You're here, you're apart of this whether you want to be or not." Veronica spoke, "no one else is to know about this bunker besides the people in this room. We have to keep Archie here until we can figure out a way to prove his innocence."

"Sure i won't say anything, but i'm not getting myself into this deeper than i already am." you agreed. Reggie agreed as well and both of you left, walking hand and hand through the woods.

"You know i'd never do anything like that to hurt you, right? I care about you way too much to fuck it up. Period. I can't lose you. I'd probably go mad without you."

"It sure didn't seem that way. And i may have let my insecurities get in the way. I overthought everything way too much, especially today." Reggie stopped walking, tugging on your hand to pull you into him.

"I love you, you know that right?" he whispered pushing some of your hair behind your ear.

"Yeah. I love you too, Reg." he kissed your lips, your nose and then your forehead before pulling you into a comforting hug.

"Now let's go get some food because i'm starving and then it's do whatever y/n wants to do for the rest of the day." he smiled down at you, grabbing your hand and leading you to his car. 

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