quiet girl // sp - pt.2

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"Oh, i'll show her a good time alright." Sweet Pea said, letting his eyes scan your body, a smirk growing on his mouth making you recoil into yourself, going back to being the shy girl you were moments ago.

"You should come to the Wyrm friday night. Hang out with everyone. Jughead and Betty will be there." Toni said pointing her thumb towards Jug.

"It's not really, y/n's scene. She's a homebody." Jughead said.

"I'll be there, but someone's going to have to pick me up. I'm not walking on the southside at night." you spoke up, ignoring Jughead's comment.

"I'll pick you up, princess. Give me your phone." Sweet Pea said stepping closer to you holding his hand out. You stared at him with wide eyes for a second before he raised one eyebrow at your stillness. You quickly got your phone out of your bag and handed it to him.

"Password?" he asked holding it out to you so you could unlock it.

"Oh right, sorry." you put your thumb on the home button to unlock it and Sweet Pea tapped around on your screen for a second before he handed it back.

"Text me your address and i'll get you. Dress appropriately. Unfortunately that outfit won't work for a night at the Wyrm." He said scanning your body before catching your eye again and shooting you a wink before him and the rest of the Serpents turned to walk down the hallway.

"Um, okay. What was that? You just busted out of your shell. Something you haven't done since i met you." Veronica grabbed your elbow and turned your body towards her's looking at you quizzically.

"I don't know what that was or where it came from, but i might need to borrow something from your closet for friday." you said.

"Oh for sure! I'm giving you a whole makeover. I'll come straight to yours after school on friday." she smiled excitedly at you.


Friday came fast and you were in your last class of the day, tapping your pencil nervously on your desk as your teacher lectured on about the shakespeare play you guys were analyzing in class that week, but your mind was elsewhere. Thinking of all the scenarios for what could possibly happen tonight at the Wyrm and Sweet Pea. Every time you caught his eye in the hallway, he'd send you a wink or smirk at you. You were wondering why you had suddenly caught his interest. Someone like him couldn't possibly think of you in any other way than the shy girl that doesn't say much. Veronica has been talking about what she wanted to do to your hair and how she was going to do your makeup for tonight, showing you reference pictures from pinterest that she plans on using as inspiration. You told her, no begged her, not to do anything crazy. You still wanted to feel like yourself, but wanted a confidence boost.

The bell rang and you gathered your stuff, shoving it in your bag and walking into the hallway. Heading towards the lounge to meet Veronica, you bumped into someone.

"Sorry!" you apologized looking up at the person you ran into.

"Not a problem. Don't forget to text me your address, princess." he said as he moved past you. You turned to look at him as he walked backwards, sending you a smirk before turning around and walking down the hallway. You shook your head and walked into the lounge.

"Hey, V. You ready?" you asked, walking over to where she sat on the couch, next to Archie.

"More than ready. Let's get this makeover started." she jumped off the couch and grabbed your hand, dragging you out of the lounge and down the hallway towards the parking lot where Andre was waiting for us with the car.


As Veronica was focusing on making sure your winged eyeliner was perfect, she asked you about Sweet Pea.

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