curvy // sp pt-2 **

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The movie had ended and you were taking the disc out of the dvd player to put back in its case and on the shelf.

"You ready for Chamber of Secrets?" you asked, your back facing Sweet Pea. You received no reply so you turned around to see if he was even paying attention to you, only to jump back in surprise when you found Sweet Pea standing right behind you.

"You scared me, you ass." you said clutching your chest.

"Sorry, but i have something else in mind." His voice was low and gruff and you stood shocked as his hands gripped your waist, running up under your cropped hoodie before going back down to your hips. His head buried itself in the crook of your neck, leaving chaste kisses leading up to your jaw before ghosting over your cheek and finally brushing against your own.

"Are you only doing this so you don't have to watch Harry Potter? Because if that's the case you can just leave." you said feeling yourself getting kind of angry pushing against his chest making him take a step back.

"No, i wouldn't have suggested a marathon if i wasn't fully intrigued to watch them with you. But i'm also intrigued as to why you hide behind baggy clothes when your body looks like that." he said.

"That's exactly why i wear baggy clothes. Because my body looks like this." you said as if it were the most obvious thing and motioning towards your body.

Sweet pea's pov.

"You're joking right?" i said, my eyes widening as she crossed her arms over her stomach to stop my eyes from scanning over her body for the hundredth time today.

"No, i'm not joking, Sweet Pea." she mumbled not meeting my eyes, but looking down at the carpet as her foot ran across it, back and forth. I took the opportunity to walk up to her and grab her wrists, gently prying them away from her stomach. I bent down so i was kneeling in front of her, letting go of her wrists and placing my hands on her hips, moving the hem of her hoodie out of the way so i could leave kisses across her stomach.

"There's nothing you should be insecure about, you're beautiful and i can honestly say that this outfit is driving me insane." i mumbled against her skin. My fingers dipped into the waistband of her spandex shorts, pulling them down a little to expose her hip where i left my mark before kissing a line across to her other hip. I heard her let out a sigh above me, her fingers burying themselves in my hair. A smile pulled at my lips as i continued to leave kisses across her stomach before i stood back up. Her hands were still in my hair, only this time at the base of my neck while mine stayed on her hips, tugging her closer to me.

"So are you gonna let me worship that body or not?" i whispered in her ear nipping at her lobe gently. She said nothing, but tugged my face to hers and kissed me with so much need. I didn't hesitate to pick her up, letting her wrap her legs around my waist.

"Bedroom or couch, love?" i asked pulling away from the kiss for a brief second.

"Couch. The bedroom is too far." she mumbled slapping her lips against mine again. I laid her on her back on the couch crawling between her legs, my hands roaming her body. After making out for a bit i pulled away tugging the hem of her hoodie up so she'd take it off. She gave me a hesitant look before slowly taking it off and tossing it to the ground. Her arms immediately moving to cover her stomach making my eyebrows knit together.

"Don't do that. Don't hide from me, there's no need. You're gorgeous." i mumbled, grabbing her wrists again to move her arms up, pinning them over her head with one hand while i used the other to drag my fingertips from her neck, down her chest, over her stomach and stopping when they hit the waistband of her shorts. I leaned down to kiss her again, letting my fingers slip underneath her shorts and underwear, teasing her folds making her gasp into my mouth. I slipped my tongue into her mouth allowing it to dance with hers as i rubbed small gentle circles over her clit making her hips buck and small sighs to leave her mouth.

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