protector // sp

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You and Sweet Pea have been together for as long as you could remember. Best friends since birth, together since middle school. The two of you were inseparable. So when Sweet Pea found out about Reggie and his goons calling you Serpent Slut and spreading rumors about how the Serpent's use you for their own pleasure, he lost his mind. He's never been so angry in his life. His whole body was shaking with anger, ready to punch the first bulldog he came across. Lucky for him, that bulldog was none other than Reggie himself.

"Mantle." He growled walking up to him in the parking lot of the school. You and the other Serpents following close behind.

"Oh hey, Sweet Pea," he smirked looking over Pea's shoulder at you, "Y/n. You know, if you and your buddies ever get tired of passing her around, the bulldogs will happily take their turn." he said sending you a wink. You visibly gagged and Toni grabbed your hand, ready to pull you away if anything got out of hand.

"I'm going to kill you." Sweet Pea snarled. Within a second Reggie was on the ground with Sweet Pea continuously pounding his fists into his face. The other bulldogs tried to jump in and pull Pea away but the Serpents prevented that from happening. Reggie deserved every second of it.

"Alright, Sweet Pea. That's enough." Toni yelled grabbing his arm as he drew it back for one more hit, "Take her home, Pea." Toni said softly.

Sweet Pea's entire demeanor changed as his gaze met yours. You stood off to the side wearing one of his flannels, the sleeves covering your hands. You looked so innocent and he couldn't imagine why someone would want to hurt you in any way. He stood up giving Reggie one last kick to the stomach before walking over to you. He said nothing as he grabbed your hand in his bruised and bloody one. He walked you to your car, opening the passenger door for you, making sure you were in before closing the door and walking over to the driver side.

When Sweet Pea got in, you reached for your bag and pulled out the small first aid kit you always keep with you, not knowing when you were going to have to clean your boyfriend wounds. You grabbed a wet wipe out first, taking his right hand off the gear shift and bringing it into your lap, carefully wiping the blood away. After it was clean you put a little bit of neosporin on the cuts before letting him switch hands on the steering wheel, handing you his left hand to do the same.

"This could've waited until we got to yours, y'know." he spoke.

"I don't know if anyone is home and i'd rather not explain to my parents why my boyfriend has blood on his hands." you answer simply. You parent's loved Sweet Pea and they knew about him being a Serpent and as long as he always treated you the way you should be treated, they didn't mind. You just didn't want to have to tell them about what was being said about you, knowing how they would react. You put the last bit of neosporin on his knuckles before letting him move it back to the wheel. His right hand came over to rest on your thigh as he continued to drive towards your house.

When he pulled into your driveway, he shut off the car. When you moved to get out of the car ha stopped you by grabbing your hand. You turned to look at him, your confused expression softening when you saw his face. The look of hurt and sadness replaced his once scowling one, his eyes glistening with what you thought were tears.

"You know i don't see you like that right? You know what Reggie said isn't true. You're not just some slut, y/n. I care about you a lot." he said, his voice wavering a little. You sat sideways in your seat reaching over and cupping his face in your hands.

"Oh, Sweets. I know, baby. I know, okay. Don't beat yourself up over it. I never believed a word Reggie said, okay? I know you and i know you would never." You let your thumbs brush over his cheeks, his head leaned into you hands as he closed his eyes, trying his best to calm his nerves. You leaned over and kissing his lips softly.

"Can we go inside and lay in your bed for a while? I just want to hold you." he asked. You kissed him one more time before nodding. Both of you got out of the car, walking hand-in-hand into your house. You lead Sweet Pea to your room, throwing your stuff on the floor before climbing into your bed. Sweet Pea shrugged his jacket off, laying over the back of your desk chair, climbing in next to you. He laid on his side, pulling you into his chest, holding you there tightly.

"I'm so sorry they were saying those things about you. You're not a slut, okay. None of the other Serpents would dare treat you like shit the way Reggie and those mutts said. You're the best thing that has ever happened to me and if he says anything ever again, you let me know." he kissed your forehead.

"I love you, Sweets." you mumbled.

"I love you too, y/n. More than you know." he captured your lips in a kiss before pulling you back into his chest. You laid there for a while just talking, eventually you both fell asleep, taking a much needed nap.

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